Talking Nutrition

Hello! I think for a little bit I’m going to go back to blogging full days of eating. I’m trying to change up how I eat a little bit, and get more creative with what I’m making! As a result, let’s take it back to Monday and go through the day in that format.

I decided my body needed a break from exercise so I had a leisurely morning. I’ve been in a major breakfast rut lately (all I want is flapjacked muffins), so I was happy to find myself going for a yogurt bowl! Plain yogurt, maple KIND granola, sunbutter, and mango on the side.


I’m actually planning a mini-blog series to work on my breakfast rut. I’m going to take a little trip down yogurt memory lane (….yes, just go with it) and remake my different variations on yogurt bowls over the years.

At lunchtime, I gave a lecture on nutrition to my dad’s company. I did a basic overview on different food categories and what they did in the body, as well as discussed practical applications of nutrition (eating out, for instance). I do want to talk about trans fat a little bit here (otherwise appearing as partially hydrogenated oil, fractionated oil, hydrogenated oil). Trans fat is not “generally regarded as safe” by the FDA, which is saying something because there’s a lot of crap that is. It’s also the ONE thing in nutrition that everyone actually agrees on. Everyone agrees it’s incredibly harmful to health. While preparing for this talk, I did a little research on fast food. Several years ago, trans fat was a big issue. It was a big enough issue to the public, that the government began requiring the grams of trans fat to appear on food labels (note that trans fat still appears as “0g” if the serving of food has <0.5g). A lot of food companies made a big deal out of removing trans fat from their foods. McDonalds made a big deal about it. Jack in the Box was always one of the worst trans fat offenders, and they never did this. Well, imagine my surprise, when I found out that now, several years later, companies have been quietly adding trans fat back into their foods. McDonald’s used an oil blend containing trans fat to fry their foods, so any item at McDonald’s that has been fried has trans fat. Girl Scout cookies are another example. For a few years, they took it out, and now it’s back. Basically, when people stopped paying attention to trans fat, companies added it back in. Stay vigilant, my friends!

I also made a loaf of my healthy banana bread to demonstrate that you can have low-sugar baked goods that are still delicious!


Lunch was catered, so I had a turkey sandwich.


After lunch, I immediately changed into shorts and a tank top and took Chloe for a walk, since the weather was absolutely beautiful! We went on a route with fabulous views of the whole bay.


When I got back, I grabbed some sliced mango and embarked on another spring activity, baking!


Lemon baked goods just taste like spring to me. I used this recipe for blueberry lemon muffins. For a year, I’ve been searching for the perfect lemon bread/muffin recipe, and I was excited about this one!

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That being said, I think there’s some reaction with gluten free flour and lemon, because in the lemon products I’ve made with GF flour, the texture is always a little off, and I’ve never had that issue with other GF baked goods. These had great flavor, and ended up being pretty dense when they eventually cooled. They were jam packed with blueberries! And surprisingly, I think they actually had plenty of lemon flavor, something a lot of lemon recipes are lacking.


That evening, I went to a Core Yoga class at the gym. I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this already, but I’m trying to go to all the fitness classes at my gym. That’s well and good for all the spin classes, but the Zumba? Yeah, that’s going to take me out of my comfort zone.

I really enjoyed this class. I normally go to the Vinyasa Yoga classes, and this was definitely different. There was a lot of deep stretching, which was so much needed after 17.3′s squat snatches. The focus of this particular class was the feet and ankles, which was actually a really interesting and effective way to cue different poses. I think I’m going to try and go back to this class next week, although that will be my last chance for a while since I’ll soon be teaching spin Mondays!

For dinner, we had Chicken Stew with Kale and Dijon, with a side of cornbread pulled from the freezer.


One modification we did make was to use chicken breast in place of chicken thighs. My family prefers white meat, especially in soup, and when we made the recipe with thighs in the past, we decided we would prefer this modification.

For dessert, I had a See’s Peppermint Scotchmallow, See’s St. Patrick’s Day candy with mint marshmallow and caramel. It was SO good. It tasted like a thin mint! I also had some chocolate Halo Top.


For an evening snack, I had a handful of blackberries.


What are your thoughts on trans fat?

Any amazing lemon recipes for me to try?

California Sunshine|17.3

Daylight Saving Time…am I right? I spent Saturday night out with my high school friends for a birthday, and had the lovely experience of watching my bedtime shift from 2 to 3 am…would not recommend.


My St. Louis friend was snap chatting me snow in St. Louis the other day…meanwhile, spring has arrived here in CA. The weather has been absurdly nice. I’ve been trying to take advantage as much as possible!

Friday morning, I took Chloe for a walk after my own 3 mile run while listening to a podcast.

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For lunch, I made a ridiculously simple yet delicious salad. Garlic hummus, herb goat cheese, and an egg over easy. With a side of sweet potatoes.

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For snack, I tried the Vanilla Flapjacked Smoothie mix, but I blended it up with half milk and half ice for a frosty treat. It was a little bit watery in flavor (too much liquid), but I liked it at that texture!

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Afterwards, my mom and I went with my sister for her wedding dress fitting! The big day is coming, and the dress is nearly finished! She looks amazing in it! After the fitting, we still had some wedding details to discuss so we headed to Pete’s for some honey macchiatos.


We stayed pretty late, but thankfully dinner came together in a jiffy! We made hummus sandwiches with cheese, tomato, spinach, and avocado. Simple, but delicious. On the side was a simple herb salad with mint, basil, and dill, and a dressing of aged white balsamic vinegar and lemon olive oil.

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Saturday morning, I did 17.3!

It. Was. Epic.

I currently live about 30 minute away from my college Crossfit, the place I called home for 3 years. I haven’t really been back there since I left for Tennessee in June, so I decided the Open would be a fun time to see everyone. I have to say, a lot has changed. Apparently they moved (to a super nice new facility!), which I figured out 10 minutes before I left to drive there!


Prior to 8:00, complete:
3 rounds of:
6 chest-to-bar pull-ups
6 squat snatches, 95 lb.
Then, 3 rounds of:
7 chest-to-bar pull-ups
5 squat snatches, 135 lb.
*Prior to 12:00, complete 3 rounds of:
8 chest-to-bar pull-ups
4 squat snatches, 185 lb.
*Prior to 16:00, complete 3 rounds of:
9 chest-to-bar pull-ups
3 squat snatches, 225 lb.
*Prior to 20:00, complete 3 rounds of:
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
2 squat snatches, 245 lb.
Prior to 24:00, complete 3 rounds of:
11 chest-to-bar pull-ups
1 squat snatch 265 lb.

*If all reps are completed, time cap extends by 4 minutes. (These weights are for men.)

Going in, I had no idea if I could do a chest to bar pull up. I felt like I SHOULD be able to, and I knew it would be close.

Yeah, that wasn’t going to happen. I was a few inches away, but knew that even if I got ONE, I’d never get a full round’s worth! I decided to do scaled, which was jumping pull ups.

For the scaled, the weight progression was 35, 55, 65, 75, 95. I knew I was good up to 75. My PR on the snatch is `108, but it wasn’t from the ground (I’m worse from the ground because I have trouble getting into the proper position), and it was right before my senior year of college where I was working hard on my olympic lifts and was super strong, and right before I dislocated my shoulder. The heaviest I’d gotten since my injury has been 75#!

In my warm up, I loaded up to 85, and didn’t even try it because it felt so heavy off the ground.

I went in the second heat, and had a pretty solid pace going through the first 8 minutes, easily making the time cap. By easily, I mean in terms of time, not effort! This felt harder than expected; jumping pull ups actually start to get hard with that many, plus with snatches!

A lot of people around me didn’t scale, so they finished much earlier than I did because they didn’t make the time cap. I was just kind of in the corner, doing my thing. I’m not sure a lot of people realized I was still going, and I was worried they would stop the clock before I finished, until my coach (who knows me) stole the clicker so that couldn’t happen!

Finally, I found myself staring down a 95# bar with 30 people looking on. I honestly didn’t think I would be able to make the lift. I just wanted one, so I took some time to rest and catch my breath, and my coach definitely helped talk to me. I missed the first attempt, but after another minute or so of rest, with 30 people cheering me on, I hit 95#! I knew once it was overhead, I could overhead squat 95#, so catching it up there was the best feeling! I’m so proud of how I did, and was definitely not expecting to get that!

I helped judge other heats, and helped my coach change weights during his attempt at the workout. He was pretty amazing to watch. He hit 1 rep at 245# with no time to spare, and it was epic.

It was so nice to return, and I’m glad I did. Things are changing, my coach is actually about to move away! It left me with both a warm and a weird feeling.


The new location is in downtown Palo Alto, so I walked around a little bit to grab food. I got a delicious iced latte from Zombie Runner (interestingly, Zombie Runner is both a running store and an amazing coffeeshop).


I also picked up a Subway salad to go and took it to campus to hang out with my sister while she watched her fiancé play quidditch.


Plus a chocolate chip cookie!


After a little time in the sun, I drove home and was greeted with a delivery!


These blondies are chickpea based! I haven’t had any chickpea based baked goods before, and I must say, based on how they looked in pictures, they weren’t exactly what I was expecting! They’re really moist and kind of spongy, definitely bean based, but still tasty!

For dinner, we ordered take out from The Counter. I whipped up a side salad and split a custom chicken burger with my mom: gruyere, avocado, garlic aioli, tomato, greens, scallions.


And later that night, I was back to Palo Alto to celebrate a birthday (see above).

I woke up Sunday morning SO tired. Go figure. We drove down to Palo Alto again so I could run and my parents could walk the pup.


We grabbed lunch outside on campus, and on the way, Chloe met another dog and went fountain hopping!

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For lunch, my mom and I shared an iced latte, a breakfast arepa (with scrambled eggs), and a salad with goat cheese, dried cranberries, and honey vinaigrette.

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Then, we went to Tin Pot for ice cream. The TCHO chocolate is my favorite ice cream ever. But look how tiny the scoop was!


On the drive home:


Thanks to the beautiful weather, we had happy hour before making a summery dinner.


On the menu was grilled pineapple and grilled chicken, roasted cauliflower with parmesan, and a side salad with blueberry balsamic and blueberries.


We didn’t have any teriyaki sauce to marinate the chicken, so I made a marinade blend of liquid aminos, honey, garlic, rice vinegar, ginger salad dressing, and sesame seeds.

It truly feels like spring in CA now!


How Do I Fuel for 2 Spin Classes?

Hello! As you may know, Thursdays I teach 2 spin classes: 12:00 and 5:30. Obviously, getting the right amount of fuel is incredibly important for these double days! I want to bring the same energy and intensity to my 5:30 class that I do to my noon class! I thought it might be fun to share a full day of eating on these days, especially since I end up on the go most of the day.


Double chocolate flapjacked muffin+blueberries. (Old picture but I have this regularly.)


Snack: Pumpkin Spice Cheerios


Lunch Post-Class #1:

A salad with an egg (obviously cooked in the microwave), herbed goat cheese, and garlic hummus. The hummus and goat cheese were both much higher quality and more flavorful than what I normally use in this salad, and it made all the difference! Plus some GF crackers.


Afternoon snack: Luna Bar


Pre-Spin Snack: Several crackers.


Post-Spin Snack to hold me over for the 30 minute drive: Mango (not all mango made it to the picture)


Dinner: Chicken stir fry with mushrooms from the CSA box and roasted sweet potatoes.


Dessert (necessary): some whole grain carrots cookies from the freezer and some dark chocolate.

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Post-Dinner Snack (as you can see, lots of snacks are necessary): half a brown rice cake with whipped chive cream cheese.


Today after my second class, a student came up to me and told me he worked at hardest in my classes, and I was able to get the most out of him for the least pain. That’s the highest compliment! That’s why I lovelovelove what I do.


WIAW—Trust Your Body|It’s Not That Serious

Happy WIAW! As always a big thanks to Jenn.

Before I dive into a full day of eating, I wanted to discuss one thing. As you may know, I just got back from Maui. While there, I ate what I wanted and had happy hour nearly every day. I wasn’t trying especially to eat healthy at all; dessert after lunch and dinner? Yes, please (that’s how my family does vacations). I just tried to eat in a way that I wouldn’t feel like death, and would feel good enough to enjoy my time there. In the past, I’ve had a lot of guilt and anxiety associated with vacation eating. This year was different. I’m at a different place in my health journey. I trust my body a heck of a lot more than I used to. I trusted that I could eat whatever I wanted for a week, and nothing crazy would happen. I trusted my body to return to normal when my eating returned to normal. Because honestly, it’s not that serious. Even if I gained a few pounds on vacation, so what? If it comes on, it can come off in due time. And guess what? I was the happiest I’ve been on vacation. And my body looks and feels the same as when I left. Go figure.


Breakfast (pre-yoga):

A flapjacked S’Mores mighty muffin and a honeybell orange.


Post-yoga/pre-teaching spin snack: strawberries.


Lunch Part 1:

I tried the new Flapjacked smoothie mix! I love the muffins, so I figured why not? I mixed it with 8 oz of milk. It was good! Definitely the best powder to drink protein beverage I’ve had. That being said, it’s not that low in sugar, but it was perfect post workout. Plus some crackers.


Lunch Part 2: I spent an hour or so working on a presentation and then broke into my salad. It had deli turkey and herb goat cheese with balsamic vinaigrette.


When I got home mid afternoon, I was craving something sweet. I felt like after a semi-rough day, I just needed something emotionally. Again with the trusting my body, I decided to go with it and choose a healthier option that actually had some nutritional value. I scooped myself a big bowl of chocolate Halo Top, and got my chocolate fix in, with some protein to fuel my body.


For dinner, we had open faced turkey and havarti sandwiches with apple, broiled in the oven. Plus steamed brussels sprouts.


I wanted something a little more substantial for dessert, so I had a Cliff bar.


After dinner, I hung out with some friends and was a little hungry when I returned, so I had half of a rice cake with sunbutter and half a banana.


How do you approach vacation?

LAST Vacation Recap

Hello! I’m hitting you guys with the final Maui post!

Saturday morning, I woke up a couple of hours before everyone else, so I started my morning for 3 miles on the treadmill. Yes, the scenery there was beautiful, but sometimes it’s easier to just go inside and get it done.



The mangos this trip were just insane. We found a great little fruit stand, so it was all about the mango. Plus some passion fruit, and a yogurt, cheerio, guava jam, and sunbutter bowl.

We spent the morning poolside. It’s safe to say I’m a different color than when I left for Hawaii. That’s not to say I’m tan per say, just less ghostly.

We made lunch in the room, working on eating up the last of the food we bought. We had a massive Hawaiian avocado to eat, so I made it into guacamole with a little lime, Maui sweet onion, tomato, and salt and pepper.

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I had my with a few chips, but mostly in salad form. I squeezed a little lime juice with salt and pepper over lettuce, the added a little cheddar, lots of guac, and an egg.


Guava kombucha on the side.

Our afternoon expedition took us back to Lahaina to Lappert’s for some Hawaiian ice cream. I had mango ice cream with mango sorbet swirls.


By the time we finished our ice cream, walked around Lahaina, and cuddled with pigs one last time, we were ready for happy hour!


I had a passionfruit beer at Kohola Brewery, and we picked up a couple of crawlers (32 oz cans) of that to take home with us.

To be honest, I think we were all sort of burned out on food at this point. Alas, we dressed up for one final dinner out, at Roy’s.

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For my meal, I had seared ono (Hawaiian fish similar to Mahi Mahi) with butternut squash puree, and some shrimp that were staring at me (which my dad kindly took off my hands).


Sunday was travel day. Strangely enough, we had to be out of our hotel at 10, but our flight wasn’t until 3:30. I hit the hotel gym for a quick workout before we had to leave. It was surprisingly killer for a 30 minute workout with nothing but dumbbells. I’m super sore still 2 days later! Try it out:

4 rounds: 8 split squat each leg (I used 25s)/8 single leg squat to a low box (pistols)

4 rounds: single leg RDL with heavy dumbbell

Then, I did a few minutes of abs. My legs were shaking like crazy from the squats, and movement was tough on Monday in the glute area.



We ate an early lunch near the airport at a health foods store with a nice deli area. I had BBQ chicken and a salad with avocado that had a delicious sesame maple dressing.


We also had made one final stop at the GF bakery, so my mom and I split a Lilikoi cupcake and a lemon bar.


At the airport, we shared Brazilian cheese bread.

I haven’t ordered food on a plane in forever, but I decided to go with it and get a fruit and cheese tray.


I think this is a pretty decent option to actually get some real food in on a plane, although I learned quickly I’m not as big of a cheese person as I might have though.

Our final bakery item was eaten on the plane: a passionfruit muffin. Delicious.


Monday when we got back, we were feeling the need for some health!

Monday night, I had a great Crossfit workout. It had everything I could want: heavy lifts in the WOD, and a movement that I can do and enjoy but needs work. It was:

21-15-9 hang power cleans at 95# and toes to bar. I got talked into Rxing this workout, and I’m really glad I did because 1. it’s good for me and 2. it didn’t feel terrible.

For dinner, I made the simplest salad. I massaged kale in olive oil, then tossed it in balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Then, I added parmesan, dried cranberries, and roasted butternut squash (most of which didn’t make it from the pan to the bowl). Served with an egg.


That’s Hawaii! Look out for a full day of eating tomorrow!