
MIMM-Holiday Cheer

I haven’t done a Marvelous in my Monday in a really long time, so I figured, why not? It’s been too long! Thank you to Katie!



Marvelous is…

Halloween! I’m sort of obsessed with holidays, so most of my Marvelousness is Halloween related.

Marvelous is…

Doing a costume run on Saturday! It’s basically my two favorite things-Halloween and exercise. Image

Marvelous is…

A) Being the most popular roommate pair in my dorm and

B) Actually getting to buy Halloween candy even though I live in a dorm!


Marvelous is…

Pumpkin carving! We did this as a dorm last year, and this year my sorority is doing it-I can’t wait! I’m all about the holiday traditions.


Marvelous is…

Halloween decorations for our room!


And we’re already planning to go all out for Christmas. 

Marvelous is…

Biochem. No, this isn’t sarcastic. I really actually do love Biochem. I spent an awesome afternoon studying outside a coffeeshop, on a beautiful day. 

Marvelous is…



Have a great week!

What is Marvelous in your week?

Ghost Run

We made it to the weekend! Woohoo! I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m about ready for a nap. But let’s go through the past day first, shall we?

I stayed up too late on Thursday night. I wanted to make a spin class for Friday morning, but I decided to do a “Spin Challenge” instead. Which is another way of saying I was too tired to make a class, so I’d throw a ton of songs together and wing it-it was practice making up a routine on the spot.

My Friday morning started off with a crash and a bang. As in, I fell off my bike. At the bike racks. And it was not moving. Yeahhh it was too early….

Anyways, the playlist turned out really well, and I really enjoyed the class I made. Image

One thing about making a class on the spot is you get to go with whatever feels right on the bike in that sequence-it’s much harder to think about all the rhythms when I’m not on a bike. When I’m making real classes, I might actually take me notecard to the gym and write everything out as I go. The only problem? I started cooling it down on Song 15….and then another song came on. Whoops. 

One tendency I have is to spend a lot of time in the saddle when I’m making classes myself. If I’m leading classes like that, everyone will hate me. So I tried to work on that a little bit. Another thing-I feel like I get a better workout when I’m doing a class I made than the classes I go to here. I can’t tell if I’m pushing harder on my own because I’m distracted by all the choreography or if I just make different/harder classes.



Nothing noteworthy happened the rest of the day. But TODAY I woke up and ran a 5k! It was a Ghost Run (and I think the name is super cute given Brooks sponsored it!), so everyone dressed in costume, which was AWESOME. Not going to lie, it was great having such a low key race. And short. Last night, I stayed up late and ate cheese fries (not sure how I feel about them….), and I lifted heavy weights in Crossfit. Not exactly the best pre-race practice, but it didn’t matter! Plus, I could haven whatever I wanted pre-race since it wasn’t 13.1 miles.


Pumpkin bread from the freezer. 

I was a baseball player. That should be no surprise, given my previous years’ costumes.


Just for fun, why don’t we look at some costumes from the past few years?



Super awkward photo of me from last year.


Sophomore year of high school. Junior year I looked the same too…

Anyways, back to the race! I ran it with a friend, so I just went her pace the whole time. 


They had some pre-race food-mini bagels and black and orange fortune cookies-so cute!


There was one family who went all out-check it out!


Too cute!




And then we were off! We ran through neighborhood areas-the trees were so pretty!


There were a lot of houses decorated for Halloween!



Along the way, there were “ghosts” you had to catch who would give you prizes!


Here’s one!

I ended up with these:


And before we knew it, there was the finish line!


This was such a fun race! I love Halloween and dressing up-it was convenient my go-to costume was so runnable! AND, this was my first run post-half marathon! How did it feel? Not bad-the feet behaved. I thought my calf was sore…but then remembered it’s just a bruise from falling off my bike. My legs were kind of heavy from not enough sleep and Crossfit last night, but overall it was good!

On a semi-related note, my knee has been hurting since yesterday afternoon. It feels like it’s hyperextended (so running is fine-walking kinda hurts). I finally figured out it’s probably from…you guessed it, falling off my bike. 

After the race, we went out for brunch.


This was good, but a little dry for my taste!

Aaaand just now I decided I should actually have some vegetables and protein so I made myself what turned out to be an incredibly spicy Mexican salad at the dining hall.


I’ve been really bad about eating “real food” lately. When I’m in my dorm or in a rush, it’s so easy to just grab a bar, or a slice of pumpkin bread, or chocolate milk. I have definitely not been eating enough veggies!

Yesterday, I didn’t have time to run to the dining hall for an egg, so my protein source was a “protein shake.” If you take the word “shake” literally! I found vanilla Designer Whey protein, at CVS of all places. I’ve been wanting it for a while, so I bought some. I ended up mixing it with almond milk, Trader Joe’s pumpkin spice chai mix, and sunflower seed butter, and shaking it up in my water bottle. It was delicious! If I had more time in the morning, I would have thrown some actual pumpkin in there too!

Ok, I think it is most definitely nap time for me. I have a full to-do list for this weekend-including laundry, vacuuming, and rearranging/cleaning my room. My plans for this afternoon are to go hole up in a local coffeeshop and do homework all day.

Have a great weekend!

What is your favorite Halloween costume?