You know one thing about having a blog? You take a ton more pictures than normal people. Or than you would have otherwise. My friends were talking about how they want to do a selfie a day for a year. I agreed to do it with them-but I promise I won’t be obnoxious and post them!

I have a couple of things to talk about today.

1. Struggles to eat healthy that don’t normally appear on the blog


2. PR city!

I just want to address 1 briefly. I know I’ve mentioned over and over how I’m still working on my college eating habits. I feel like there’s ALWAYS temptation, through muffins at breakfast, cake at hall meetings, or mug cake in my dorm. One thing I distinctly remember in high school was when my sister visited home from college, she just ate a lot more sweet things than we ever did. Now this has become me! It is just a different eating environment, and I’m still working on avoiding those temptations.

Breakfast after Spin: egg and cream cheese on an English muffin, with a piece of cinnamon french toast and a dab of a sweet french toast casserole thing.


Blueberry muffins are definitely one of my weaknesses-this is definitely something I give in to!


This actually isn’t sweet or particularly unhealthy-but I wanted to show you guys because it was a test run of a recipe I’m going to be making up this weekend, so stay tuned!


Mug cake before Crossfitx2 because the first one was over baked. Pound cake mix and lots of egg, with chocolate chips. This was probably not the best thing before Crossfit because I felt really full and gross, but I had a major PR so maybe..?





These are just an example of some of the things that don’t make it onto the blog. That being said-apart from this I still ate my veggies and other things today! I just want to be transparent-I’m not gaining weight from all those roasted carrots!

And now, done with all that negativity-onto the second topic. First, let me warn you that I’m probably going to pull an insert from my college admission essay which is super embarrassing, but totally relevant so I’m going to roll with it!

My hard work had taught me discipline, but in these new activities, I discovered the amazing things my mind could do. Yoga allowed me to explore my physical and mental edge, while instilling a sense of calm. In weightlifting, I learned to push through mental roadblocks, launching myself into uncharted territory. With my mind, I could push my body further than with sheer strength. With difficult lifts, I found that if the thought of failure crept into my mind, I would instantly fail. So I pushed failure from my mind.”

Now, let’s get past the fact that this was an admission essay and I was clearly trying to portray myself in the best way possible (but hey-I’m in college!) I really love the last two sentences though-I think they’re very powerful. Literally, I was talking about weight lifting. The second you think about failing a lift, you’re going to fail it. Today-I wasn’t that confident that I would PR (today was back squats)-and definitely not this much. But I went up to the bar with an attitude, with confidence. (For those that know softball/baseball, it’s the same thing with hitting-you need an attitude!) I never thought I was going to fail a lift-and I didn’t! I actually called it a day after my last squat was not pretty.

PRing today was just such a great feeling. Before my last lift, my coach actually came over and said “Shit, she’s about to out lift me!” (Not sure if I actually did though, haha.)

I ended up PRing by 25 pounds, for a backsquat of 205! I was DEFINITELY not expecting that! I feel crazy strong after that!


(Shiny new bars at Crossfit today-perfect for shiny new PRs!)

The moral of the whole quoting my college essay thing is that positive thinking really does work. I reread my college admissions essay for the first time a few weeks ago, and I’m struck about how passionate and driven I was-and it makes me realize how complacent I’ve become! Positivity and passion are definitely things for me to work on this summer!

On a more sad note, our little campus cat passed away this morning-he was hit by a car. Every time I saw him, it truly did make my day, and he was the sweetest, friendliest cat. That being said-cat owners, please be careful about letting your cats out if you live near busy streets!


4 comments on “Positive Beliefs and the Results

    1. astottler Post author

      Thank you!

  1. Kailey (Caffienated Runner)

    Anytime I go to a continental breakfast, those muffins always get the best of me. I can’t help it – they always taste so good 🙂

    1. astottler Post author

      Seriously though!

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