
Full Day of Eating: The End of Neuro!

I survived Neuro! Today we had 2 anatomy exams, one on the anatomy of the brain and the other on the structures around the brain and in the head. Let’s just say that I am tired! Today’s schedule was a little different since I just had 2 random exams during the day, so let’s check it out!


Apple cinnamon Cheerios. My usual pre-Crossfit.


For some reason I was actually STARVING during Crossfit today. Huh. Crossfit was fun today. The workout was an AMRAP of pull ups, sit ups, and squats. I have various aches and pains right now so I’ve been avoiding some of the heavy days. but luckily this week has been more skill and less weight heavy!



You know, it’s funny. I almost never eat hard boiled eggs, except that one week of the year when I eat massive amounts of them. Blue are my favorite!

1 egg+1 egg white on GF toast with a mango.



Salad with a hard boiled egg+1 egg white, hummus, creamy goat cheese, and champagne vinaigrette. A few GF crackers on the side.


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Between exams after I finished studying, I relaxed with some Netflix to give my mind a rest! I had a bar and a square of chocolate.


I went to Trader Joe’s and found these Churro bites. They are GOOD.


Then I settled down with a beer, a kitten, and Modern Family. Ahh. I knew I was getting drinks with friends later in the evening but I couldn’t wait! This was a lighter beer which normally isn’t my favorite, but it was good for early evening!

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Keeping it simple. Salad with guacamole, cheese, deli turkey, and ketchup. With cheese puffs.




Flourless chocolate chip banana bread from the freezer.

In the evening we went out for beer.


And before bed I had a handful of Cheerios.



Full Day of Eating: Before a Test

I’m back with another full day of eating! Tomorrow is my Neuro final so we’ll make this quick!



Half a container of blackberry yogurt with vanilla cereal and sunbutter, plus a mango.

When I got to school, they had a free breakfast provided. Since I’ve been feeling pretty good lately, I decided to have the top of a chocolate donut.


We had an early lab this morning, and a gap between class so I spent some time on the spin bike. As a post-workout, pre-lunch snack, I had some dried fruit.



Salad with pear and goat cheese, and hard boiled eggs on the side! I had some of the crackers while making lunch.

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I also had half of a chocolate marshmallow egg for dessert.





Some cracker while cooking and this salad:


It was supposed to be vaguely Greek, but I realized I didn’t really have any ingredients other than hummus to make it so! Leftover turkey, hummus, creamy goat cheese, and champagne vinaigrette.



Parfait with apricot jam, persimmon bread from the freezer, and vanilla pudding. Super random, but delicious! I’m seeking out more cold desserts now that the weather is warmer!


Nugo bar


Back to studying…wish me luck!

Full Day of Eating: First Time Cooking Meat in….

Welcome back to another full day of eating!


Apple Cinnamon Cheerios


The workout was Crossfit. It involved lots of double unders!



Crackers eaten while packing lunch, protein shake drunk in class. Crossfit mornings can be a mad dash to get to class.

Snack/lunch dessert:

In vet school, clubs often hold fundraiser bake sales. There are rarely GF options, so if there are any, I jump at them! This was a butterscotch bar with butterscotch and chocolate chips.




Salad with hummus, goat cheese, and of course hard boiled eggs. GF crackers on the side.



GF toast with fancy brie and apricot jam. This was a good combo!



I made a cheeseburger salad with half a baked sweet potato. For the meat, I added chopped celery to the ground turkey. I actually don’t think I’ve cooked meat all year…so this was a big step! I seasoned it with basically everything in my spice cabinet. Topped with cheese and a drizzle of ketchup for good measure.



Mint Halo Top with whipped cream. And then a piece of Easter candy.

FDOE/ Easter 2018

I hope everyone had a fantastic Easter! I’m going to do a quick recap of mine, continuing with the full day of eating theme.

I started my morning with a blueberry flapjacked muffin and a mango.


I spent the morning studying before heading outside to the park for a workout. I did a Nike Training Club workout, and then a sprint/agility workout that I had saved on my phone from years ago. The weather was perfect to head outside!

When I got back, I had a super light lunch of egg whites, spinach, and garlic and herb laughing cow with some peach Cheerios.


I have 3 Neuro finals this week so coming home for Easter wasn’t plausible. My parents were nice enough to come up to me, and we went out to Easter “brunch” with some of my friends. They also brought me Easter eggs!

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Before brunch, I broke into the jelly beans.


Here were my plates from the buffet! I think the highlight was the chocolate creme brûlée.

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It was so nice to be able to sneak away from school for a few hours!

Later that evening, I had some more Easter candy, some toast with jam, and some protein chips.

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And that’s a wrap! Except more full days of eating coming up, featuring hard boiled eggs!

Full Day of Eating on a Study Day

I want to do more full days of eating again, so I figured I’d pop in super fast for one (on commercials during the Giant’s game) from today, which was a weekend study day (similar to most of my weekends hah).



Mango+ double chocolate might muffin.

Workout: Crossfit. We did 21 minutes of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, and 15 pull ups with 100m run every 3 minutes. My pull ups felt super strong so I guess the work I’ve been doing on them lately has been paying off!



Panera half Fuji apple chicken salad. I spent a little time there studying (and charging my iPad). Funny story, yesterday I lost my iPad pencil (they are NOT cheap) and spent forever looking for it. It was a weird situation because I knew exactly where I had last seen it…putting it into my backpack. After searching every inch of my house, I ended up finding it in the parking lot at school, just lying on the ground where I parked. It must have fallen out and rolled under my car. It was mostly unscathed, thankfully. My iPad is my life so this was a relief!



I was walking to a coffeeshop to study when I passed people eating ice cream outside at Baskin Robbins, and it seemed like a really good idea. It was. Gold medal ribbon is a childhood favorite. I spent some time studying outside there and it was really nice! This past week it’s been in the 80s, and beautiful!


I came home to a very special package.


Cheerios sent me their new seasonal peach Cheerios! To say I was excited was an understatement; I’ve actually been even more into Cheerios lately. Like I go through a box a week between pre-workout meals in the mornings and evening snacks. This made my day. They’re SO good. I have yet to see them in stores out here!




Super simple hash/scramble. Half of a baked sweet potato with 1 whole egg and some egg whites, spinach, and fancy cheese that was a gift from my parents. My favorite is the manchego, but this was a really good swiss-tasting one. YUM.

Dessert parts 1 and 2:


Mint chocolate chip halo top with chipped cream, and later half a package of these Enjoy Life mini chocolate chip cookies.

And here’s a bonus Jackson picture:
