Monthly Archives: December 2014


I wasn’t planning on doing a year in review post because it was recently my blogiversary, but after seeing so many I thought I should. I think reviewing the year helps bring out the positives!

Although fair warning, I am typing this with one hand because cat.


In 2014 I:

Started teaching weight lifting to the Stanford quidditch team.

Went to Tahoe and had a beautiful frozen run.


Started “The Project” and learned how great I felt cutting out processed foods.


Won a 5k.


Participated in the Crossfit Open.

Went to Monterey with my family.


FINALLY went self hosted and gave my blog a facelift.

Found out decisively that I’m allergic to nuts and need to cut them out entirely.

Ran the hilliest half ever (Rock n Roll SF)


Reflected on how I’m calming down in my old age.

Celebrated my Birthday.


Ran Bay-to-Breakers for the first time!



I started #365daysofselfies

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I moved to DC for an internship for the summer.


I saw my cousins for the first time in YEARS.


I ran the Giant Race half marathon.

I did my first Crossfit competition.

The Giants won the world series! And I went to the parade.


I had a Halloween party with dry ice.


I taught my first real spin class.

I celebrated Christmas with the family.

I figured out what I want to do with my life. This is a big one, and something I’ve been stressing about for a while. I promise you guys a post on this soon because it’s likely going to affect my blogging a bit!

Overall, 2014 was a pretty great year. For some reason I had a negative impression, but really, it was solid. 2013 was a mess-between killing myself with rowing and schoolwork, mono, and the hardest quarter of my life in the fall, I really can’t complain about 2014!

Have a fantastic New Year and stay safe!


Working the Calves

How’s that for a title?

I haven’t blogged about anything since Christmas, and here we are, almost at New Year’s Eve!

I’m going to be super lame and do a basic food+fitness post for the period after Christmas!

I guess I might as well link up to WIAW?


Since we had Christmas dinner (lunch) out, we didn’t have any Christmas leftovers. I mean, besides all the desserts!


The day after Christmas, my family went up to a big mall in SF and I had a Chinese Chicken salad from the food court. Nothing like a giant plate of veggies post-Christmas!


On Sunday post-workout, my family stopped at Whole Foods on the way home to get lunch at the hot bar! I got some rice with Chicken Masala, with a side of salad-y things and some little rice filled balls (that I couldn’t really tell you what they are).


Homemade key lime pie with FRESH key limes. My sister made this for my mom as her Christmas present, and it was amazing! She squeezed about 30 key limes herself to make this!


Black bean soup topped with cheese and avocado.


Banana “ice cream” AKA frozen bananas in the blender. It really is amazing how creamy bananas can get! Topped with chocolate sauce.


More black bean soup, but this time with cornbread.


Leftover blueberry cheesecake. YUM.


Citrus glazed carrots, garlic sautéed spinach, and BBQ chicken.


Chipotle chicken salad! Fun fact-I think this was only the 3rd time I’ve been there? But that is some quality guac.

And now to workouts.

Saturday, I went to Crossfit. The WOD was essentially Cindy with some jump ropes mixed in. (Cindy is various rounds of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, and 15 squats). Sunday, my calves were pretty sore!

Sunday morning, I went for a 6 mile run by the bay. It was SO beautiful out…but freezing!


It was a solid run-nothing crazy! Just working on finishing my audiobook.

Monday morning I went to the track to do a stadium stair workout. It’s one I used to do as part of agility training for softball. After warming up, I completed three sets of the following:


hop up on one foot (one stair at a time)

hop up on other foot

hop up with both feet (like squat jumps-skipping a stair with each jump)

2 sprints up the stairs

25 scissor abs

Things I learned: my left calf? Incredibly weak. Like, super super. It was shaking after one set. My left side is significantly weaker than the right. My leg plantar fascia is also my bad side. I think the lack of strength may be contributing to the pain. The next day, my calves were really sore, but my foot felt perfect. I ran 4 miles of hills and my foot felt really good. So I guess that means I need to do some more jumping work!

Speaking of my run, I used my new Garmin for the first time!


My old one is….old. This has so many features! Like showing my mile splits. Plus it’s so lightweight!

The other noteworthy exercise?

I went for a walk/yoga with one of my friends by the bay. It was WINDY.

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The cool thing is you can see this hill from the track I was at that morning!


I enjoyed my first yoga session in about 5 months and it was in about 30 mph wind!


And when the sun set…my lips turned blue. Cute.


What are you eating post-holidays?

Christmas Eve+Christmas

I hope everyone has had a great holiday season so far! It’s been a looong time since I’ve gotten a post up, but I’ve been busy enjoying the holidays with family!

I’m currently blogging with my kitty snuggled in at my side. My mother likes to keep the house FREEZING so we’re both cold! So, let’s get to the holiday recap, shall we?

Christmas Eve morning started with a workout. I got up at 5am to go to a spin class….only to find that the gym didn’t open until 7 (the class was supposed to be at 5:45am)…despite the fact that the class appeared on the schedule! I ended up going to Starbucks for coffee and hanging out there for an hour or so.


I ended up getting a killer workout in-treadmill intervals, single leg RDLs, and abs! I left feeling great and ready for the holiday to get started! Blasting Spanish Christmas music during the workout helped too 🙂

My family got all dressed up and headed to Benihana, a Japanese steakhouse. I wore my seasonably appropriate Christmas sweater.

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We started with a ginger salad and mushroom onion soup.

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But we all know the best part is the fried rice!

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I don’t know why I’ve never tried to make fried rice myself-it doesn’t seem that hard!

For my main course, I kept it on the lighter side by ordering steamed veggies (which came with a small tofu appetizer). I failed to take pictures, but it included all  kinds of goodies like mushrooms and butternut squash.

We had several other ideas for things to do with the rest of the day, but we ended up just lounging around. Later in the evening, we watched my favorite Christmas movie-The Year Without a Santa Claus!

And then it was time to hang the stockings and put out the cookies and carrots (for reindeer!).

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Not a bad looking tree this year! Fun fact-all our ornaments are unbreakable because my kitties like to chase each other around the tree.


Christmas morning we awoke and opened stockings and pet presents.


Billy enjoyed his new reindeer! It came in a little chimney with another reindeer and Santa!

Then, it was time to dig into breakfast! We got a TON of food gifts this year, and especially breakfast foods!

My dad make scrambled eggs (not pictured) and I dug into blueberry coffeecake and a blueberry English muffin (other half didn’t make the picture).


Then, my parents and I opened presents. Which, of course our kitties loved.





After getting prettied up, we were off for Christmas lunch with my grandparents.

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My grandparents live in Berkeley, so we met up at a restaurant in the marina with views of the Golden Gate bridge from afar!


The room we were seated at had an insane view!



Lunch was a full buffet with all kinds of delicious food!

Course 1:


Crab salad, Greek salad, pasta salad, and cheese with bread.

Course 2:


Traditional Christmas fare! Half a biscuit, a small piece of cornbread, turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and cranberry sauce, and candied yams.



Creme brûlée, bread pudding, and chocolate dipped pineapple and rice crispie treat. There was a chocolate fountain! I HAD to try that!

After lunch, we climbed the hill to my grandmother’s house to open presents and have dessert.

Unfortunately, we ran out of time for dessert because we had to come home and take care of my dog, but she sent us home with some beautiful cakes!


Chocolate mocha cake.


Amazing blueberry cheesecake.

Once I rallied a bit from my food coma, I dove in!


So delicious! It was a great day, spent with great people, although I had a bout a 3 day food coma! So thankful for this family!


Merry Christmas!

Just popping in to say Merry Christmas from my family to yours! I hope everyone has a fantastic day filled with food, family, and love!









Billy enjoying his new reindeer toy!

IMG_0696 IMG_0697 Kitties love wrappings, catnip, and mischief!



Giveaway Winner+Cookies+Cats

Hey guys! Sorry for not posting about the giveaway winner until now-my power was out so my wifi was down! SO without further ado-the winner of the giveaway!

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Lindsey C-please email me with your address and I’ll send it to you right away! (astottler

So-now that that is squared away, what have I been up to?

GRE studying. Yayy. And cat cuddling. That makes it just a little bit better!

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I also had my annual Christmas cookie baking session with my high school friends! Every year we get together and make and decorate sugar cookies My favorite shape is the turkey!

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Hence why there are so many turkeys. We took about 1,000 pictures. 5 cameras between the 4 of us, and we had 200 pictures from the night! Holy cow.

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And was a great reunion, and a fun tradition!

If I don’t get a chance to pop in here before Christmas-Merry Christmas!

What kind of holiday cookies do you make?

We do sugar cookies with buttercream frosting.