
Day in the Life Fall 2015

Hello! I’ve been wanting to do another day in the life post for a little while now, but I was too crazy busy to even document things. Now that midterms are over, I’ve had a little more time to breathe! Today actually ended up being a much lore key day than normal-let’s dive in!

5:45am: Wake up. My alarm isn’t for 20 minutes. I probably need more sleep but eh. Get out of bed 10 minutes later.


Start getting ready for Crossfit. Pre-Crossfit snack is Vanilla Cherry Bread from my freezer supply.


Plus gummy vitamins (of various types-I’m not overdosing!)


6:40: Leave for Crossfit which starts at 7.


It’s quite nippy out this morning. I’m not ready for those 30 degree mornings in the gym…

The workout today was a sprint workout that knocked us all out. Every 9 minutes we did the following: 150m sprint, 3 power cleans (for me-snatches for everyone else), 5 burpee box jumps, and 15 calorie row. We did this 5 times through. I finished each round between 3-3:20, so there was rest but man. The good news is that I did the heaviest cleans since my shoulder (85#) and it was no problem at all!

8:20ish-arrive back at the house. Crossfit ran a bit late today.


Pull some Halloween decorations from my car. How cute is this?


Then-breakfast. Here’s a look at the house fridge:


I grab a bite of leftover risotto because it’s delicious (several other bites occurred throughout the day) and because #carbs.


The main post-workout replenishment was fate yogurt with pumpkin butter. Perfect combo of protein+carbs.


8:45: Shower and get ready for the day.


Yes, I have pumpkin spice chapstick, and yes it’s fantastic.

9:15: Leave for my fake class. What’s that? When I dropped my Tues/Thurs 9am I decided to spend that time camped out at a coffeeshop or otherwise being productive. Usually I work on Microbio, but today was some reading for my Native American Literature class. Sidenote-this is clearly not a literary blog because #biomajor, but I want to post about this book at some point. Sometimes I’ll get decaf coffee, but I’m starting to come off my acid-reducer stomach meds and don’t think I need the acidity. Instead I bring the other half of my bottle of Kevita.


I spent 50 minutes there. And since this is DITL here’s my outfit. It’s kind of a big deal that I’m wearing jeans because I almost never do-I hate biking in them-but I was feeling them today.

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10:25-Leave for first real class of the day.

10:30-11:50 Exercise Physiology. Today is gluconeogenesis and hormones for blood glucose control (which are actually one of my favorite things in all of bio-besides cows of course).


When I come out, I see that the leaves have turned more since Tuesday!


12: Lunch back at the house. Today I have cabbage stuffed with ground chicken, a couple of potatoes, and salad with pears. Plus avocado!


12:40-1:45 Lunch is finished but I spend time talking to my friend who ended up coming for lunch. That was my main nap time but oh well.

1:45-2:45 Eat a Luna bar, finish up some reading, and take a 25 minute power nap. My naps are necessary before my next class because it’s just that time of day. Grab another bite of risotto and a few chocolate covered raisins on the way out.

3-4:20: Native American Literature Class


4:30-5 Watch part of an episode of Grey’s Anatomy (I just started season 6). I’m supposed to carve pumpkins with my dorm and a friend, but no word from her yet.


5:00: Give up on my friend and go down to carve a pumpkin. She eventually comes. I love the smell of pumpkin-officially fall!

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6:00: Dinnertime! I had vegetarian meatloaf, mashed potatoes, brussels sprouts, and glazed carrots.


Plus the insides of a key lime freezer pie, which was pretty melty.


7:00: I stayed with my friend until she finished her pumpkin, and then took one for the team to light our pumpkins in true college fashion for a picture. I stuck my phone inside the pumpkin. Worth it.


7:15: It’s been a long week, so I decide it’s finally time to watch Back to the Future II. (Because 2015-so weird!)


9:15-9:35: Start this blog post!

Then a meeting with my RA, most likely followed by some reading for my classes!

What did you do today?

Day in the Life: Summer 2015

Hello! I don’t have work today since I’m working Sunday, so I went to a 5:45am spin class this morning. I’m running on about 4.5 hours of sleep and am definitely going to take a nap soon! I wanted to do another day in the life post for while I work my summer job.

6:05am alarm goes off (with a day in the life post reminder)


Then I get ready for Crossfit and packed everything up for the day!

Then, I come downstairs to be greeted by a crazy puppy. Full disclosure-we’re having some behavioral issues right now.


Pre-Crossfit snack/breakfast: a little baking experiment-carrot oatmeal raisin granola bars!



6:45am: leave for Crossfit.


7-8am Crossfit




3 rounds- 20 double unders, 8 bent over rows, 100m farmer’s carry with 2 25# plates



pulls ups

wall balls

kettle bell swings

The original workout called for burpees instead of wall balls but my hip isn’t that great so I subbed wall balls with a shallow squat

We then finished with some ab work.

8am: Clean up and change into scrubs. I’ve never actually gone straight from Crossfit to work before so this part was new for me.


8:15am: Hang out in car, eat, browse blogs.



9am: Start work. It’s a fairly slow day at the vet today.

1-2pm: Lunch break! I don’t normally work 9-6, but it’s one of my favorite schedules because it’s pretty normal. When I start later or earlier, I eat at either 11 or 2/3!

Leftovers: BBQ chicken, coleslaw, mashed sweet potatoes.



I eat lunch in the break room with coworkers and also enjoy a few break room snacks. One of the vets brought in Jamba Juice for us!

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6pm: Done with work! I get out right on time today. It’s a pretty dark sky.



I was planning on going to the track, but I get a text from a friend wanting to hang out, so I spend time eating a snack and debating my options.


Plus 2 squares of dark chocolate

6:20 Decide to do a slightly shorter track workout. Regret eating dark chocolate because 2 squares of 72% is a lot of caffeine for me right now!

Track workout was originally 8x400m, but I end up with 5x400m. Given I’ve done 0 speed work lately, that’s good enough for me.


7:10pm: Arrive home, and make myself a quick and easy dinner. I’m not super hungry since I just had a snack, so I make some frozen veggie/potato snacks. One flavor is sweet potato, the other is broccoli. With ketchup. Yes, they are Spongebob shaped.


Plus s small slice of my granola bar with sun butter.


Then, I shower off all the animals and get ready to go.


8pm: Leave to make the 25 min drive to school where my friends are living for the summer. I arrive around 8:30.


After debating what to do, since I have a car we go to get boba. They realize how small my car actually is. It’s actually kind of ridiculous.


I ended up getting Rose-Aloe tea. I think it was rose tea with chunks of gelatinous aloe? I would have preferred pearls, but I actually had no clue what I was ordering-all I cared was that it was decaf, and my friend got this and knew it was decaf!

Around 10, we head back to campus and meet up with my other 2 friends. I stay there until around midnight, and am in bed by about 12:30! If I had work the next day, I definitely would not have been out so late!

What is your typical day like?

A Day in the Life: Spring 2015

Hey guys! I wanted to do a day in the life this quarter-hopefully this helps explain some of why I’ve been absent a bit from the blog world-not enough time or sleep!

5:58: Wake up 2 minutes before my alarm. Surprising because I had less than 6 hours of sleep the night before and last night couldn’t fall asleep until 1:30ish. Get out of bed and take stomach medicine. I have to take it 30 minutes before eating in the morning so I need more time before 7am Crossfit.

Pre-workout: gluten free banana bread with blueberries!


6:40ish: leave for Crossfit.


It should be noted that I’ve basically been unable to walk since lifting weights on my own Monday morning. I love Crossfit, but it’s a different kind of workout and apparently I’m not in the shape I used to be in for high volume, heavy weight workouts I used to always do! Upon waddling in, I sort of regret coming but know it will keep my stomach in check.

7:00am workout: Back squats, sets of 3, lowering slowly to the bottom of the squat. I don’t go very heavy.


3 rounds:

5 point shuttle run

7 stone to shoulder

5 point shuttle run

15 burpees

8:06: I run out of there the second we finish the WOD, which is late. It’s kind of a stretch going to 7am Crossfit before my 9am and making it in time, but I’m not waking up for 6am at this point in my life.

8:30: Clock is ticking as I arrive back on campus-I’m supposed to leave in 20 minutes! I packed up everything the night before but wished I had layer out my clothes. Couldn’t find the skirt I was looking for so I aborted.

8:40: Hop off to the shower. I had a special talent for stepping out of the shower 8 minutes before I have to leave and still making it in time, but I think this will break my streak.

Showered, dressed, make-up on, and sitting in class at 8:58. BOOM. New record.


9-9:50 Physics. It’s Modern Physics and we talk about Schrodinger’s cat. I’m happy to learn no cats were actually harmed in this. Meanwhile, I drink my post-workout chocolate soy milk.


10-10:50 Stats lecture. We had a quiz. It was kind of hard. Meh. I’m pretty hungry and know lunch is a ways away so I scarf down this bar between classes.


11-12:15 Physics section. After class, I snag a bathroom selfie for my outfit of the day, since this is a day in the life post! It’s nice weather today.


The outfit looked WAY better with the other skirt but what can I do?

Physics section is in the sub-basement. I am incapable of climbing that number of stairs so I take the elevator. Finally-selfie of the day! I’m almost at a year of selfies!


I eat lunch outside.


Salad with champagne vinaigrette and chicken. Basic but seems to be safe with my stomach. Plus a fruit bar-these are just from CVS but they might be my favorite! Big flavor.


While eating I catch up on some blogs and then realize my phone is going to die so I put it in airplane mode and head to the library.

1:20-2:05 Stats homework which ended up being pretty fast, thank goodness. Once that is done I spend some time of my sorority duties as VP New Member Education. I realize I’m running out of time before our meeting tonight and I have a ton of paperwork to deal with.


2:15-3:05 Bio lab lecture. This is the bio area.


After class, I rush back to my dorm to try to get some paperwork done before I leave and also have a snack. I feel like I’ve been having a ton of bars lately so I opt for blueberries with sun butter.


And a few of these:


4pm: Leave for Soul Cycle! I’ve only taken a few classes there, but there’s one super close to campus. While I don’t agree with everything technical in terms of cycling and how they do it, I’m in need of some physical and mental inspiration. I’ve skipped a lot of workouts lately due to business and it has been affecting how I feel physically and emotionally so I know if I schedule this I won’t miss it! Plus I need spin inspiration since I’m teaching a lot more!


Before class selfie.

4:30-5:15 Soul Cycle. This instructor seems less crazy than some in the past and the movements are less crazy. That being said, my lower back still gets a bit sore during class, which is one reason I don’t love Soul Cycle. Still, energy is great and it’s fun!


Post-workout selfie.


Drive to Sprinkles (it’s in the same shopping center) to pick up a treat for my New Member Education meeting later. Best VP New Member Ed ever, right?



5:40: Erp. Return to campus-am supposed to be at dinner at 6 for my sorority because I’m in charge of getting the group together, and I still have things to print for my New Member meeting right after dinner.

6:04-only 4 minutes late I get to dinner! I haven’t been to this dining hall in forever and demolish my burrito bowl. Salmon, brown rice, black beans, pico, corn salsa, mango salsa, guacamole. I should go there more often…


7-8pm New Member Education meeting! I lead this. It’s a lot of paperwork for AEPhi National, which is why I brought cupcakes as a thank you! I didn’t get a picture until the end, but I got myself a gluten free Red Velvet which I scraped most of the icing off of (dairy) and it was delicious!


8:15-9: FINALLY some downtime-the first since I woke up at 6am! I run into a friend while biking back and we walk the rest of the way together, and then chat about cows and my birthday party this weekend which I’m super excited for!


Decide to at least try and check some items off of my ever-growing to-do list since I don’t have much homework tonight (yay for Stats being short!)


And then write up this blog post! I’m planning on a nice and early bedtime. I’m so tired! A lot of my days have been pretty busy lately and sleep has not happened as much as it should and needs to. I’m still debating whether or not to do Crossfit in the morning-I have to get a test done for my stomach (for something that it is very unlikely to be at this point) so I can’t eat until afterwards…so unsure if I should attempt it on an empty stomach.

Thanks for sticking with me! I’m hoping things lighten up soon and I have more time to spend on here!

A Day in the Life Winter 2015

Hey guys! I’ve been wanting to do a day in the life post for a few weeks now, but things were so crazy it just wasn’t going to happen because I couldn’t think straight, much less keep track of not thinking straight! Here’s Wednesday-I have the most class on Wednesday than any other day.

7am: Wake up. Before my alarm! I went to bed plenty of early the night before. Prepare to run. Realize I’m feeling a little sick-not bad, just noticeable, and curse at my body for a little bit. Know that running will likely help.

Eat 2 dates pre-run.



Break out my bright pants. I often wear these for morning runs because the odds I am going to not be seen by a car in these is 0.


Realize I have to get my key off my key chain which is currently duct taped shut. My key ring likes to eject keys and last week that got me locked out. Angrily rip off duct tape.


Today’s route is a hill run that I haven’t run yet this year! 5 miles, 3 off the road so I load up my audiobook-it turns out it actually did remember my place!


7:45: Out the door for a run. The hill wasn’t as bad as I was expecting (I’ve run this 1000x) but I don’t feel bad about walking when it gets super steep. Plus, the view is too bad!


(Note that this is an old picture because I won’t lug around my phone, it’s much greener now!)

8:45: Return to my dorm. My stomach feels better but not 100%, and I know breakfast could make or break how I’m feeling. Since it’s really hard for me to tell what aggrevates things, I’m trying really hard to eat intuitively and listen to what I feel might be good. I felt like a few sips of kombucha might help.


I don’t think I’ve tried this flavor before, and it’s good! Then-breakfast time!


Cheesy eggs look good, but cheese might be a problem for my stomach so I settle for regular eggs and some spinach from the cheesy eggs. Plus an apple and sun butter.


I try to eat sloooowwwwllyy-if I eat the right amount of food and don’t get too full, I should be ok! I didn’t end up finishing this.

9:10: Start packing my lunch and packing up for backpack. If I do this before I shower, I’m much more likely to make it out on time. The lunch plan was a salad with hummus, goat cheese, and hardboiled eggs, but I switch it up because I didn’t wake up feeling 100%. Hummus sandwich!


9:20: Shower+get ready. I hop out of the shower at 9:40 and am running late yet again!

9:53: leave for class.


Don’t mind all the views from my beautiful campus. Oh, and it’s 70 and sunny today.

10-10:50: Physics lecture.


11-12:15: Physics section. You may see this view on my blog a lot. It’s because between lecture, lab, office hours, and section, I basically live at the Physics building.


12:15: Realize I should show you what I’m wearing! Bathroom selfies only will occur on day in the life posts.




I also manage to snag my selfie of the day for #365daysofselfies. Not my best effort, but not terrible either.


12:20: Lunchtime! Head over to my typical lunch/homework spot near the Physics building.


Lunch is definitely messy. I think to myself how glad I am that I don’t typically run into people I know in this area! It’s a hummus sandwich with lettuce and hardboiled egg.


12:40: Begin typing this post. Get slightly annoyed by how long my pictures are taking to upload-it ruins my blogging mojo!

1:08 Go to my token class in the quad. Did I mention my school is pretty?

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The quad is also beautiful at night. I walked around here at night last week and it was breathtaking.

1:15 Physiology section. Endocrine+reproduction.


2:05: Snack+working on Chem homework.




3:15-4:30: Comparative Physiology of Mammals. Today’s class is low key-we learn about the professor’s work with elephants! It’s nice to have a little break in intensity-the past two weeks I had a presentation and a midterm in that class!



4:45: Watch Netflix because class let out early and I’m a college student.


Then I spend some time doing reading and sending emails while waiting for dinner. I’m starving so I eat a single date because I don’t want to ruin my appetite!

6:30 I meet up with 2 friends for dinner downtown. We end up at a local diner, and are STARVING. I get a salad with chicken and a side of cornbread. Hit. The. Spot.

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8:30: Return to dorm to check Chem homework. I have a chocolate craving so I whip up a banana, coconut oil, cocoa powder, and a touch of maple syrup.


It was delicious but ugh-chocolate is still bad for my stomach. Noted.

8:45-10: Talk about life and our passion for science with a friend. These informal dorm conversations are seriously one of the best parts about college!

Now: Thinking about what work I can do and when I should go to bed…I have no intentions of being up late though!

A Day In The Life Fall 2014

Hey guys! It’s been a looong time since I did a Day in the Life post! (See my last one here! After looking over it, my quarter is definitely much saner!)

7:05 Alarm goes off. Jump out of bed and remove my foot straightjacket.


It’s a night brace for my plantar fasciitis. It really helps, but I feel really constrained so I typically wear one at a time to give one foot some freedom.

I wake up grateful that my feet are feeling good! They were bad yesterday.


Heading out for a run. I have trouble getting out the door on time this morning. My route takes me 2.5 miles more or less up a gradual hill, and 2.5 miles back. It feels pretty good. The plan was 6 but I’m short on time and the turnaround works better this way. I think about how much I miss running in DC. 2.5 miles there would take me from my house in Georgetown to the monuments. Here, it takes me…up a street.

I had to wear long sleeves! It was cold this morning! I think about how hard it will be to get out the door in a few months, but it’s fine once I get moving.


Not the fastest time, but it was up hills and felt better than last week!

9:00am Go to breakfast. They had roasted cauliflower with the eggs! I get a small bowl of eggs+veggies, plus my usual yogurt bowl with sun butter and pears. It seems like a lot of food, but run days make me hungry!


I contemplate getting coffee. My decision is made for me when the dining hall is out! I decide that taking back some roasted veggies for lunch will save time in my lunch prep, and I’m still running late.

9:15 Pack up lunch and back pack, and then shower and get ready.


9:52 Walk out the door and refill our candy bowl.


Bike clear across campus to my first class.


10-11:50 Developmental Neurobiology


We talk about synapse elimination in the spinal cord.

12-Lunchtime! Contemplate getting coffee because I’m dragging a bit, but decide against it.

Lunch is mashed sweet potatoes, roasted veggies from this morning, and precooked lemon pepper chicken from Trader Joe’s. I was impressed and surprised by how lemony the chicken was.


Also here’s my outfit. Jeans. Moccasins. Long sleeve shirt+scarf. It’s fall my friends.




12:30-3 I did work. Normally I’d have a Chem section in there too but since we just had a midterm, there wasn’t much material to go over.

I spent some time working on Wednesday’s post.


I also watched Monday’s CS lecture. On Mondays I have overlapping classes, but one of my lectures is filmed so I watched the lecture today!


~3:00 Head over to CS lecture. This class has 700 people in it, but luckily in week 5 people stop going to class so it’s easy to get a seat!


4:15 Return to dorm. I need a nap! Dinner doesn’t seem like it will have a ton of substance so I eat a bite of blueberry vanilla goat cheese.


I then change into leggings-GOTTA SUPPORT THE TEAM-and crawl into bed until 5:00 when the game starts.



5:00 Alarm goes off. I just up and run to the dining hall to grab dinner before first pitch at 5:07. Dinner looks better than expected.


A piece of quesadilla, salad, roasted carrots, a little cilantro brown rice, some dry chicken.

Then-game time!


Between innings I run back to the dining hall to return my dishes and grab a bowl of ice cream with hot fudge.


Continue watching the game and work on pre-lab during commercials.


Game ends around 8:45. Sadly we lose. We’re now 1-1 for the series but we’re headed home!

8:45-9:15 Work on this post and chat with a friend. She learns about this blog and wants to follow it.

9:15 House meeting. Only a couple of announcements, but they bring in Sprinkles Cupcakes! I haven’t had many sweets this week so I don’t worry that I already had ice cream.


I decide that Sprinkles doesn’t compare to the other cupcake places in DC, although I swear the Sprinkles Cupcake I had in DC was better. And bigger…

9:38 Now. Typing up this blog post. I’m ahead on work so I’ll probably go to bed soon. I also realize that I’m almost certainly allergic to the Halloween candy that doesn’t contain nuts, but is packed and processed near so many nuts. Booo. I’ve gotten so sensitive!

It’s interesting to see this Day in the Life compared to the last one-my life is so much less crazy now!

What do you think of Day in the Life posts?