I survived Neuro! Today we had 2 anatomy exams, one on the anatomy of the brain and the other on the structures around the brain and in the head. Let’s just say that I am tired! Today’s schedule was a little different since I just had 2 random exams during the day, so let’s check it out!


Apple cinnamon Cheerios. My usual pre-Crossfit.


For some reason I was actually STARVING during Crossfit today. Huh. Crossfit was fun today. The workout was an AMRAP of pull ups, sit ups, and squats. I have various aches and pains right now so I’ve been avoiding some of the heavy days. but luckily this week has been more skill and less weight heavy!



You know, it’s funny. I almost never eat hard boiled eggs, except that one week of the year when I eat massive amounts of them. Blue are my favorite!

1 egg+1 egg white on GF toast with a mango.



Salad with a hard boiled egg+1 egg white, hummus, creamy goat cheese, and champagne vinaigrette. A few GF crackers on the side.


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Between exams after I finished studying, I relaxed with some Netflix to give my mind a rest! I had a bar and a square of chocolate.


I went to Trader Joe’s and found these Churro bites. They are GOOD.


Then I settled down with a beer, a kitten, and Modern Family. Ahh. I knew I was getting drinks with friends later in the evening but I couldn’t wait! This was a lighter beer which normally isn’t my favorite, but it was good for early evening!

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Keeping it simple. Salad with guacamole, cheese, deli turkey, and ketchup. With cheese puffs.




Flourless chocolate chip banana bread from the freezer.

In the evening we went out for beer.


And before bed I had a handful of Cheerios.
