Hi Fitness is Sweet readers! My name is Miranda and I blog over at Miranda Runs, which follows me as I figure out college, plan a wedding, stay in shape, and eat healthy in the beautiful state of Montana!

I just started my freshman year of college and I am looooving it so far! I get to eat food that other people make for me, I have freedom, and I get access to a ginormous gym! Like really though, what more could a girl want?! 😉 I even have a small gym in my residence hall… #winning


Before I came to college, I definitely had some misconceptions about what college would be like. I obviously must have lived under a rock because ummm like none of those are actually true… Seriously though… watch this!

The professors will be horrible and mean.
False. All my first semester professors are seriously awesome. Obviously they all love teaching and want their students to succeed! My psychology teacher could be the brother of one of my high school teachers. Which is weird. I even took a picture of him like a stalker to send my teacher… #lookoutworld


The dining hall food will suck.
False. I know some people swear on their life that this is true, but I’m actually suuuuper happy with the food here in Montana! It’s all locally grown, the baked goods are made in a bakery on campus, and a lot of the meat and produce is organic! I’ll admit that sometimes I don’t want to eat meat at every meal but I get that it’s Montana and the people here are made out of meat, thunderstorms, and trucks. 😉

I’ll never be able to work out.
False. If anything, it’s EASIER to workout here than it was at home! Like I said, there’s a small gym on the floor under me that I go to if I want to get in and out of the gym fast. And the big fitness center is only half a mile away! So I get a workout in going to get my workout in 😉 It is kind of intimidating trying to navigate my way through the college seniors pumping their iron, so I’ve been sticking to the cardio equipment at the fitness center and doing weights at the gym in my dorm. I’m doing a post on this soon over at my blog!

The gym is too far away.
False. Okay so if you look at the campus map, the fitness center is alllllllllll the way across campus from my dorm. But in reality, the campus is NOT that big and it’s only a half mile walk. Like I just said!


I’ll gain the Freshman 15.
TBD. Okay so that cartoon is a littttle extreme. Haha! So far though, I haven’t gained 15 pounds in a week. I’ve really been focusing on exercising and eating well, so cross your fingers that I don’t gain that weight! Plus I’m not drinking so that should also help… 😉 I don’t want my wedding dress to be too small!


I’ll have no time to breathe.
True & False. True because I’m keeping myself busy with things I want to be doing! Like working out, hanging out with Christian, making friends with girls in my hall, doing yoga with my roomie, etc. False because I have time to do said things! I do have homework though. Since school just started, the workload isn’t TOO terrible but I did have to take notes on 15 pages of psych reading on the first day which was kind of an eye-opener.

There will be a line 600 people long for the sucky showers.
False. I’ve discovered that if you shower at 2-3 pm, you will not have to wait at all, period. Honestly, I don’t think I’ve even heard of anyone having to wait? We have 2 showers in my wing that 16ish girls share. So it’s not bad at all! The showers aren’t bad either. They’re a little cramped, but the shower head is adjustable, the water pressure is great, and the water temperature is awesome. Plus each shower has 2 compartments: one with a curtain and a bench and wall hooks to leave your things, and one with the shower and another curtain. I really like how our belongings aren’t out in the open!


I’ll eat like crap.
False. Like I said before, Montana is really into eating healthy, organic, and being sustainable. The dining halls actually offer a “lite” option which is less 400 calories and 10 grams of fat, and give nutritional data on everything they serve. Plus, they put the menus up online so we can look it over before we go! It’s really nice!

Doing laundry sucks.
Fact. Yes. Yes it does suck. I don’t know about your college, but here, washing a load of laundry takes 26 minutes and drying one takes a whopping 87 minutes. Plus the dryers take so long that they’re always in use. Good thing I figures out that it really only takes 40 minutes to dry my clothes so I can do 2 loads in the time it says it’ll dry 1. Mwahaha! Cheating the system

That’s it for me! I hope you join me over at Miranda Runs and make me laugh so that we can laugh together because I really do try and be funny…


Your turn!
What are your college facts & fictions?
Dining hall food = yay? nay?

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