17.2 Going Down in Maui

I know I said there would only be one more Maui post, but we’ll make it 2. I’m the first one up so I have a little bit of extra time, so why not? This will just be a short recap.

Friday night, I did the Crossfit Open workout 17.2. Which meant I had to actually be a little more careful about what I ate during the day so I didn’t feel like death. Go figure.

Breakfasts have been the same around here: mango, cheerios, yogurt bowls. After breakfast, we spent the morning at the pool (and saw our favorite kitty).


I’m not a big swimmer, but I actually deigned to go in the water this time. There was a very tame water slide that I ever went down a few times.

We cleaned up for lunch, which was Subway. Again, I wanted something familiar before the workout.


I even chose to skip the afternoon ice cream (gasp)!

We had a low key afternoon. Mostly lounging around the hotel.


Then it was Crossfit time! I dropped into Lahaina Crossfit again to do 17.2. They had a 2 hour window on Friday night for people to do it, and when I showed up, I signed up for the first slot! I quickly warmed myself up and was ready to go.


12 minute AMRAP:

50ft walking lunge with dumbbells in front rack

16 toes to bar

8 dumbbell power cleans

50ft walking lunge with dumbbells in front rack

16 toes to bar

8 dumbbell power cleans

50ft walking lunge with dumbbells in front rack

16 muscle ups

8 dumbbell power cleans

50ft walking lunge with dumbbells in front rack

16 muscle ups

8 dumbbell power cleans

Repeat for 12 minutes.

I obviously cannot do muscle ups, but I did Rx anyways. The weights were 35#. I knew this meant I would have some time left to stare at the bar!

I was worried 35 would feel heavy for dumbbell cleans but it was a non-issue. I honestly don’t have a ton of commentary on this. It killed my grip much more than I was expecting, and my second set of toes to bar had to be more broken up as a result. My tiebreaker time was 6:37 for 78 reps, so I had about 5 minutes to “attempt” muscle ups. In reality, I’m nowhere near a muscle up. But I spent some time doing some really high quality pull ups, so there’s that.

I do appreciate how this workout didn’t have muscle ups right in the first round, so people could still do Rx and have something to do. The atmosphere is always fun, and it’s so cool that this is something I can do thousands of miles from home, because it’s something Crossfits do worldwide. I stayed an extra heat to judge someone else, and it was all a blast!

Right afterwards, we headed to Kohola Brewery in Lahaina. We stumbled upon this tiny local brewery when grabbing lunch, so we figured, why not check it out?


It was a cool vibe. It was out of a warehouse! We got a flight to start.


Apparently beer flights are becoming a post-Open workout thing for me?

Then I got a pint of my favorite, the Lilikoi Saison.


It was a great way to celebrate 17.2!

After our little happy hour, we went down to the water for dinner at Honu. We had originally made reservations for much later, but we were able to snag seats by the bar with no wait.


This place was awesome. They had a whole gluten free menu (including pizza), and the waitresses were super helpful figuring out various dietary restrictions (coming to Hawaii with a coconut allergy stinks). On top of the great service, the food was top notch. To start, we shared a date salad.


For my main dish, I had a taro burger on GF bread with truffle cheese. (How could one pass up TRUFFLE cheese??)


For dessert, my mom and I shared a beet chocolate torte. This was really delicious, and I couldn’t exactly taste the beet! It seemed a tiny bit earthy, which did a grey job counteracting the rich chocolate.


And with that, 17.2 is a wrap!


Braving the Storm

I started Wednesday morning with a workout in paradise.


I dropped into Lahaina Crossfit and got a great workout in. Clean and jerks and front squats for strength, then a 6 minute AMRAP of 42 double unders, 30 wall balls, 18 toes to bar, then 5 minutes rest before another 6 minute AMRAP of 21 doubles, 15 wall balls, 9 toes to bar.

Not a bad backdrop to workout to!


Breakfast continued to be all the tropical fruit. Passion fruit in yogurt is delicious.


For lunch, we went to a little local food restaurant, Ono Kau Kau, for my dad to get some lau lau. I got a salad with BBQ chicken, which was perfect with full access to my dad’s rice.


Basically this whole trip, the weather report showed rain. However, there was very little rain up to that point. Right before we left for lunch, the rain started. After lunch, we headed into Lahaina for gelato, and right as we drove in, the rain started going insane. The drops were huge. Even stopped, we had our windshield wipers go all out. As a result of the sudden, crazy rain, the streets of Lahaina were a river.

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The things were do for gelato. Salted caramel.


Naturally, we picked up more GF goodies for later. Later that afternoon, we had happy hour in our hotel with nachos and passionfruit beer.


For dinner, we made the same salad as before, since we had a ton of leftover ingredients. Plus leftover pizza.



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Another lilikoi chocolate donut, lemon tart (surprisingly a winner) with lilikoi glaze, a whoopee pie, and pumpkin bread.

The following morning, the storm clouds cleared and we headed to the pool to catch some rays and try to even out my tan lines.


Then, I headed inside for a 3 mile treadmill run. Yeah, it was beautiful out, but sometimes it’s just easier to hop on a treadmill and get it done.

For lunch, we went to the Maui Tropical Plantation. We used to go there when I was little; it’s a beautiful property with all kinds of fruits and vegetables growing, a pond with ducks and fish, a little shop, and now zip lining and a restaurant. The restaurant was really nice. Check out the view from our table!


For my meal, I ordered a salad with local greens, root vegetables, ricotta, lemon dressing, carrot puree, and fish.


We walked around the beautiful property a bit before taking a tram tour.

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They grow all kinds of things there: from mangoes, avocado, and macadamia nuts, to dragon fruit, coconuts, and starfruit.

After the tour, we got ice cream on the property. I had pineapple.


When we finally made it back to our hotel, we slipped into the end of happy hour discounts, and enjoyed $5 drinks by the pool.


I met a new kitty friend outside the elevator. He was super sweet and purry! Naturally, my trip to the room to get ready for dinner took far longer than anticipated.

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For dinner, we walked over to a restaurant of a neighboring hotel. We got a really interesting appetizer of fruit with cinnamon sour cream dip.


My meal was a vaguely Greek chicken chop salad.


I’ll probably have 1 more post of Maui adventures to come. 17.2 later today!

Pigs, Pastries, CF, Beer: All I Need

Aloha (again) from Maui! We’re staying in Ka’anapali this time, which puts us a short 10 minutes from Lahaina, which has pretty much everything I would need or want.

Monday morning, I dropped into Crossfit State of Mind in Lahaina .It’s a pretty small box, but everyone was really friendly. We did Grace, which is 30 clean and jerks. I did it with 85 pounds and finished in 6:08! We had extra time after the workout so we did a difficult cash out, which was a 7min AMRAP of 10 toes to bar and 10 burpee box jumps.


I have to say, I definitely felt more human after a good workout!

For breakfast, I was all about the fresh fruit.

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Plus some cheerios and yogurt with sunbutter for a little protein.

After breakfast, we spent the rest of the morning at the beach.

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After cleaning up, we went to Leilani’s for lunch in Whaler’s Village. I passed on the alcoholic lunch beverage (I’d be asleep that afternoon) in favor of a pineapple vanilla soda. How pretty!


For my main meal, I had a really unique salad salad with crystalized ginger, pumpkin seeds, cabbage, broccoli, kale, pickled beets, and a miso sesame vinaigrette.


After lunch, we headed into Lahaina to visit the Maui Sugar Shop, and all gluten free bakery that is AMAZING. My parents went to Maui without me on my dad’s business trip in the fall, and they still stopped in there.

For lunch dessert, my mom and I split a cream puff and a chocolate lilikoi doughnut.


The doughnut was absurdly good. I think it was actually baked, not fried! I don’t really liked the fried taste of doughnuts, so that was even better!

Then, we walked down the main road, checking out various future menus, with one destination in mind.

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Piglets! Every time we’ve ever been to Maui, since I was little, we’ve come to Dan’s Greenhouse to visit the adorable mini pigs.

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These guys are why I stopped eating pork back when I was pretty little. The best part is that you can feed them, and these guys were SO snuggly!

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One of them was quite insistent on burrowing into my leg though, and now I have a little snout bruise!

I honestly could have sat there forever.

But alas, it was time to move on.

Back at the hotel, we did our own little happy hour, but I made mine kombucha happy hour. We made another stop at the GF bakery on the way to pick up things for later, and one item was delicious brazilian cheese bread. This was cheesier and denser than the kind we normally have, but equally delicious!

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We also had some taro chips and the Surfing Goat Dairy cheese.

For dinner, we were a little burned out on food so we cooked in. Although I use the term “cooked” a little liberally here. I made a salad with local greens, rotisserie chicken soaked in GF teriyaki sauce, fresh papaya, grated carrots, sweet Maui onions sautéed, and papaya seed dressing. YUM.


For dessert, my mom and I split a Lilikoi and chocolate cupcake from the bakery.


Tuesday morning, I went to a spin class at Enjoy the Ride. It’s really cool because they have a big TV screen that shows different terrains and feels like you’re on the road. It was weird though because one of the scenes was from near my area, and I’m sure I’ve driven on that very road before!

For breakfast afterwards, I wasn’t really feeling yogurt so I had a bar and a mango. Have I mentioned how amazing the fruit here is??

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Plus papaya for a snack.

That afternoon, we drove over to Kihei for a tour of Maui Brewing Company!

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We had some time before the tour started, so we hung out and tried a sample of a dark beer.

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The tour was really informative, and taught a lot about the beer making process. We got to see the various ingredients of beer (malt, hops, water, yeast).

After 30 minutes of learning, we finally got to taste!

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I think my favorite was the Bikini Blonde, which felt like it would be a great beach beer. Apparently it had a strong malty flavor.

As part of the tour, we got a voucher for one beer out of their almost 30 options in the taproom. Unfortunately for me, some of their best and most popular beers are coconut porters, which sadly I’m allergic to. I was happy with my bikini blonde though!

I absolutely loved the glasses.

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After a late breakfast, we were ready for an early dinner after our tour right down the street at Maui Brick Oven, a pizza place that is totally gluten free! This was an absolute gem of a find.

The highlight of course had to be the fried avocado.


We also got a farm salad with avocado, goat cheese, and grilled veggies.


For our pizza, my mom and I split one with grilled vegetables and garlic.


We were pretty full, but managed to find room to split an amazing molten chocolate lava cake for dessert.


Baby goats, cupcakes, Crossfit—what more could I need?

Future Vet Student Goes to Maui and Only Cares About Goats and Cats

Hello from Maui! I’ve been here for a day and a half now, and wanted to share some of the fun food and such I’ve been having!
Our first stop was lunch, because it was 2pm Hawaii time, which is 4pm CA time! We went to a mall and got Hawaiian food at the food court (ironically at a chain we have back home). My mom and I split BBQ chicken with brown rice and salad.


And then mango sorbet and cake batter froyo.

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By the time we stopped by the grocery and made it to our condo, it was time for dinner! We went to the hotel restaurant and enjoyed dinner with a view of the pool.

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I started out with a local beer: Longboard Lager. For my meal, I had a veggie burger on a GF bun with fennel kraut and sweet potato chips.


After dinner we walked down to the beach to watch the sun set, but I missed the best of it because I saw an adorable kitty. Priorities.

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Back in the room, we enjoyed some chocolates we picked up along the way.


Our first full morning, my dad and I ran 3 miles along the beach. The start, of course, was delayed thanks to the same sweet kitty.

My post-run breakfast was tropical juice, and then a yogurt bowl with cheerios, passionfruit jelly, and sunbutter.

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Then, it was time to head out!

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We headed out for my personal highlight of the trip, Surfing Goat Dairy. They had 1-3 week old goats!

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When we went last time, we did the Grand Dairy Tour which included a full tour of everything, including milking goats. This time, we did a 30 minute casual tour where we got to feed some of the December babies and taste the cheese.

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I swear, my heart was going to burst!

The cheese of course was phenomenal as well. We ended up getting a chèvre flight.


And some lilikoi (passionfruit) and blueberry goat milk gelato.


For lunch, we went to a natural foods store on the way back to our side of the island. We were trying to go to a place form last time, and this wasn’t it. We’d actually been there a loooong time ago though! I got an avocado wrap and some mashed sweet potatoes.

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We also enjoyed some goat cheese truffles. I had lilikoi and blueberry.


We made it back in time for happy hour by the pool. I have never in my life enjoyed a drink poolside, and now I understand how it’s nice!


And of course I went back by the kitty’s favorite spot!


That night, we drove in to Lahaina for a nice dinner right on the beach at sunset at Pacific’O.

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I wasn’t super hungry, so I had a salad with goat cheese, sweet Maui onions, and smoked tomato vinaigrette, plus some of my mom’s chicken and potatoes.


More importantly, I had to save room for dessert! We ordered a few things to split, one of which had wheat and nuts. Because of that, my dad ordered two spoons for himself. EXCEPT, he’s always been a 2 spoon dessert eater, so I think we all know that’s just a cover. He was a little excited to dive in.


The entrees I split were creme brûlée and flourless chocolate cake. I liked the creme brûlée a lot; it was more custardy vs. creamy.

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Any Maui recommendations?



Crossfit Open 17.1

Guess what time it is?? Time for the Crossfit Open! Those who do Crossfit are excited to hear about it, and for those that couldn’t care less, I promise it will only be a few posts 🙂 If you’re just here for the food, scroll on!

17.1 was:

dumbbell snatches (35/50#) and burpee box jumps (20″/24″)

10 dumbbell snatches

15 burpee box jumps

20 dumbbell snatches

15 burpee box jumps

30 dumbbell snatches

15 burpee box jumps

40 dumbbell snatches

15 burpee box jumps

50 dumbbell snatches

15 burpee box jumps

With a 20 minute time cap. When I excitedly watched the announcement Thursday night,my first thought was that I would not get far in this workout. I’m slow on burpees and I’m slow on box jumps. Put the two together? That’s going to eat up time. I felt good about the snatches. I used to do dumbbell snatches when I first started weightlifting many years ago, and they’ve tended to be a pretty solid move for me. I HATE dumbbell cleans, so this was the best dumbbell movement I could have asked for.

I showed up to 5:15pm Crossfit Friday night, ready to GO. Or something. I always want to go first. I don’t want to see how painful it is before I have to do it. That being said, when I first picked up the 35# dumbbell, it was heavier than I was expecting. I guess it’s been a while!

Then it was go-time. This workout surprised me. I thought the burpee box jumps would kill me and the snatches would be easy. My first set of burpee box jumps probably felt the worst, and then I was warmed up. The snatches added up quickly, and I found myself gassing myself on the snatches and recovering on burpee box jumps. What??

This workout hurt, and it just. kept. going. I got a lot further than expected as well, although I didn’t finish under the cap. 192 reps Rx, meaning I was over halfway through the last set of snatches.


Immediately after I finished, I got called to judge someone else. The Open is always such a fun time, and I always do better than expected! Right after judging, I drank chocolate milk in an effort to recovery before going home and enjoying a beer flight from our Beer of the Month club.


The front beer was the clear winner, which is great because it’s conveniently from Davis, where I will be for vet school!

For dinner, we were in fridge clean out mode.


Salad with roasted butternut squash, roasted beets, parmesan, rotisserie chicken, and red wine vinaigrette. On the side, roasted sweet potatoes (one of my favorite foods ever).

And if you’re wondering, the next day my shoulder were magically still intact but my hamstrings? MAN.

I haven’t done a ton of “regular” blogging this week, and had a few meals I wanted to share!


This butternut and chicken soup continues to be a favorite of mine. Served with Brazilian cheese bread (above) and avocado toast (below).


Our CSA box came on Wednesday and we are going on vacation Saturday, so I tried to pick things that would be eaten right away. The carrots are INSANELY good so I ordered 4 bunches of them. In the bowl was roasted carrots, roasted broccoli, steamed cabbage, brown rice, and egg, and topped with hummus and chives.


Thursday night after teaching my 2 spin classes (note to self: don’t program lots of HIIT intervals into the days I teach double….DEATH), I met up with a good friend from college who is visiting all the way from Texas! We went to a Chinese-Korean fusion place and I got a big dish of Buddha fried rice, which was brown rice with cabbage, squash, edamame, and probably some other deliciousness!


After dinner, we got boba. I had a taro milk tea (it doesn’t have caffeine!) and it was delicious. I left absolutely stuffed, but the carbs+protein were exactly what my body needed after that day!


One last non-food thing: I’m trying to nail in the running a little bit more for a 5k coming up in March. I’ve been really happy with my treadmill paces, but I haven’t made it outside much due to weather. I finally caught a break in the rain to hit one of my favorite trails on Wednesday.


It definitely felt harder on the road thanks to a lot more wind than a treadmill, but I’m still coming in about where I want to be, so I’m excited about that!


Have you done the Crossfit Open before? Anyone do 17.1?