Happy Friday! Disclaimer: I’m in the middle of a paper which has to be orally presented on Monday+ like 20 hours of rush stuff before then+getting my passport+obsessing over Latin American culture, things have been busy in these parts and I won’t really get to posting until after this weekend! Here’s a post I wrote last summer (please ignore the summer references-but know that right now we ARE getting 80 degree weather so it kind of works). Here are some go to snacks. One thing I will add though is my latest obsession: roasted carrots+mango. The best thing in the world. 


1. Fruit. This is such an easy one, and I especially love it during the hot summer because it just seems so refreshing!


2. Veggies and guac. I snacked on this quite a bit during the school year. If you buy a pouch of the guacamole spices, it’s as easy as mashing up half an avocado and dipping.


3. Part of a bar. During the school year, before a workout I’d grab half of a Thinkthin bar. Right now, I’m sampling my wide selection of quest bars. I’m finding I enjoy them in small pieces because for me they start tasting funny by the end of the bar, and they’re pretty dense which can be hard on my stomach. Eating a bite or two of a bar here and there may be obnoxious if you live with people who would actually like to eat a WHOLE said bar, but the Quest bars are mine so no shame.


4. Laughing Cow with carrots. This is the perfect mix of protein and produce. It’s just what I need to make it through the afternoon!


5. Yogurt. Specifically, stand-alone yogurt. For a snack, I prefer something that is satisfying as is. For example, vanilla yogurt wouldn’t be a good snack for me because I’d need granola and sunflower seed butter. Coconut yogurt is perfect for this.


6. Coffee with milk. Sometimes you do need a little pick me up, especially in the morning. If you’re like me and like the milk to coffee ration more on the milk side, this is perfect. The milk has protein and some carbohydrates. And yes, I’ve used this as a post-workout recovery drink. No shame.


7. Leftovers. Many times, snacks are seriously lacking in nutritional value. Leftovers are the perfect mini-meal, and they often include easy to grab veggies. The other day I grabbed some leftover sweet potato wedges for a snack-more delicious and nutritious than chips!


8. This smoothie. I do best when my snacks are on the light side, especially if it’s right before a workout. This smoothie really hits the spot because it’s super refreshing, tasty, and sneaks in some veggies.

1 cup dark chocolate almond milk

handful of spinach

half of a frozen banana

large handful of ice

pinch of xantham gum

Blend and enjoy!


9. Dark chocolate. Sometimes all you want is something sweet. This will fulfill that while offering antioxidants and a small caffeine boost.



What are some of your favorite snacks?

12 comments on “Snacks I’ve Been Loving Lately

  1. Sky @ The Blonde In Black

    I love love love guacamole!! I love carrots, but I’ve never tried them with laughing cow, but that’s a great idea!

    1. astottler Post author

      Definitely try it!

  2. Marina @ Lazy for Diet

    Hay! If you consider chocolate as good snack, we have to make friends! And it is good that you reminded me of my love to the baked carrots 😉 It is really cool snack

    1. astottler Post author


  3. Emily @smilemilegirl

    I love guacamole on all of my veggies!! I get 100 calorie wholly guacamole packs from costco because I can freeze them so they are cold at lunch. 🙂 Your snacks look so delicious and colorful too!! 🙂

    1. astottler Post author

      I love those! I never thought of freezing them though-that’s such a good idea!

    1. astottler Post author

      That’s a great one!

  4. Caileejoy

    These look great!! I love Quest bars! YUM! I’m actually going out with a friend in a few to buy some at a healthy food shop!! Also, I nominated you for the Liebster Award!! Check out my blog for more info 🙂

    1. astottler Post author

      Thank you! I’ll definitely check that out ASAP-the post has been waiting on my blog reader until I have a bit of time 🙂

  5. Meghan @ fitnesscrEATures

    Good luck with your stuff today! 🙂 That Chobani is one of my favorite flavors! <3

    1. astottler Post author

      Thank you! I love it too 🙂

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