WIAW: #Bootlife Nostalgia

Today on the way to teaching spin at my undergrad campus, I listened to an album that I listened to a lot last spring. Immediately it took me back to all my boot workouts: grinding it out on the bike, learning new leg machines, endless dumbbell presses. I actually miss the boot in some strange way. Obviously, it’s nice not having a broken foot. But many good times were had in my boot. While wearing a giant boot with a broken foot was painful and made it hard to get around, I didn’t let it hold me back from doing anything I wanted to do and from enjoying my senior year. And not going to lie, I definitely felt super tough doing some of the things I did in a boot. I tried to make the most of it and have fun with it. Protip: if you go out and don’t want people to step on your broken foot, lighting up your boot works fabulously. The big silver lining of #bootlife was that I spent 2 months working on pull ups like a mad woman, and now I’m busting them out in workouts like it’s no big deal. (I did 50 kipping pull ups on Monday in sets of 5 the whole way!) Being optimistic is who I am; I may be sarcastic and pessimistic about humanity, but on a case by case basis I always look for the bright side.

But again, I think a lot of the good times that were had in the boot were because of the awesome people I was with. I’m missing my college friends like crazy now, and while I’m excited for a new opportunity in a new city, I’m sad I won’t see them every day. I think it’s finally getting real that I won’t be going back to Stanford this fall.


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(Featuring: Boot goes to the beach, boot goes win tasting in Napa, boot goes to the Giant’s game, boot goes to senior nights, boot goes to a Stanford baseball game, boot ‘graduates” from my sorority, and boot does murph.)

After that absurdly long introduction, let’s get into WIAW, shall we? Thanks as always to Jenn for starting the fun all those years ago.


For breakfast, I had a few crackers alongside a smoothie bowl. I recently bought Quest salted caramel protein powder, and so far I don’t hate it. I want to try it in waffles/pancakes at some point though!

In the blender went 1.33 bananas, milk, cocoa powder, and protein powder. I topped it with some KIND Raspberry granola.


I taught a noon spin class on campus. It was a class I made when I had a broken foot, and it was fun to actually be able to do the full class for real (I couldn’t stand before).

I had some business to attend to on campus, so I packed a lunch because I knew I would be hungry post-spin. I had a Trader Joe’s chicken, goat cheese, and beet salad, and a few crackers.


When I got back, I had snack part 1: a farmer’s market peach that was absolutely delicious.


Snack part 2 was a new purchase: a Flapjacked muffin. I saw these the other day and actually am not allergic to anything in them, so I was excited to try them out! Plus, given my physical activity for the day I knew I wanted plenty of protein, and these pack 20g in.


I overcooked it a tiny bit. When I originally took it out, it seemed too soft still so I added a few extra seconds and apparently that was too much. It was good though! The cinnamon chips were a good touch!

Before dinner, I attended a spin class. Normally I would never double up spin, but since it’s my last week and I had one spin credit left to a local studio, I wanted to go to one of my favorite teacher’s classes. It was a fun one! I always like her music.

For dinner, we had roasted corn and spaghetti squash mac and cheese.I haven’t had mac and cheese in forever so I was excited!

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I love the idea of using spaghetti squash. Honestly, I’m not a huge pasta person. I’m all about the sauce! And who doesn’t love sneaking in extra veggies? This may be my favorite way to eat spaghetti squash thus far!

For dessert, I had my final 2 leftover grad cupcakes: chocolate with caramel frosting, and caramel with chocolate frosting.


A little while later, I had another snack. Because, hello, 2 spin classes, I needed the calories! Another thing I was super excited to try? Pumpkin spice cheerios! We finally found them! Yes, they are good. And I’m ready to dive headfirst into pumpkin. I was crazy into pumpkin a couple of years ago, but less recently. I think I’m due for another year of being crazy into pumpkin. And clearly I’m starting off strong with 2 pumpkin items in one day!


I also had a few milk chocolate chips to cap it off.


Have you had any pumpkin yet? What’s you favorite fall food?

I love pumpkin bread!

It’s Crunch Time, My Friends

Well, we’re in the home stretch. My app will be submitted on Friday. Lots to do before now and then! (Just a note for anyone who may see this post and benefit: I’m submitting my app about a month before the deadline so everything has time to process, just in case!)

Although it’s Tuesday, I thought we could still do a little weekend recap!

My Saturday morning began with a fun spin class and a trip to the farmer’s market.


I really, really love figs. And California peaches—they cannot be beat! Pro-tip: put your farmer’s market peaches in the fridge ASAP even if they are still hard. They ripen super fast and will start to rot otherwise! (I knew this but still failed to do it…)

For lunch, I picked up a falafel salad with tahini dressing from a food truck.


And enjoyed the last of the caramel sauce with Halo Top and whipped cream.


The afternoon was low key, but dinner was delicious. We had grilled romaine salad with avocado, chicken, and grilled corn. Last time we made this salad, we used grade B maple syrup for the dressing, and this time we used syrup that was less than A. It made a HUGE difference—I’m never going away from B again! This was sweeter with less mapley flavor and the whole salad didn’t hve the same “wow” factor as before.


I was in the mood to bake, but didn’t want to commit to a giant loaf of bread, so I tried the 2 ingredient cookies I’ve been seeing all over the internet lately. 2 bananas, 1 cup of oats, 12 minutes in the oven at 350. I spiced them up a bit by adding some milk and semi sweet chocolate chips (I may or may not have gone to the store exclusively to buy milk chocolate chips, but worth it!), and fresh strawberries to some of them.

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The verdict? Delicious, but I highly recommend adding chocolate chips. They MADE them.


Sunday morning, I went for a run! I went to my favorite place ever to run, down by the reservoir. It is just so beautiful there. I was struck by the fact that the last time I ran there, I was running on a stress fracture. I ran 3 miles! This is a big deal, because it’s the furthest I’ve gone since my stress fracture. I don’t think I’m going to be running longer than 3 miles for a while though. It’s a good distance, and there’s no reason to take any risks. My foot definitely doesn’t feel as good as new. It feels really creaky, and I think there might be some scar tissue there. But again, I am being careful.

Sunday afternoon, I went to a Giant’s game with my friend. It was AMAZING weather. No jacket—what??

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My lunch was actually a salad. At a baseball game. I do concede that that is sort of ridiculous. I normally get amazing flatbread, but I’ve gotten it the last couple of times. This beet+parmesan salad was delicious though!

We left a little early to get on the train to go home, and in that time the lead was blown and we lost. :/

I was hungry by the time we got home, so my family and I quickly threw together fig and goat cheese salad with grilled chicken, and had some of the homemade buttermilk biscuits my mom whipped up that morning.


Monday consisted of vet school apps and a hard but fun Crossfit workout. We worked on snatches, and I was able to hit the prescribed 65% feeling good!

The WOD was full of all the things I love to do. I was the only one in the class, and would have preferred someone to suffer through it with! It was:

10 rounds: 5 pull ups, 7 front squats, 9 push ups

I think it took me around 16 minutes? I used 75# for the pull ups.

Food highlights for the day included butternut squash, chicken, and quinoa stew with roasted brussels spouts:


And leftover graduation cupcakes from the freezer:


2 months later, I stand by my decision to ask the cupcake place to switch the dulce de leche and chocolate frostings, resulting in dulce cake with chocolate frosting, and chocolate cake with dulce frosting.

The best part? I still have 2 more in the freezer, which I’m eyeing for dessert tonight!

Did you ever apply to grad school? How was the process?


What to Eat on Days When You Feel Like Eating Everything

Do you ever have those days that you just feel like eating everything? Not so much that you’re extra hungry, but you just feeling like EATING?

I tend to feel like that if maybe I haven’t been making the best food choices lately, or haven’t gotten enough exercise in. Or not enough sleep.

After eating copious amounts of cake toppings on Thursday, after a very mild morning Crossfit workout I felt my self returning to the pantry post-smoothie bowl.


Since I wasn’t particularly hungry and was more just craving the act of eating, I decided to try and be mindful about it, and offer some tips here on the blog.

For lunch, I had leftover lemon chicken rice soup again.


Instead of having something bread-y on the side, I decided to opt for more nutrients than volume and lightly roasted a massive amount of kale with some avocado oil and nutritional yeast. I seriously felt so good after eating this—sometimes massive amounts of greens make me feel like a rockstar!


Because the homemade salted caramel sauce was delicious, I made a little ice cream bowl for dessert, but tried to keep it a little bit on the lighter side by using chocolate Halo Top and not getting too crazy with the caramel sauce.


I was feeling restless as well, so that afternoon I decided to get out of the house a little bit. First, I went to GNC to pick up some protein powder. I have mixed feelings on protein powder and definitely go through phases with it, but I’ve been enjoying smoothie bowls post-workout lately and wanted to up the protein content. Plus, I was curious to try the new Quest protein powder. (Ok, I guess at this point it isn’t really that new…) I picked up a few packets of salted caramel protein powder, plus some of the Flapjacked muffins that you microwave. I’m excited to try those!

I was planning on making a higher volume/high protein snack of a protein shake (milk+protein powder+ice) for a snack but my need for a nap caught up to me and all I wanted to do was sleep, not even eat.

I ended up hitting the track for a little speed work that evening as well. I’m trying to ease my foot back into things, so I did some 400 and 200m repeats, totally 1.25 miles. I haven’t run anything remotely fast lately, so I took it what felt like fairly easy, especially on the first couple. Here’s the crazy thing though. I wasn’t pushing the pace and it didn’t feel too hard, but I was curious where I was at so I timed a couple. I was right about where I was when I was doing all my track training for a class project (improving my 400m time) last fall. I timed a 400 and I think it was only 5-10s slower than my fastest time…and it felt easy. Um, what?


Granted, it was probably 40 degrees warmer now than then, but jeez. So my friends: cross training is a thing. It works. If you’re out due to an injury, don’t be discouraged because you don’t lose nearly as much as you think! (That being said, certain muscles haven’t been used like this in a while and I’m still sore 3 days later..)

I forgot to take pictures of dinner, but we got The Counter. I made my own burger with a chicken breast, gruyere, tomato and lettuce, avocado, and garlic aioli on a GF bun, with a side salad. My family and I also shared sweet potato fries and garlic parmesan fries. They were delicious, but I woke up the next morning remembering why I don’t usually eat a lot of fried food…

I attempted a healthier-ish dessert to go with my caramel sauce. I wanted some type of cakey thing so I mashed up banana, cocoa, egg whites, and chocolate chips, and microwaved that. I topped that and some low fat vanilla frozen yogurt with caramel sauce, it everything was delicious!


Snacks later that evening included protein chips and a granola bar—trying to keep it on the healthier side.

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I meant to write this post earlier this weekend, so expect a weekend recap in a little bit!

What do you eat on those days when you feel like eating everything?


Olympic Cycling Fun

Happy Friday friends!

I have to say, I’m pretty beat. I have been staying up late to watch the Olympics. But man, has it been worth it to see the Women’s Gymnastics finals!

Every Olympics I get really into the really long events; after planting myself on the coach all of last weekend watching the 6+ hour men’s and 4+ hour women’s road races, I wanted the time to count for something, so I made an Olympics-themed spin class for the class I was subbing Thursday. Details will be at the end of this post! Before then, I want to catch up on some food+fun. (Spoiler alert: I baked a cake!)

Wednesday morning I went to Crossfit and was the only one in the class! The strength was backsquats. After my foot issue, I’m trying to build up my strength again. I did 5 sets of 5 at 155#. Last week I did 5×5 at 145#. This is kind of a big deal because a few weeks ago in Tennessee, I was using 155# for 8 sets of 1. Granted, having my lifting shoes again helps tremendously, but I’ve gotten a lot stronger since coming to my home Crossfit and lifting heavier.

Post Crossfit was my new favorite breakfast: a smoothie bowl!


These have been incredibly frustrating to make because our blender is too big, so everything gets stuck on the sides. But this is 1 frozen banana, milk, and cocoa powder, topped with raspberry KIND granola.

Lunch was leftover chicken, avocado toast (every. day.), and leftover watermelon, mint, and feta salad. Love this salad—it’s so simple and screams summer!


I spent the afternoon working on my vet school essay. I finally have a working draft that is somewhat close to where I want to be!


This is my little helper!

For some reason, my essay pump up music was the song “Panda,” but hey, whatever works, right?

I actually documented my snack, but this is pretty typical for me: plum+Luna bar. I’m nearing the very end of my stash of the old formula S’mores bars. My biggest complaint about all the new bars is they don’t have enough coating.


And for dinner, we brought back the soup. We made Cooking Light’s Avgolemono soup (Greek style lemon rice soup). I added a little spinach to my portion, and then topped it with fresh parsley and basil, plus feta.


Shockingly, with a side of avocado toast. This time, just the classic salt and pepper on top. I don’t know why it took me so long to discover avocado toast, because now I am OBSESSED. If that wasn’t clear already! It’s the perfect fat source to round out a meal.

That evening, I went up to San Francisco to see a concert with an old friend that I haven’t seen in YEARS. The venue was really cool (and felt very SF to me). It was a small bar, but it boasted a long history of up and coming bands. Green Day performed there 20 years ago, as well as Blink-182! I didn’t actually know any of the bands playing (they were Indie, of which I know almost nothing), but it was really fun to see live music, and all the bands playing were great performers. Plus, it was such an intimate venue!


It made for a late night, but it was a blast.


Thursday, my main event was subbing spin (and catching up on a little sleep).

Breakfast was another smoothie bowl, this time with banana, milk, blueberries, cherries, and watermelon. One of my favorite smoothies is banana+strawberries+watermelon, but we didn’t have any strawberries on hand. I topped it with Cinnamon KIND granola.


This fueled me surprisingly well through my noon spin class, but I was ready to dive in to lunch afterwards!

You guessed it…more avocado toast! Plus soup.


The main event of the afternoon was cake baking. Thursday was my sister’s fiancé’s birthday, so I took to Pinterest to find a cake recipe.

We ended up choosing Chocolate Buttermilk Cake with Earl Grey Frosting and Salted Caramel Sauce.

This was definitely unlike anything I’ve made before. My “specialty” difficult cake is Boston Cream Pie, but most of the time I’m making quick breads where I’m improvising, or using a dummy proof recipe. I had to be super careful about measuring everything perfectly for this!

The cake part itself was pretty standard. The icing was unlike anything I’ve had or made before. I started by whipping up egg whites, and then melting down brown sugar and some strong Early Grey tea. Once the sugar mixture was hot, we poured it into the egg whites, which cooked them as they blended. The texture of the icing was sort of meringue-y but thicker and a little stickier. I liked it a lot. I could see myself making this again with different flavor profile. As I’ve mentioned before, I don’t do well with fat so frosting on cake often make me ill. I love that this is fat free (aka mostly sugar), but you’d never know it!

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Of course I had to taste test it, on a chocolate GF cookie. And on a finger. And a spoon. And a beater. It’s part of baking; it’s what you do, right??

The next step was making salted caramel sauce before. I have never done anything like this before, and my mom and I were both worried we would burn it! Melting the sugar down was a really cool and fun process.

And the end result?

INSANE. This sauce was SOOOO good. I had some on a spoon. And then with crackers. And then I licked the spoon, pan, and anything I could find.


Here’s a look at the finished product. You pour the caramel sauce on upon serving.


I couldn’t actually eat the cake because of the flour (but the frosting+caramel were well enjoyed), but I had a little piece of GF chocolate cake left in the freezer, so I topped that with the Earl Grey frosting and salted carmel. The verdict? DELICIOUS.


Because I was eating straight sugar all afternoon, I wanted a vegetable heavy dinner. I lightly roasted some kale with nutritional yeast, and then made a pizza omelette. I opened pizza sauce the other night and need to use it; I thought about making a tortilla pizza but I accidentally separated out 2 extra egg whites when making the frosting earlier, so I made an omelette with pizza sauce, spinach, and mozzarella.


And finally on the food front, I went out to frozen yogurt with one of my best friends from high school. It was great to see her, as always! I stuck to tart+pineapple tart yogurt with fruit toppings, because I didn’t want anything too crazy sweet after copious amounts of salted caramel.


And onto my Olympic spin class! I should preface this by saying, while this is only, my second themed spin class, I LOVE doing them. (Do you remember the time I taught in a turkey hat?)

So a little preface: the men’s race course was 150 miles, with 3 loops up and down a hill with 2000 feet of elevation gain. In the men’s race, there was a 3 person pack of leaders, with the chase group decently far behind—about 30 seconds maybe? Still within striking distance, but the leaders had pulled away and it felt like a foregone conclusion. This course was super dangerous going downhill, one of the most technical ever. Towards the bottom, the 2 men in the front of the leader group both crashed in the same place. It was heartbreaking—they seemed shoe-ins for medals, and they didn’t even finish. One guy left in the leader group rode on, with still a sizable lead. Then, on the final flat road, he was passed by 2 other riders from the chase group who worked together to catch up. He got a bronze. The women’s race was similarly heartbreaking—there was a leader group of 2 and one was pulling away by a lot going down. Then, she had a horrific crash (that fractured her spine). An American was left in the lead. She had over a minute between her and the chase group, but was passed by 3 riders in the final 500m, and finished in 4th. Wow.

So with that in mind, here’s the playlist.

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Here’s my notecard, but I’ll explain a little bit further.


  1. Warm up, explain the course. Leg speed 90-95.
  2. Hill: repeaters (1st position saddle, standing 2nd, standing 3rd, for 20 seconds each), add 1 gear every minute
  3. Hill: in saddle, leg speed 60-80, on chorus, stand to position 3 and add 10 rpms
  4. Downhill: saddle for verse at 100, +1 gear and stand for the lead-in, and sit and sprint the chorus (115)
  5. Hill: 60-80 seated climb with out of the saddle speed surges to pass the other riders (we started this song at the back of the chase group) (This is essentially a fartlek drill.)
  6. Hill: heavy climb out of the saddle in position 3, trying to bridge the gap between us and the leader group
  7. Downhill: jumps, counts of 8 and 4. Since we’re a little tired, the downhill gets a little more difficult technically so the movements are a little more refined!
  8. Hill: Staying with leader group of 3: little pushes, 15 seconds on/15 seconds off, increasing the intensity (rpms) every 3 pushes
  9. Hill: HEAVY out of saddle climb in 3, +1 gear every minute. It’s a steep hill and we’ve been cycling for nearly 6 hours so it’s gotten tough!
  10. Downhill: We’re in the leader group, but we are going to be conservative going downhill. Our legs are tired, and it’s technical. This is where it gets dangerous, so we’re going to play it smart: take the turns slow and draft off the other riders. Let a leader pull away, plan to catch on the flat. Peddle with the music. When it is slower, 100. When it speeds up a little, 105. When it drops, it’s a straightaway, 110-115.
  11. Flat: Coming through the streets with crowds, making our way to the finish at Copacabana. Decent sized gear, holding a difficult 100 rpm. 3 30 second pushes to make our move. This is the end of our Olympic race, so each push is a max effort—add gear and RPM to make it so!

And of course, we snuck in at the very end for the gold.

It was a freaking BLAST.


WIAW-My Shoulder is Cranky

Guess who is back for WIAW? I’m trying really hard to blog more old-school HLB style these days since I have more time. (Or am I just procrastinating vet school apps? We will never know.)

Thanks to Jenn for starting this party all those years ago!


Before I get into my full day of eating, I wanted to share some things from Monday night.

We made a rosemary chicken, bacon, and avocado salad, although I left the bacon off of my portion!


I usually try to build my meals my having a protein, a carb, a vegetable/fruit, and sometimes a fat. Thus, I added a slice of gluten free toast on the side. My biggest health tip is to use fresh herbs generously. They really boost the flavor of the dish and add nutritional value, without extra calories/sodium.

We had some extra ripe bananas (I am NOT a spotted banana eater), so I tossed them in a pan with Earth Balance butter substitute (I like the flavor more than butter, actually), a spoonful of brown sugar, and cinnamon.

They sautéed up perfectly, and tasted decadent. The fruit naturally caramelizes, so it doesn’t take much sugar/butter for these to caramelize right up. I enjoyed my portion with some vanilla frozen yogurt. I like having the cold stuff in a separate bowl, otherwise I feel pressure to eat quickly before the ice cream all melts!


Now, finally, onto the full day of eating!

My morning began with my gummy vitamins and 2 gluten free crackers before Crossfit. Only 2 crackers because I wasn’t super hungry, and I was running late, but I like to have some sort of carbs in my belly before lifting heavy things.

At Crossfit, we worked on reverse hypers and pistols (onto a box for me). Reverse hypers are basically back extensions on the GHD. Fun fact: 3 years into Crossfit later, last week I finally learned what GHD stands for: gluts-hamstring developers. Who knew.

The WOD:


5 deadlifts 155#

5 handstand push ups

The scale for handstand push up was strict press, and I of course took that option. I used 55# for the presses.After yesterday’s pull ups, my shoulders were pretty sore. My upper back actually got pretty tired from the deadlifts, something that doesn’t normally happen. I got through 10 rounds.

My shoulder is cranky though. I partially dislocated it a year ago, and while I can do everything now, it gets tight and painful if I use it a lot.

I wasn’t feeling yogurt for breakfast, so I decided to take advantage of my access to a Vitamix and make a smoothie. It was super simple, but super delicious: 1 frozen banana, cocoa powder, nonfat milk. I topped it with some raspberry KIND granola.


Because #nutrition, I do want to note that in my food choices, I do make an effort to stay pretty low fat. This has absolutely nothing to do with what I think the health merits of fat are—I think whole foods are extremely nutritious, including whole milk and olive oil, and in the past I’ve eaten a lot more fat and felt great. However, a lingering effect of my illness last year (I seriously need to do an update soon on that) is that I can’t handle much fat without feeling sick. So I choose the lower fat options as much as possible to stay feeling good.

I spent the morning doing vet school apps—I’m slowly but surely getting there!—before breaking for lunch.

On Sunday night, we grilled up a TON of chicken, so it’s been featured in pretty much every meal lately. I heated some up (and dipped it in catch up), and served it with a caprese salad. We were gifted homegrown tomatoes, so I chopped one up with fresh basil and fresh mozzarella, which I topped with salt and pepper. This is another example of choosing lower fat options—in the past, I might have topped this with olive oil, but I enjoyed it plenty without!


I also ate some gluten free crackers on the side, plus a couple of squares of mint dark chocolate.

I sent some emails and then went to the grocery to buy granola bars and things for dinner. An exciting new find was KIND dark chocolate granola, which I can envision on top of a chocolate banana smoothie bowl! I’m a big fan of KIND granola—the nutrition facts really can’t be beat. Also, a little goes a long way! It’s part of a great breakfast when paired with protein, such as yogurt!

Of course, I had to try some as part of my snack.



On the side was a farmer’s market plum and a NuGo bar. At this point, I basically eat exclusively Luna bars, but got a different brand to mix it up today. It was delicious, but honestly a little too much dark chocolate for me—I felt a little jittery!


I went to a spin class with one of my favorite instructors that evening. It’s a class with lots of choreography and push ups on the bike, but I really love her playlists!

Dinner made use of some of the food we had on hand.

Watermelon salad with mint and feta. Literally mint, watermelon, and feta.


Also, roasted garlic-parmesan zucchini and tomatoes. We topped them with basil, and this dish was incredibly delicious. The parmesan got brown and bubbly, and the vegetables were bursting with flavor.


All with BBQ chicken!


For dessert, I tried a Blueberry Yasso frozen yogurt bar. I had Yasso bars most nights in Tennessee. I LOVE the salted caramel, and like the mint chocolate chip a lot as well. The blueberry was good too, but the salted caramel still holds the main place in my heart.

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(Check out the puppy in the background! She’s always there—she’s at my feet right now as I type this up!)

My family and I started watching The Gilmore Girls tonight. We finished our show last night (The Good Wife), and couldn’t find anything else we were in the middle of on Netflix, so we decided to give it a try. I like it well enough so far, and it’s quite a blast from the past (2000).

I was a little hungry, so I snacked on a little bit of KIND Dark Chocolate granola, and a few freeze dried grapes (they’re really fun—they were on sale at CVS!)


And now I’m planted in front of the Olympics. So far I’ve seen a couple of swimming finals, both of which I already knew the results of. It does make it less stressful though!

What is your favorite granola/protein bar?