Hey guys! It’s now Thursday night. I wrote yesterday’s post in the afternoon, so I’ll catch you up on what I did after that. Hint-not sleep….Wednesday nights are the worst! I didn’t even wait until Wednesday night to start my giant lab report-I worked on it Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon and even went to office hours. And I still slept a grand total of…2.5 hours last night. That is definitely my new record. At points I even considered just pulling an all nighter since I definitely left work for myself to do in the morning. But I’m not about that life! 2.5 hours till makes a huge difference! It actually wasn’t that bad and I’m still alive and sane because I wasn’t sleep deprived going in. That being said, bed is happening on the soon side so I’m going to pump out this post in mostly picture form!


My attempt at a veggie filled snack-brown rice, spinach, and coconut aminos.


Super late dinner of Trader Joe’s ancient grains soup with goat gouda, plus the world’s biggest, juiciest orange.


Homemade chocolate but I didn’t use coconut oil, just cream, and I added too much so it was super liquidy.

Sooo…one of the reasons I was actually able to stay up without must issue last night was late night consumption of junk food. I had my first In n Out experience at our hall meeting. To be honest, I’m really not a fan. The fries were just mayo and American cheese coated…which kind of grossed me out but I ate them anyways. And I had a burger less cheeseburger. And of course lots of dates and some chocolate. So while my stomach felt awful last night and this morning, I had plenty of fuel for late night studying. My body kind of rejects all the junk though because I woke up drenched in sweat…I’m so sensitive to sugar!


So coffee and a protein packed breakfast were in order. 

Today was actually amazing because I was just super tired during Nutrition, and despite having class straight through the day, I was fine after that. In Nutrition today, we were actually filmed for a documentary that my professor is featured in. Hopefully I didn’t look too sleepy!

The highlight of my lab was not blowing myself by accidentally making TNT and finishing up 1.5 hrs early. I went to the little market for some essentials-kombucha, eggs, and my all time favorite dark chocolate. And spent the hour before Crossfit jelled out with Netflix-deifntiely the perfect afternoon.


Crossfit was a good one. I never thought 100 kettle bell swings would feel so good! We’ve done a ton of overhead pressing lately (push press, press, jerk, thrusters), and my left shoulder (and a bit my right shoulder) has just been in constant pain for the last 3 weeks or so since it never got a chance to recover. So the push press/jerks that we did for strength were really painful, and I spent half the time trying to stretch my left shoulder out. The WOD began with 100 kettle bell swings, which actually turned out to be an amazing stretch for my sore shoulders. Go figure. And I left energized-thank goodness!

On the way back, I finally made the decision to try to try the new flavors of Quest bars, so i stopped and picked some up.


For dinner, I had something totally random. We made some food in the slow cooker-well, my roommate did at least! Indian masala sauce with spinach, butternut squash, and paneer, served over rice.


And for dessert, I finally tried the cookies and cream after seeing it on everyone’s social media.


I have a love/hate relationship with Quest bars, but I have to say, the Oreo was spot on. I actually really liked this-and I couldn’t taste the artificial sweetener as much as in the other bars I’ve tried. While nutritionally I’m not a fan of Quest bars, right now I’m going to pick my battles and eat them for dessert, while getting as many veggies as possible. 

Oh, and here’s a picture from my friend’s modern dance performance I went to tonight!


Ok, bed for me. Like now.

One comment on “A New Record and I’m Not Delirious!

  1. Ashley @MilesonOats

    Hahah, “But I’m not about that life!” too funny. Do you ever push workouts when you know you haven’t had enough sleep and you can physically feel how tired you are?

    That dance performance looks SO fun! I was in bed studying for exams all night, sigh. I have a love hate relationship with Quest bars too. I either score a really good flavor, or it tastes like a bar of splenda. I’ve been reading online that the new cookies & cream is a hit, so I think I’ll give it a try 😉

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