Happy WIAW! Today’s post is going to be short and sweet (literally sweet!). Yayy midterm season. On the plus side, I’m starting to regain my Spanish (ish) accent thanks to singing along to lots of Spanish songs. I love Spanish music!



…And that was clearly a relevant into to WIAW!

I’ve been feeling a bit uninspired in terms of blogging lately, and I think it may reflect the fact that I’ve been struggling to maintain good eating habits as of late as well. That’s definitely something to work on! I’m past the point in my life where I freak out about my eating habits sliding, and instead I just accept that it happens and eventually will work itself out. More veggies are in order-that usually helps!

So, here are some shots from the past couple of days!

A cappuccino was clearly in order on  Monday morning…



The craziest thing happened…I drank beet juice and didn’t hate it completely! I keep buying vegetable juice thinking I’m going to like it, and more often than not, this isn’t the case. This was was pretty good-beets, apples, cranberries, cucumbers, and ginger among other things I’m most likely forgetting. And it was such a pretty color!



Dining hall dinners are, as always, a thing. This one was fairly unexciting-quinoa, salad, roasted cinnamon carrots (ok, those were exciting), and overcooked fish.



Monday night, a late night bout of deliciousness happened. We have a place on campus open late, and I’ve seen people before with these incredible, giant, chocolately creations, so with the help of my sister, it was time to try it out. This was a HOT gooey brownie, topped with vanilla ice cream, whipped cream, and chocolate sauce. It was as good as it sounds. Sadly, the ice cream fell off before I could get a good picture!



This morning, I did a track workout. I did 5x1000m at a 10k pace. I’m liking the 10k pace for longer track workouts or for longer intervals. It’s much easier mentally to not totally be dying! Plus, not dying is good since I’m just getting back into speed work! After my workout, I made what is probably my new favorite breakfast: quinoa (Trader Joe’s has pre-cooked frozen, for those of us without kitchens, or who are lazy-I won’t judge!), kale, tomato, and basil, mixed up and topped with roasted sunflower seeds. The fresh basil totally makes this dish!



Today was an absolutely beautiful day. Or a hot day, depending on your opinion. It was 90-but I’ve spent so many years roasting my brains out at hot softball fields (117-sounds like great softball weather!) that I think my body has permanently adjusted to not really feeling heat. Anyways, I spent the afternoon outside biking around campus and looking at plants for my Bio problem set. True Bio problems.

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And getting a tan. Clearly. Hah. I’m 99% sure given my skin tone that I have a much better chance of turning myself orange from eating to many carrots than getting tan. Such is the life of a person with an off-snow skin tone.

And here are some artsy-ish/I needed pictures to refer to later when doing my homework shots.

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It occurred to me that I have such a beautiful campus, and really need to bike around and take pictures of it for you all to see!

Afterwards, it was hot so the logical conclusion is gelato. Right…?

Salted caramel gelato, which i garnished with a chocolate covered pretzel.



Dinner was a quick one thrown together by yours truly. A bed of kale, shredded chicken meatballs, a baby sweet potato, salsa, and of course, the most important component, avocado.

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…and now I desperately need to return to studying. So much for SHORT and sweet!

How’s the weather where you are? What do you eat when it gets hot?

5 comments on “WIAW-Short and Sweet

  1. Audrey @ In Shape Cupcake

    The weather has been bad since Sunday here in Alabama. There were Tornadoes and stuff. North AL and MS got it bad!!!
    When its hot, i tend to eat a lot of cold raw foods like vegetables and fruits!

  2. ChickGettinFit

    That brownie and ice cream creation looks absolutely Delicious! Now I really want to go make some brownies. I feel you on the tanning front, no matter how long I am in the sun I still remain the palest of pales.

  3. Christine@ Apple of My Eye

    Holy heck that brownie looks delicious! That’s the one thing I miss about the dining commons- all the dessert. My dining halls have self serve ice cream and always offer 2-3 different types of sweets. An actual kitchen makes up for it, but still!

    Great eats!

  4. Caileejoy

    Wow!! Looks like you have been eating some really healthy and yummy things! I love that you have been having those juices!! So good for ya!!

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