Weekly Workouts: June!

Hello! I honestly don’t think I’ve really done a weekly workout post maybe since I had a broken foot….which is to say it’s not something I’ve done in a while! But hey, why not do one, right? I thought it might be fun, especially since I decided to do a little squat program. So here it is! This is the week of June 19.


I went to a morning spin class at the local studio, and then Crossfit in the evening. For our strength, we worked on back squats. We did 5-3-1+ at 75%-85%-95%. Which means I did 5 at 145, 3 at 165, and as many as possible at 185. So, I haven’t lifted anything heavier than 175 in a while, so I didn’t have high hopes for 185. The first one went up well, which was surprising. The second one was hard. The third one, I had trouble coming up so I tried to fail it, but I was leaning a little too far forward to drop it behind me so I had to straighten up to fail…but instead of fail, when I straightened up, I surprised myself and just came all the way up, magically landing my last squat. What?? I did not expect that! Needless to say, I was happy with my 3 reps at 95%.

The WOD was a little different. It was max reps in a certain period of time: 1 minute of double unders, 1 minute of dumbbell snatches, 2 minutes DUs, 2 minutes of DB snatches, 3 minutes of DUs, 3 minutes of DB snatches. I think I ended up with 200 double unders, 79 snatches, and a nasty whip mark.


I went to Crossfit before work. We did cleans and snatches, and then did a very uncomfortable WOD. It was 21-15-9 of muscle ups (in theory) and single arm dumbbell overhead squats. For muscle ups, I subbed pull ups and push ups. So why was this uncomfortable? If you have ever attempted a single arm overhead squat, you would understand! I just do not bend that way. At least on the right side. It was a great opportunity to again be reminded of how asymmetrical I am. My left shoulder has always been looser (partly why I partially dislocated it a couple of years ago). So these weren’t great, but still manageable on my left, and just straight ugly on the right. I used a 20# dumbbell on the right, which made it more manageable, and a 25# dumbbell on the left.



Morning Crossfit! We did 75%-85%-95% for 5-3-1+ again, but this time for strict presses, which are one of my least favorite weight lifting movements. Partly because I’m pretty terrible at them. I did 80# for my 95% and did a whopping 1 rep.

The WOD was a fun one though! 3 rounds of: 250m row/ 12 cleans (65#)/ 21 push ups. I finished in just over 11:00


I started work at 7:45am, and was super torn between spin and Crossfit. Eventually I decided on a spin class, even though I would have to leave early!

I had my first slow pitch softball game that night, and it almost didn’t happen! Work has been crazy lately, and it was clear early on I would have to stay late. I got super lucky and my kind coworkers let me race off around 5:15 (for a 5:30 game). I had warned my team I would be late/unable to come, but I texted my sister (also on the team) when I was on my way. I showed up a good 10 minutes late, and they actually hadn’t started yet. We were super short on players, and if I hadn’t shown up literally within the minute, we would have had to forfeit! Phew! We still were 2 players short though!

Some of the longer time readers may remember how I played slow pitch in past years. I couldn’t play last year thanks to a wonderfully broken foot (and because I was in TN for the rest of the season), so I wasn’t sure how this was going to go. Well, it turns out muscle memory is a great thing. I was a hardcore softball player throughout middle and high school, and spent hours every single day practicing. I guess some of that stays with you, even with a 2 year gap! Somehow, despite being 2 players short of being able to field a full team, we managed to pull out a win! I had the joy of playing 2 outfield positions at once, haha! I also had zero warm up for the game, minus the running to my car on the way there! I realized about halfway through the game that thankfully, my tendonitis was feeling good!

I had such a blast playing again. I actually went 4-4 with solid contact, and the opposing team actually has a ton of people I know from the fall league I used to play in! Man, it felt so good to be back out there!

…That being said, starting Friday and especially Saturday, I was pretty darn sore!


My own workout at the gym, continuing the squat program.

Back squats: 8-8-6 at 145#-155#-165#

From week to week, reps decrease and weight increases.

Deadlifts: 5-3-1 at 165-185-205

Single leg RDLS: I used a 50# dumbbell and did 4 sets of 6 per leg.

Conditioning: 6 Minute EMOM:

Min 1: 6 dumbbell snatches (35#), 1 burpee

Min 2: 5 snatches, 2 burpees

Min 3: 4 snatches, 3 burpees

Min 4: 3 snatches, 4 burpees

Min 5: 2 snatches, 5 burpees

Min 6: 1 snatch, 6 burpees

Abs: Most of this tried and true ab workout I got years ago; 25 reps per movement.



“Rest” day. Not entirely sure work qualifies as rest though!


3 mile hilly run through my neighborhood.

Quick and Easy Blueberry Burrata Salad

Today’s post is just a quick and easy meal idea! This one is so basic it will literally come together in less than 5 minutes.

If you’ve never tried burrata, you absolutely need to. It’s similar to fresh mozzarella, but even soften and creamier. The burrata is the star of this salad, complemented by sweet and tangy blueberries.


Toss lettuce with balsamic vinaigrette, and top with chicken (I used rotisserie), blueberries, and a dollop of burrata. Seriously, it’s that easy!

Quick and Easy Mexican Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

Hello! I have a day of eats to share, along with another Quick and Easy recipe at the end!

…I think this is from Monday? Days are hard to keep track of!



Papaya and lemon poppyseed bread (Buzzfeed’s recipe).



Open faced turkey sandwich with garlic and herb laughing cow, lettuce, and avocado. Pirate’s Booty and snap peas on the side.



Half a frozen banana and a chocolate mint Nugo bar.


Mexican stuffed sweet potatoes! These came together in minutes. We roasted the sweet potatoes, but you could definitely just microwave them to make it faster (which is what I will probably do when I am in school). Assembling them takes almost no time. Cut them open, add some salt and pepper, and then layer in wilted spinach (also microwaved), rotisserie chicken (or any cooked meat, or even black beans), salsa, and Mexican cheese.


Then, broil them in the oven or microwave them until the cheese is melted. Top with guacamole, and you’re good to go!




Black cherry Halo Top with dark chocolate sauce and whipped cream.



Brown rice cake with whipped berry cream cheese.

As far as workouts go, I decided that this week, I’m going to do a weekly workouts recap post at the end of the week! It’s been a while since I’ve done that!

Also, vet school is rapidly approaching and I have a long list of Quick and Easy posts I need to do, so expect a lot of those coming up soon!

Father’s Day; Let’s Talk Beer

Father’s Day weekend seems like a pretty appropriate time to discuss beer, right?

Friday night, we pulled out one of our big cans of passionfruit beer from Hawaii to share.


They were from March but still pretty good!

Saturday morning I had work, so I did a little full day of eating for you all!



A chocolate banana smoothie with frozen banana, milk, cocoa, and Quest chocolate protein plus sunbutter of GF cinnamon raisin toast.



I have this lunch so frequently. Salad with nectarine, grilled chicken, and goat cheese, and a side of GF cheddar crackers.




My parents met me with Chloe for an outdoor dinner downtown by work.

I started off with a Budweiser.


I don’t think I’ve ever actually had Budweiser outside of St. Louis. I actually liked it there!

…but I don’t think the Budweiser you get there is the same as you get here. This was way more watery. Definitely not as good. Upon analysis, this wasn’t even close to the same color. The beer in STL is much more amber:


Yeah. What the heck?

….and back to the food.

We got roasted brussels sprouts and sweet potato fries for the table.

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For my meal, I had a beet and goat cheese salad with TRUFFLE honey. OMG <3


We stopped for froyo after. Chocolate+bananas flambé.


A little bit later in the night, I grabbed a dulce de leche cupcake with chocolate frosting from the freezer. The freezer went through some freezing/thawing issues so my cow looked a little bit sadder!


NOW, for Father’s Day!

We started out with a run for me and a walk for pups by the bay before it got hot. Spoiler alert: it got HOT later. It was over 100 at my house, which almost never happens!


For our main Father’s Day event, we all went to Dan Gordon’s, the restaurant associated with Gordon Biersch. Fun fact: my dad actually coached Dan Gordon’s daughter many years ago!

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I had never actually had Gordon Biersch beer before! We decided to get a flight to try a few different things.


I ended up deciding on the Hefeweizen. It was really interesting; it had more complex flavors (fruity?) than most wheat beers.


Naturally, we got the famous Gordon Biersch garlic fries to start (found at AT&T park!).


And roasted brussels sprouts. (SO good.)


For my meal, I went in the brunch direction and got a goat cheese and portabello scramble, although I have to admit, I didn’t make a dent in it after garlic fries!


After lunch, we braved the 100+ temperatures to walk to a nearby diner for ice cream. I had to rally my dessert stomach hard, but the peppermint fudge could not be passed up.


When we got home, we let Chloe out of her crate (inside, in the AC), and apparently the house was so well conditioned that she went out into 100+ degrees and plopped down flat in the sun (she looked up when I took the pic.)



Sunday afternoon’s task was bottling my home brewed beer! That called for a mini toast.


I think the bottling went well! The beer isn’t fizzy yet, but I tasted what we had so far and it was pretty good! Now we wait two weeks, and then it will be time to test out the final product! Again, I’ll do a full recap on the process at that time.


And that was Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day to my wonderful father (who will definitely read this <3 ); I wouldn’t be where I am today without you!


Pupcakes and Summer Salads

Hello! Today is my day off, and I am wiped out! I’ve been laying pretty low most of the day, but am enjoying the (finally) warm weather! I ventured outside to take the pup for a long walk, as well as for coffee with my sister.

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^Flat dog=sign that I did my job and tired her out!

I have a couple of meal ideas for you guys today focusing on fresh produce! But to start, we’re going to back it up.


Pre-workout cheerios. (Still in the habit of recording a full week of eating…it lasted 1 day.)


Post-Crossfit I was craving protein so I aborted my planned breakfast and went with it. Probably thanks to death by double unders (essentially) the night before.


I have a very lengthy list of immunization requirements for vet school, so I went to the doctor Tuesday to get all that taken care of. By the time I was done, and plenty of blood was drawn, I was STARVING. I met my mom for lunch at the nearby Neiman Marcus cafe. It’s pretty fancy, and they serve little appetizers. The first was chicken stock, and I swear after getting blood drawn and waiting so long of lunch, this gave me life!


Next, they brought popovers with strawberry butter. I had a few bites only because I didn’t want to be asleep within the hour.


For my meal, I got a salad with chicken, apple, dried fruit, and blue cheese.


And with our check, they brought little chocolate peppermint sticks.


My mom and I spent the afternoon looking for clothes for vet school. For classes, we don’t have a dress code, but I need some things that are a step up from leggings, as well as some more business casual for shadowing clinics. I found a few things, but I really need to work on building up my wardrobe!

For snack, we stopped at Pressed Juicery where I picked up a carroty juice, which I had with a sea salt chocolate protein bar.


I was supposed to have a slow pitch softball game that evening in that area, but it ended up getting cancelled at the last minute because we didn’t have enough players. Instead, we picked up some things to make dinner.


For dinner, we had a variation of my nectarine and date salad: nectarines, dates, rotisserie chicken, goat cheese, champagne vinaigrette. On the side, we picked up some random GF cheese breads. One of better than the other.

We recently got a Costco box of nectarines, which is why they have/will be featured so prominently this week!

For dessert, we picked up some Sprinkles cupcakes. I got a GF red velvet.


Since I’m both a sucker for marketing and love my dog, when we saw puppy cakes, we had to pick one up for Chloe. They had simple ingredients, and are dipped in yogurt instead of frosted.


She was actually really funny; she didn’t know what to think of it or how to eat it at first!

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But of course she was motivated enough to figure it out!

Other evening snacks included Pirate’s Booty and a rice cake with chive and berry whipped cream cheese.

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New on the fitness front is I’m planning on doing a new squat program. I did it when I worked with my trainer a couple of years ago, and think it would be a good way to build extra strength on my own. I’m starting at 10# lighter than last time though since I don’t think i’m as strong! Day 1 was 10-10-8 reps at 135-145-155. I was feeling it by the end of the day!

And now, more meals featuring fresh fruit and veggies. This is so much the time of year for it!



One massive banana pancake, because making a bunch of little ones is a ton of work. 1 banana, 1 egg, half a serving of liquid egg whites, and baking powder. I also had half a Hawaiian papaya. My favorite papayas to get are the ones that are discounted due to overripe/bruising. Papayas can be expensive and take forever to ripen, and these are always perfectly ripe and ready to go, minus a spot or two.


I went straight from spin to work, so I ate my lunch in the car. Maple blueberry bread and a nectarine.



Roasted veggie bowl. Rainbow carrots from our CSA, roasted broccoli, brown rice, a fried egg, hummus, and chives.


My grilled peach and chicken salad, but with nectarines.


And lastly, salad with leftover grilled chicken, papaya, parmesan, and champagne vinaigrette.

That’s all i have for ya, go out and enjoy the summer weather+food!