Grad Weekend Part 1

Phew. I am still wiped from this past month, but I think it’s about time I sat back and wrote about this past weekend. It was surreal; I cannot believe I am a college graduate! This blog has taken me all the way from Freshman year to graduation. How crazy is that? So let’s dive right in to my final weekend at Stanford.

Saturday morning was Baccalaureate, and I got a quick sweat in beforehand. I’m definitely one for routine, and exercise has helped keep me sane! I did a Blogilates abs video+short flute video before heading to the gym for 20 minutes of HIIT on the spin bike.

Breakfast was yogurt+granola+sunbutter.



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I was apparently running late because they didn’t actually tell us when to get there, but when I arrived I luckily ran into my friends, who saved a spot for me inside the church where the seniors were lining up.

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This was my first time donning the cap and gown! Honestly, the question running through my head this past month has been, “How did we end up here??”

We then proceeded outside to the main quad, through a crowd of friends and family. This was my first moment of “this is really happening.”

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Sidenote: it was also scorching out! My seat was luckily sort of shaded.

I think Baccalaureate was one of the most emotional parts of the weekend for me. I was sitting with some of my best friends, and time to reflect on the past 4 years, and how much they mean to me. I will try my best to stay in touch, but it’s definitely something I worry about. It’s harder when you can’t just walk across the street to see someone.

After the ceremony, I got to meet my friend’s extended family, who were just the sweetest.


And then picture-taking ensued.

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(This is actually the 1916 plaque…we cheated a little because the 2016 plaque was too far!)

After the ceremony, my parents and I went out to lunch at Whole Foods. We wanted something easy and light, and enough off campus to not hit crazy crowds.


Smitten (Nitrogen ice cream) is attached to Whole Foods, and my parents got some, which I helped out a bit with 🙂 Chocolate, and earl grey.

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Next on the agenda was pictures in the quad with my friends.

Here are a few of the shots:

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I apologize for the photo overload, but graduation doesn’t happen every day!

After pictures, we went to tea at the president’s mansion. I didn’t stay too long though; after the day’s festivities, filled with walking, my foot was really starting to bother me.

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Then, I headed home with my parents to get ready for a party at our house for myself and my friends and our families.

Dinner was soup, shockingly 🙂 My mom made summer squash soup from PaleOMG. I had it with some GF avocado toast (and some cheddar chive cheese on one piece).


Then, the frantic preparation process began. We had about 20 people coming, and a dessert spread fit for twice that!

My biggest accomplishment of the year had to be the decorations for the GF chocolate cake.


We had several dietary restrictions, but there was something for everyone!


Everything free cookies, my beautiful cake (GF, dairy free, soy free), pineapple upside down cake, raisin energy bars (which I should post the recipe for at some point; my family is known for these).


GF cake with buttercream, whole foods fruit tarts and chocolate mouse cups.


Blueberry crisp.

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Sundae bar.


Appropriate plates and napkins.

Then, we were ready!

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I wish I could have taken a picture of my own bowl because it looked/tasted delicious, but it was too crowded to find my phone! Course 1 was the powdered sugar chocolate cake+ice cream+blueberries+caramel and fudge sauces. I also had some blueberry crisp.

It was such a fantastic night. I loved meeting and chatting with everyone’s families, and I think everyone had a fantastic time.

I stayed up late that night talking to my friends one last time, and finishing up my costume.

More to come….


Senior Festivities

It’s the Saturday before graduation, and I’m sitting at home (my home-home, I’m local and we’re prepping for a party tonight), watching the Giant’s game. I wanted to do a quick update on the week’s festivities. I also want to include food+fitness in these recaps because 1. that’s what we’re all here for, right? and 2. They are still big parts of my life, and I want to show how that fits into the events.

Thursday morning began with physical therapy (seriously, so much better every day). After, I headed to the gym to do a spin workout on my own. I did a little workout I made the summer after freshman year, and is the spin workout I’ve done more than any other. I had a fun time listening to the music from that period! Strangely enough, there was lots of Pitbull. The workout also had 8 rounds of HIIT intervals, which are always tough. I did 1 min max effort/1:15 40% effort, recovery. It was just the best workout, and I had a blast. I left feeling so happy.


Lunch was a final meal from the freezer, since everything was getting tossed that afternoon. I had a savory steel cut oat meal (looked disgusting, tasted delicious) with chicken and cheese, which I then added some spinach to. I also made a little salad of leftovers from the fridge: lettuce, artichoke and olive salad, and light champagne vinaigrette.


After lunch, we made a run to the craft store to make our Wacky Walk costumes. Stanford is a bit silly, and we have a tradition that for the main commencement address, the students dress up in crazy costumes and parade into the stadium.

(Snack: blueberry oatmeal muffin)


After brainstorming and agonizing over it for literally the entire year, my friends and I decided on emojis.

We spray painted foam core and then make the face by tracing a projected image. The process:

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We didn’t get to completely finish before the big event for the day: Dinner on the Quad for seniors.

My sunburn is still going strong, but I was really impressed with my makeup job. Here’s a little before and after:

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Obligatory pictures since we dressed up:


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Salads to start:

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For my main course, I requested the vegetarian option (since I don’t eat red meat), which was tofu with some type of sweet potato based ratatouille.


It was a nice event, but we didn’t have an intensely great time so we ended up leaving a little early (it went until late that night!) Instead, we returned to my dorm to enjoy blueberry banana bread, finish our emojis, an play taboo. I haven’t laughed so hard in a while!


Check it out:


Friday morning, I went to physical therapy again. I just had a granola bar and fruit beforehand, and then snacked on banana bread after before noon Crossfit.


I was really excited for Crossfit, because this is the first workout I could do un-modified in almost 2 months! I kept everything light for sure though.


Back squats, slow on the way down, pause at the bottom. Sets of 10-6-2-10-6-2, going up i weight.

WOD: EMOM of 6 pull ups, 30s handstand hold on box, 15 Russian kettle bell swings.

It felt good to be back at it!

I was at a bit of a loss about where to eat lunch since our kitchen was closed, so I decided to just go to Whole Foods.


I made a salad with chicken, dried cranberries, parmesan, and balsamic, plus roasted broccoli and carrots on the side.

Later that afternoon, we had a parents welcome at my dorm. Again, leg makeup on point.

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We had quite the spread, including GF blueberry cake!

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We went out to dinner afterwards, which I was super excited for because…

SWEETGREEN!I fell in love with Sweetgreen in DC, and I was super excited when I learned that the salad spot would be coming to Palo Alto. I went the seasonal watermelon, feta, and mint salad+chicken. (Copy cat recipe-> here)


It was good! I think the DC salad was better though, to be honest! They have it DOWN there!

After dinner, we walked across the street for frozen yogurt, where I ordered a small chocolate with raspberry puree and chocolate shavings.


After dessert, I made it through on episode of Netflix before totally crashing. it’s been quite the week!


Hi friends!

Currently living the pre-grad, post-class sweet life. I’m trying to soak up all my favorite people, and each moment.

Let’s take it back to Wednesday, shall we?

After a lateish (like 1…I’m a bit of a grandma) night and leftover exhaustion from finals, my body woke me up at 5:15am. I was dead tired, but not sleepy and couldn’t fall back asleep. I ended up getting up at about 6, which was probably better anyways because I had a lot to do!

I had a blueberry oatmeal muffin before heading to the gym to do my typical deadlift day.

warm up deadlift+ 4×4 deadliest, 155#, 3 seconds on the way down

4×8 RDL, 115#

3x8single arm DB press, 20# (my shoulders were sore from the previous day’s workout, so I kept it a bit lighter)/3×10 tricep dips

Leg machine where you press your legs in while seated, 3×10, then sets of 5 for heavier

Then, it was time to get ready for the beach! Breakfast was basic, yogurt+cinnamon KIND granola+mango (this batch of mangoes hasn’t been too flavorful 🙁 ).

Then, my friends and I were off to the beach! In case you don’t know, the beaches in Northern California are COLD. We bundled up, and ended up with perfect weather. Partly cloudy, breezing, cool but not cold.

We went to Poplar Beach in Half Moon Bay. I used to go there in High School, and haven’t been back in 4 years! Brings back memories <3

My friends and I stopped at New Leaf to grab some food for a picnic lunch. I’d never been there before; it’s basically like Whole Foods though.

We each ended up getting some freshly pressed juice: carrot, apple, ginger.


And then we headed to the beach!

Climbing down the steep hill to the beach actually wasn’t terrible.


Walking on the sand wasn’t great. This was the day after my first PT, and my calf was pretty sore. My foot felt ok until we got to the sand, and that was pretty rough. The uneven surface caused a little pain, but I took it super slowly.



In retrospect, this picture gives me so much regret…more on that soon.

For lunch, we grabbed a bag of heirloom carrots (the purple were the most delicious), some delicious gouda that was recommended to us, deli chicken (for me, ham for everyone else), and rice crackers.


After lunch, we did what any college students do post-finals at the beach and took a nap.

We also saw nature at work. I had fun observing seagulls after learning about animal behavior all quarter. We also saw a couple of sharks. Once again, Northern California beaches are NOT the place to swim! They were actually pretty close to shore, and we saw them circle a seal.

We were at the beach for a few hours, and a little bit after getting back I realized my legs felt….not right.


My friends, I’ve been torched. This is by FAR the worst sunburn I’ve had in years. Especially the leg that had a boot on it and didn’t see sun for the past month.

One day later, fully developed:


It’s super hot and painful. I was so excited not to have the boot in grad pictures, but now….

Dinner was mushroom sliders, corn on the cob, and potato salad, with chocolate chip cookies! It was our last meal by our chef, and my roommate and I gave him a bottle of champagne to thank him so much for all the delicious gluten free things he’s made us this year. It really does mean a lot to me. I remember one day winter quarter that I was flaring and having a rough day, and came home to an amazing turkey avocado sandwich in the fridge with my name on it, and it totally made my day. We’ll miss him!

I spent a little time packing before heading over to a party some of my friends were throwing. They had an ice bucket, and my sizzling legs and I stayed close to that all night!


One again, I had a great time talking with people. I actually had a long conversation about chaos theory and fractals with a friend. This is one of the things I love and will miss dearly about Stanford: the awesome, random intellectual conversations that you can have anywhere, especially those that are outside of your area of expertise. I think these conversations are how I’ve grown the most in this 4 years.


My friends live in a dorm, but one of the staff members there keeps a dog there. I tried to get a selfie with him, but he’s wiggly! The live stream photo on my phone looked much cooler (do you guys have live stream?), so I tried to screenshot that with limited success.


It’s such a treat to see animals at school!

I hope everyone is having an awesome week! More grad events to come!

This is It, This is the End

Well guys, I made it. (Assuming I didn’t fail my final class that I’m still waiting for a grade in!)

All the work of my undergraduate career, is over, and now all that’s left to do is walk the stage (NOT in a boot!)

My weekend was full of studying. I spent all day Friday working on a take home test, and then devoted Saturday and Sunday to studying for my Human Behavior final.


I took a break on Saturday for a spin class and an acai bowl. This was my first time trying hemp seeds, and I liked them in this context a lot but can’t imagine any other way I’d eat them.


Sunday, my advisor had all the senior pre-vets at her house for a goodbye lunch. Every year, she has her seniors paint her a tile. Guess which is mine? (The sheep.)

Monday I took my final exam of undergrad. Then finished my take home test that night.

Tuesday morning, I did a workout of bench presses, pull ups, and rows, and then I went to physical therapy for my foot for the first time. Honestly, it was a little rough after.

And from there, I went and turned in my take home final. And thus ends my Stanford career.


Lunch on Tuesday was super delicious: salmon lettuce wraps. Our chef makes the BEST salmon.IMG_7282

After lunch, I drove to my home-area to run some errands. First up, I picked up cupcakes for the end of the year party I was throwing that night.


From my FAVORITE cupcake place ever. These are GF, and I customized the flavors a bit by swapping the icing on the dulce de leche and chocolate cupcakes. BEST decision. Chocolate cake with dulce de leche icing, and vice versa.

After that, I made the mistake of heading to the mall to look for a dress for some of the week’s festivities. That was far more walking/standing time than my foot was ready for, and I was dying and grumpy by the time I left the mall. I don’t know if it’s stress fracture pain, weakness pain, or not walking in a month pain, but it was rough.

That evening, I went to a spin class (and took it easy of course), before heading back to the house to prepare for the party.

The part was really low key. I mostly wanted an excuse to eat cupcakes and see all of my favorite people one last time! I tried to get a picture with everyone, but ended up failing in that respect.

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Check it out: no boot!


It was great to chat with my favorite people!

Later that night, there was a Stanford tradition that I’ve never done before. Apparently a giant group of people move around campus on the last day of finals. My foot wasn’t loving me, so I wasn’t sure how making it across campus was going to work, but my friends are legitimately the best. And the strongest. They literally took turns carrying my crippled butt most of the way across campus. Love them!

We met up with the group near the main quad, right as it was heading to the final stop, a big fountain. I have never seen anything like i in my life.

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There was a giant boat that someone made and was carrying, with music. #stanford

I was so glad to be bootless and able to hang out in the fountain for a bit, taking it all in.

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It was one of those days/nights that make me so grateful for my school, and all the amazing friends I’ve met. I really want to try and keep up to date on blogging this week, because I know I want to be able to look back on it, and I also want to share some of the Stanford traditions.

More fun/food/fitness to come soon!

#Bootlife Workouts

Hello friends! I’m enjoying my first full day without the boot. Lots of secondary pain in the foot though still from wearing a boot for 4 weeks. I’m trying to take it easy and slow. My calf/ankle/achilles is already sore.

I’m currently slogging through a take home test (yes, still). I predicted it would take me about 14 hours, and I think I’m 7-8 in? I spent all day today working on it. I don’t know what it is about studying days, but I feel like I always eat way too much when I’m just doing work. I spent most of the day out of the house, so I fueled more appropriately, but man, I am so full now!

Here was my morning in meals: Preworkout: blueberry zucchini bread. Sort of regret sharing it with friends because now it’s gone.


Breakfast: yogurt+nectarine+KIND raspberry granola. I added a bit of sunbutter post-picture.


Lunch: cornbread with honey+split pea soup, courtesy of my freezer stash.


Snack: Bobo’s Oat bar, lemon poppyseed.


I don’t have a dinner picture, but the main course was chipotle tofu, a salad, green beans, and avocado toast. Lots of snacks were consumed between then and now.

As I was doing my workout this morning, I thought it would be a good idea to share what my workout routine has been since this injury, because I’ve kind of settled into a groove. As I said before, I’m not planning on changing anything/adding anything until I start PT. This week was different because Murph on Monday, but I’ll share my typical schedule. And a GIANT disclaimer: I am not a doctor, physical therapist, trainer, or anyone remotely qualified to inform you as to what you should do while healing from a stress fracture. This is what worked for me, and everyone is different. Whether or not every single one of these movements was 100% smart may be questionable, but the boot is off and here we are. I probably could have done less spin, but I needed it to stay sane/I was not giving up my last few classes of teaching. WIht that disclaimer, here was my rough schedule:


4×4 deadlifts (keeping my weight on my heels, off the bad part of my foot) at a slow tempo going down. I was able to get more work out of a lighter weight this way (I didn’t want to do anything crazy for my foot), and it was more controlled.

4×8 RDLs or good mornings

4×8 single arm kneeling DB press, alternated with 10 tricep dips

Tuesday: Usually Crossfit. For the past few weeks, we’ve been doing bench press on Tuesdays, and the WOD has been pretty similar and easily modifiable for me. It usually ended up being a combo of assault bike+pull ups+push ups.

Wednesday AM: Weights (The odds any of these names are correct are about 0.)

4 sets: 10 both arm seated cable rows/ 8 seated DB press both arms

indefinite sets (usually 25ish minutes) alternating sets of 10 on the machine where you sit and pull your legs apart, and the machine where you sit and push your legs together

a few sets of abs

PM: teach spin, in the saddle only

Thursday: Go to Crossfit and do some work on my own. This varied a little bit more, but usually involved 15-20 minutes on the assault bike, and mainly pull up work. Usually negatives.

Friday: Usually ab/pilates videos (Blogilates)

Sat/Sun: One of the two, spin class (in saddle only) at a local spin studio

Sometimes in the afternoons, I would do a Blogilates abs video. I was lazy this week an that didn’t happen though, haha.

These workouts kept me sane, and I actually had fun doing different things. My abs and arms are noticeably stronger, and I think this was strength work my sort of gimpy shoulder could use anyways. Now I just have to maintain my pull up strength/get strict pull ups!

….and now it’s back to my take home test. Meh.