I want to do more full days of eating again, so I figured I’d pop in super fast for one (on commercials during the Giant’s game) from today, which was a weekend study day (similar to most of my weekends hah).



Mango+ double chocolate might muffin.

Workout: Crossfit. We did 21 minutes of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, and 15 pull ups with 100m run every 3 minutes. My pull ups felt super strong so I guess the work I’ve been doing on them lately has been paying off!



Panera half Fuji apple chicken salad. I spent a little time there studying (and charging my iPad). Funny story, yesterday I lost my iPad pencil (they are NOT cheap) and spent forever looking for it. It was a weird situation because I knew exactly where I had last seen it…putting it into my backpack. After searching every inch of my house, I ended up finding it in the parking lot at school, just lying on the ground where I parked. It must have fallen out and rolled under my car. It was mostly unscathed, thankfully. My iPad is my life so this was a relief!



I was walking to a coffeeshop to study when I passed people eating ice cream outside at Baskin Robbins, and it seemed like a really good idea. It was. Gold medal ribbon is a childhood favorite. I spent some time studying outside there and it was really nice! This past week it’s been in the 80s, and beautiful!


I came home to a very special package.


Cheerios sent me their new seasonal peach Cheerios! To say I was excited was an understatement; I’ve actually been even more into Cheerios lately. Like I go through a box a week between pre-workout meals in the mornings and evening snacks. This made my day. They’re SO good. I have yet to see them in stores out here!




Super simple hash/scramble. Half of a baked sweet potato with 1 whole egg and some egg whites, spinach, and fancy cheese that was a gift from my parents. My favorite is the manchego, but this was a really good swiss-tasting one. YUM.

Dessert parts 1 and 2:


Mint chocolate chip halo top with chipped cream, and later half a package of these Enjoy Life mini chocolate chip cookies.

And here’s a bonus Jackson picture:
