Hey guys! Audrey tagged me in this survey and I thought it would tie nicely in to this weekend’s big event! My race!

First a couple of things-for some reason my Internet has been down off and on at home so if I don’t reply to your comments right away, that’s why! 

Also, I messed around with the look of my blog and in the end decided on a new header. Thoughts?


Current Book:


This is super interesting. It has random facts (some surprising) about exercise. It talks about HIIT training. While I’ve heard of HIIT, this goes in to some of the studies that prove that it works. It discusses one study: mice are made to swim for 3 hours straight. Then they rest for 45 minutes before swimming for another 3 hours. The scientists measure the changes in muscle fibers as a result of this endurance training. Another group of mice is made to swim for 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 14 times, with a weighted vest. This is a total of 4.5 minutes of work (vs. 6 hours). The muscles of both groups of mice showed the same changes, despite one group exercising for a fraction of the time. Crazy!

And can we take a second to appreciate a) a mouse’s ability to swim. 3 hours straight?? I couldn’t do that! and b) how cute a little weighted mouse vest would be.

Current music

Here’s a sneak peek of my race day playlist! It’s funny. I’m not a huge fan of pop in general, but I do like working out to it. I tried picking the most upbeat songs…ever. It’s going to be a long race!Image

Also, I’m slightly obsessed with Spanish music. Any time a Spanish song comes on anywhere, I know it. Spanish pop=awesome. 

Current Guilty Pleasure

Naps. Specifically naps with my cat. Since it’s summer and my schedule is pretty flexible, there’s absolutely no reason to be sleep deprived, even if I’m waking up super early for spin. Post-spin nap? Best thing ever. Image

Current nail color

None. For some reason it drives me crazy to have my finger nails painted. Toe nails are a different story, but I haven’t painted them since spring break…whoops. 

Current drink:

Water at the moment (I seriously can’t go 15 minutes without it…) but this morning a chocolate banana protein smoothie. Image1 banana, 1/2 cup almond milk, pinch of xantham gum, a little spinach, cocoa powder, chocolate protein powder, and LOTS of ice. Perfection. 

Current food

I have to admit, I’ve been slightly obsessed with Laughing Cow lately. It’s awesome in eggs, polenta, and my new favorite, with carrots. I can’t wait to try Audrey‘s idea-in a turkey burger!Image

Current TV show

My family and I don’t watch anything except Giant’s games on TV, but we have a ton of DVDs of TV shows. Our current obsession is Veronica Mars (which is a few years old). Something about a detective show mixed with high school drama is so addictive. This is also why I may have slacked on the blogging front lately…

Current wish list

Chobani’s new flavors! Specifically coconut! It’s so depressing. 

Also, a black kitten (like this guy I fell in love with yesterday).

ImageI was raised having only black cats, and I really miss them!

ImageThey have so much…personality. 


Current needs

See above?


Hmm I probably need some back to school clothes. Nothing I need that is too pressing at the moment. 

Current Indulgence

I’m going to go with a) mango logs-seriously SO good.

and b) dark chocolate.
I wouldn’t consider this in and of itself an indulgence, but it high quantities, then yes it is. High enough quantities to keep me up all night? Oops…It’s surprisingly high in caffeine….

Current blessing

That my calf is feeling pretty good for this weekend!

Current excitement

This weekend’s race! SO PUMPED. I get to go to the expo tomorrow to pick up my race packet! People keep telling me that the race will go by quickly, it’ll be over before I know it. Hah. I don’t believe that for one second. 13.1 miles is a lottt. But I guess for rowing, everyone said a 6k would be over fast, and it really was. Of course, that’s only like 25 minutes…

For this race, I had a goal pace in mind-I know I shouldn’t have since this is my first half but whatever. I trained with that pace in mind, and given how my last few long runs went, I probably would have made it. However, given the state of my calf, I need to back off the pace and go slowww. So goodbye pace goal, hello hope of walking within a few weeks of the race. Haha. I mean hey, I have another half in October, I can run fast then!

And with that, have a great Friday and weekend folks!

Have you ever run a half? Any last minute tips?

6 comments on “Currently Pumped

  1. emilysmilesformiles27

    What a great post idea! I’m so glad your calf is feeling better- just in time for your 13.1!! Good luck!!

    1. Aurora

      Thank you!

  2. thirdlifeby18

    Love that playlist! Some of my current high-energy faves are on it. I’ve run a half called the Race the Runways twice and loved it both times! Even though we once ran it the day after a giant April Fool’s Day snowstorm (yes, the entire state thought/hoped it was an incredibly well-coordinated joke until it arrived) it was still an incredible experience. The feeling of crossing the finish line after 13.1 miles is amazing. If I could give any advice it would be to take the first half our comfortably and enjoy the feeling of just being in that race and reveling in the accomplishment it is just to get to the starting line. And when you feel good going into the second half it makes pushing those last few miles all the more thrilling. Oh, and picturing myself as one of those uber-speedy pro runners helps me too sometimes 🙂

    Best of luck!!

    1. Aurora

      Thank you for the advice!

  3. skylar35

    Such a fun survey!! I need your love by Calvin and Ellie has been my jam all summer. I have yet to tire of listening to it! I don’t have any race tips for you because I haven’t ran a half yet, but good luck! You’ll do great 🙂

    1. Aurora

      Thank you!

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