WIAW: Senior vs Sophomore

Welcome to another WIAW! Once again in honor of my #TransformationTuesday series, I’m doing another Then vs Now WIAW, this week throwing it back to sophomore year. Here’s the original.




Half a protein bar and some dates



Pumpkin banana bread. Nearing the end of my freezer stash! Plus a couple of tortilla chips.



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A cappuccino (sleep deprivation was real), a chocolate Kashi soft baked granola bar, and lots of dried mango.



Fage whole milk Greek yogurt with a little bit of raspberry KIND granola, and a mango. And a tortilla chip.




Tupperware salad with goat cheese, hard boiled egg, and hummus. (Still love this combo.)



Pasta with puttnesca sauce, artichoke salad, greens, marinated eggplant, and muscles. I accidentally got too much past so I split it up and stuck with the bottom pile. Plus fruit.


Afternoon Snack



Pumpkin Bread from a cafe on campus.



Eggplant, fruit, kettle corn rice cake with whipped strawberry cream cheese. Plus a piece of dried mango and a chocolate.





Peach, chicken, an goat cheese salad.



Watermelon salad, crab cake, gluten free cornbread with butter and honey, and roasted sweet potatoes.




Some of these homemade granola bar concoctions. “2 T sunflower seed butter and 2 T brown rice syrup, 1/2 c applesauce., vanilla extract and cinnamon, 2 packets of instant oatmeal (or 1.5 c oats), 2 T chia seeds, handful coconut flakes, 1 egg, chopped date and mango.”


A piece of dried mango, and another crab cake.

Not going to lie…the eats of two-year-ago-Aurora looks pretty delicious!

My favorite question: best thing you ate this week?

#TransformationTuesday Part 2: The Worst Thing I Could Have Done for My Health

Hello, hello! As promised, here we are again a week later, back for part two of my #TransformationTuesday series. (See part 1 here.)


And so starts my journey into sophomore year. I spent the summer prior finding balance again after a crazy freshman year. I honestly needed that summer to reset. I found my fitness again too: I ran my first half marathon, and started Crossfit! I felt far more sane.

That fall I felt in a better place. I was +15 from freshman year, but I felt more comfortable in my skin and was far fitter than the end of freshman year. That fall, I ate ALL THE PUMPKIN. It’s actually ridiculous.

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I actually didn’t eat much in the dining hall then either, because we had norovirus strike, and I wanted no part of that.

At the same time, I was crazy stressed with school. That was by fall the hardest and most demoralizing time of my life, and I was drowning. I took far too hard a quarter, and definitely doubted whether I should even be here. Food was not the first thing on my mind. I actually remember being so stressed I had to force feed myself raisins because I knew I needed SOMETHING.


Despite the academic stress, I did feel more secure in who I was than freshman year, and who my friends were. This helped immensely.

During this time, I was still wrestling with good/bad foods. I wanted to try to restrict sugar, but that often made me crazy, going between no sugar/lots of sugar. In general, sugar does affect how I feel physically a lot. IMG_4632 IMG_4888

(This pumpkin bread was amazing and I ate the whole loaf post-half marathon when the runger was real. No regrets about that. Necessary.)

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Summary: fall, I was eating better and feeling better.

After the holidays, like anyone, I was feeling a little heavier and gross. I felt my eating habits were slipping.

And then I embarked on a healthy living journey that turned out to be the worst possible thing I could do for my health.

The Project.

In theory, it seemed like a fantastic plan for my health. I embarked on 4 weeks of no processed food, including processed sugars (dates were allowed, but that was it). I am still a big proponent of a whole foods, low sugar diet. And the time I was on the project did transform my health. My physical health, that is. I did honestly feel great. But at the same time, it made me an anxious mess.

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I was in a constant state of restriction. I started to get really bad anxiety, like nothing I have felt in my life. After the first week, I cheated and had some dessert (not a crazy amount, mind you). That evening into the next morning, I was insanely anxious, so much so that I had to call in sick to leading quidditch conditioning because I needed a run to burn off some of the energy, and that was the only thing that made me feel better.


Found my love for roasted carrots. <3

Finally, 3 weeks into the challenge I couldn’t do it anymore, and when a delicious ice cream sandwich was presented to me, I gave up.


And then the next months became a sugar bender. That extreme restriction had made me a mess (theme of sophomore year, I suppose), and feeling gross while watching my body transform made it even worse. In a few short months, I was almost +15 from the end of The Project.

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Once again, I lost my control and my balance. When I arrived in DC that summer, I was +25 from pre-college.

One key thing I want to talk about here is what went wrong, and what’s different now. Then, when I was feeling a little unhealthy, I would immediately try to slash food and sweets, and it usually backfired. Even if I was “doing well,” I still felt like I was always waiting for the other shoe to drop, and the cycle to start over again.

Now, things are different. The last time I was feeling a little gross, a little puffy, I made the conscious decision not to revert to old habits and cut things out. Instead, I decided to focus on adding things in: making an intentional effort to eat more fruits and veggies. And that approach made all the difference. Sometimes I hear people talk about cutting out sugar for x period of time, and honestly, I can’t listen to it anymore. I have to walk away. That was so much my tendency for so long, and it would be so easy to slip into these habits. But where I am now, I’m happy and healthy without doing that. I want to keep doing what I’m doing, and not let other influence this lifestyle I’ve built for myself. I know if I let myself get back into that cycle, it would be all bad again.

Also, I know with this series I’m being sort of vague about what’s changed, but that will be at the end of the series! I promise it’s nothing drastic though. Mainly a shift in mindset!


Adventures in #bootlife

Having a stress fracture at the end of my senior year of college stinks, but I decided to not let it affect my life! (Minus the whole no running/walking/most exercise thing but minor details…)

I’m trying to have SOME fun with it (as seen here). I’m thinking of it almost like Flat Stanley (did anyone else do that? For classes, one student would get him for a week and take him on adventures, taking photos of the adventures). So this week, where did boot go?


Thursday, I rounded up a big group and friends and went to Senior night, a night out for the seniors to get together.

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Friday, we (the boot and I) went to a sorority mixer. Since #prevet, I suggested an animal theme and somehow that actually went through. Not complaining.

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It was a fun night, spent with lots of friends!

Then, Saturday was the perfect day. It was so much fun. Despite a late night, I was up pretty early as per usual and decided to head to Crossfit, since the WOD was reasonably foot-modifiable. My workout ended up being 5 rounds, 2 min rest between rounds, of the following:

2 min assault bike

15 strict pul ups (I used a band for the strict, but worked in some no banded kipping. I can now string 5 kipping together, and pre-injury it was only 3!)

1 min assault bike

10 ring rows

10 strict press

It felt good to get moving, and I fell those pull ups now!

Since I sometimes call this a food and fitness blog, not just #bootlife and #stressfracture, here was my lunch:


GF avocado toast, leftover dill salmon (our chef makes the best salmon ever), greens with Italian dressing, and apple/beet/dijon salad.

Then, the main event! My friend somehow managed to convince his professor to let him use his beach house for the day/night! A group of us made the hourish drive, but with good conversation, it flew by!

This is the view from the window.


First stop was the beach! Luckily there was a nice path leading down to the beach. After a minor sand incident last week, this time I came prepared. I brought a drawstring (this is key) garbage bag to put over the boot to keep the sand out.


Worked like a charm! As a we were walking along the beach, a big wave came up to knee height, but my boot stayed dry!

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Despite rain earlier in the day, the weather was perfect. The beach house even had a private beach! We also had no cell signal or Wifi, which was a strange yet refreshing experience.

We spent about 2 hours hanging out at the beach before heading inside to make dinner.

My main task was chopping up and sautéing the peppers and asparagus.


As well as pan-frying the chicken. I actually surprised myself by how much I actually am capable of cooking, and how much I actually know about things. Maybe it’s comparative! When cooking with 3 boys, sometimes you have to be the voice of reason.

For example, we bought some wine to go with dinner, and I pointed out we didn’t bring a corkscrew. They immediately thought we should just hit the top of the bottle off. I suggested we check the fully stocked kitchen for a corkscrew. Guess what? We found one! Haha!


For dinner, we had chicken (which I made with olive oil and garlic salt), gluten free spaghetti with marinara and the veggies I made, corn, and tortellini with pesto.



I seriously cannot get enough of this view.


It was honestly such an amazing day. I ended up driving back around sunset that night instead of staying because I had an early morning. These people have been my friends since freshman year, and I don’t see them nearly enough. It was the perfect senior spring day.

Sunday was another great day. My dorm did a wine tasting trip to Napa! The bus left at 9am, and we arrived at the first winery at 11.


Our first stop was V. Sattui. We had some time to walk around before our tour. They have a really nice deli, with delicious cheeses!


A winery tour in a boot was one of the more challenging things I’ve done, I have to admit.

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Cat sighting!

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Thankfully, we got to sit down for the tasting.

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My favorite was the Sauvignon Blanc. I am not a red wine girl, I have to admit.

After our tasting, we had lunch at the winery. I had a turkey sandwich on lettuce.


The highlight was dessert for sure though. It was creme brûlée, served cold. I’m not always a huge fan of creme brûlée, but this was delicious. It was a little eggier than a lot of creme brûlées, and seemed less fatty, which I liked a lot more! It also had strong vanilla bean flavor.


Stop #2 was Robert Mondavi, one of the big founding wineries in Napa.

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I actually liked this tour a lot more. The tour guide was funny, and very informative. In addition, we got to see more of the process.


Our tasting took place in the barrel room!

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And more beautiful Napa scenery:

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These past few days have been amazing. it’s hard to go back to reality, especially with only 7 days left of class in my undergraduate career! I’m still not sure how I feel about it. I think part of that is the uncertainty of next year. But let’s not even touch that topic with a 10 foot pole!

What did you do this weekend?

WIAW: Then Vs. Now

Happy WIAW!


Since my little #TransformationTuesday series is the day before WIAW, I thought I’d include a little themed WIAW action alongside that. This week, we’re going to look at Spring of Freshman year vs. now. (Original here.)




Power Snacks mentioned later.



GF pumpkin banana bread from the freezer, plus 2 tortilla chips while it heated up.




Dining hall biscuit, pear+hard boiled egg, gummy vitamins ( still take these, don’t take stylized pictures!) and midmorning cappuccino.



Breakfast on the go before squirrel watching (for a research project). Aesthetic level=0. 2% plain fage greek yogurt, Trader Joe’s reduced sugar blueberry jam (SO good), and sunbutter.




Salad with added hard boiled egg.



Make your own sandwich: I made half with egg salad and half with smoked salmon and herbed dill cream cheese. Roasted butternut squash and purple potatoes on the side, plus fruit salad. Went back for more fruit and squash! Sidenote: I LOVE fruit salad that includes bananas!

Afternoon snack:





More leftover roasted squash and fruit salad, and a piece of dried mango.




Garden burger over salad, roasted sweet potatoes, roasted carrots, and cabbage.


A roll with jelly, butter, and peanut butter. Dessert of vanilla soft serve with pineapple and granola.



Out to dinner with the family for my mom’s birthday. Goat cheese and beat salad with mint vinaigrette (love that idea!) with grilled chicken. + a few of my mom’s amazing fries. I took about half the lettuce and some of the beets home for lunch tomorrow!


+ a scoop of peppermint fudge ripple ice cream.

Post-Dinner Snack:



Snack 1 is a bar, snack 2 was dark chocolate, pumpkin seeds, and the creation on the right up there. Dorm room cooking at its finest: sunflower seed milk, unsweetened coconut, and a mashed up ripe banana. Served with a square of dark chocolate, and sunbutter.



A few bites of these roasted sweet potatoes (that picture is the whole container. I did not eat the whole container). And GF chocolate chip cookie because you don’t pass that up.

It’s really funny to look back on this. I think every single meal included an item I can no longer eat (gluten/nuts/coconut). Funny how that works! I think looking back that was actually one of my healthier days of that time period as well.

And lastly: photos from dinner! Since you don’t pass up an opportunity for photos when you look presentable.

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Favorite ice cream flavor. GO.

I like things with fudge swirls. Love Baskin Robbins Gold Medal Ribbon (caramel swirl, chocolate and vanilla ice cream), but Tin Pot’s TCHO chocolate cannot be beat.

#TransformationTuesday: The Story That Was Left Off the Blog #1

Hey guys! I have a different type of post today. This is something I’ve had on my mind and in my thoughts for a while, and that I’ve also been excited to share with you.

There’s been another sort of journey over the past 4 years that was eluded to but maybe not always totally transparent: my health and fitness journey. I feel like I’m finally at the point where I’m confident in myself and who I am. I am happy. I enjoy what I do, what I eat, and how it makes me feel. But honest, it’s been quite a ride to get where I am today, and I’ve struggled a bit over the past 4 years.

If we’re being honest, reading old posts sometimes make me cringe. But it really is a testament to how far I’ve come. In this little mini-series, I wanted to dive in and be real about where I was, and where I am now. I feel like i am at a place where I can look back and reflect, because as I said before, I am happy about where I am now. These posts may be raw. They may show some pictures that were deemed not suitable for the blog in the past, and were scrapped in favor of more flattering angles. But I hope someone can maybe get something out of this. I know when I was struggling with my college weight gain, I looked for bloggers’ success stories about how they found balance again.

For many many reasons, I am not going to be sharing exact weight numbers, but I may give + or – numbers.


After just over 3 years, I found myself +30 pounds from when I stepped on campus at the beginning of my freshman year.

Now, I’m +6.

Honestly, my body is completely different than when I left home freshman year, those +6? Probably not important. I have no goal, I’m not trying to lose more weight, I’m just going to see where my body wants to be.

This is my story.

Part 1 will be Freshman year, 2 sophomore, 3 junior, and 4 senior. I hope this series resonates with someone out there who experienced similar things.

When I began my freshman year, I was in the best shape of my life. I basically spent the summer before college working out, because I enjoyed it and didn’t have much else to do! I also wanted to be ready to walk on to the rowing team.


(Move in Day)

Leading up to this point, I had always been a really health conscious, if erratic eater. I considered sugar to be the plague (although I struggled somewhat to avoid it), and I was used to controlled meals, especially for breakfast and lunch, since they were often packed.

When I started rowing, I dropped a few pounds. Partly due to exercise, partly due to some muscle loss. I had been weight lifting regularly for several years prior, and the novice rowers didn’t really lift. Freshman 15? What Freshman 15?


At the same time, my eating habits were declining, which caused endless stress for me. I spent a lot of time feeling disgusting. I got into the habit of eating a big pancake breakfast with my team after morning practice, and I would crash HARD mid-morning. That, plus lack of sleep! Practices start at 5:45am, so I was perpetually sleep deprived (and getting my butt kicked in classes).

When I went home for the holidays, I was a stressed mess and gorged myself. School stress, rowing stress, freshman year adjustment stress.

Christmas break was especially hard. I was miserable because I was only home for a week or so because I had training camp the day after Christmas, so I was sad to miss time at home. Again, the stress directed itself in my eating habits, and I ate so much junk that I felt not only terrible, but stressed about the junk.


(Effortlessly ran a sub-25:00 5k, have been killing myself trying to beat it ever since!)

By the time I made it to training camp, I was a little heavier than when I left for college. I started my blog around this time.

I started the new quarter optimistic, but things quickly spiraled out of control. My classes were so hard, and rowing was crazy. It was a 5 hour a day time commitment, and I quickly fell behind in classes. I was extremely sleep deprived, and due to the high volume of our training load, likely clinically overtrained. Food was becoming more of a struggle, because it was both an outlet for and a cause of stress. I’m not going to link to posts, but if you look at the early 2013 posts in my sidebar, you can get a sense. I felt out of control. My life felt out of control. I was a freaking. mess. Then things came crashing down. I came down with mono, and was the sickest I’ve ever been in my life. I had mono, stomach flu, strep throat, a cold, an ear injection, and a sinus infection, at the same time. I couldn’t eat. It was a struggle to get down a piece of dry toast ever morning to take my medicine. I was taking 32 pills a day, because I needed Tylenol and Advil around the clock to control my raging fever. I did not so much as sit up in bed for 3 weeks. (I went home.)

Naturally, all the weight I gained was gone. I was weak, I hadn’t moved in a month. And my body was still so, so out of whack.

In addition to that, I was no longer rowing, so I was no longer constrained by rowing since I stopped when I got mono. Between those two things, I entered some type of manic state for the first 3 weeks of spring quarter. I didn’t sleep. I stayed up until 3am talking and hanging out, and I was up at 7 to go to the gym. My eating habits were insane. I had zero control, and ate an absolutely absurd number of yogurt bowls.


I was having fun with college life, but I was putting weight on at an alarming speed. In several short weeks, I was up 20 pounds. I didn’t recognize myself. I didn’t feel comfortable in what I had become. 296105_10151513830477449_1921496723_n

In addition, thanks to mono, I was super out of shape, so I had way less muscle than in the past. I carried most of the weight in my arms and stomach, and was just so uncomfortable. By the end of the year, I was ready to go home, reset, and take a break.

This post actually is a pretty decent overview of my freshman year, but a bit of a rosier outlook.

That summer, I started to find some control and some balance but I still struggled.


I was about +20 from arriving at college. I was looking for a cure, for answers. I briefly tried Paleo. I briefly tried Whole30. Nothing stuck.

But I did make progress. I started Crossfit that summer, and ran my first half marathon. I was no longer in my super crazy end of freshen year state, and I showed up to college at the beginning of my sophomore year fitter and saner, but still not satisfied.


(Hawaii right before school started)

In terms of my sanity, I think freshman year was the biggest journey. It is interesting to look back on old posts from that period, and feel what I was experiencing. Lots of frustration. Lack of control. Stress over what I was eating. Labeling foods as good or bad, trying to restrict the bad, only for that to backfire in my face. Eating junk and feeling terrible. As I said before, feel free to check out the archives in the side bar for more details. I think I definitely struggled with eating in a dining hall too. Muffins and pancakes were my weakness, and they usually left me feeling yucky. Once I had them, I couldn’t stop, and things spiraled. I remember one instance where I was supposed to be going for a run, but stopped halfway through to go eat muffins in the dining hall! (How things have changed….#glutenfree)

Stay tuned for next’s weeks #TransformationTuesday, a recap of sophomore year!

What has your health and fitness journey been like?