
Weekend Adventures

I start my summer job tomorrow, but this was a great kickoff weekend! I had some college friends stay with me, and it was an awesome time!

We started with a home-cooked meal of my guacamole salad on Thursday night.


Friday morning, we were up early to head into the city! (SF)


Despite the fact that I went to the Ferry building a week ago with another friend, that’s where we were headed!

It was an absolutely beautiful day in the city.


I was actually pretty warm in my long sleeves and boots! Gotta love San Francisco.

We explored the Ferry building a bit before grabbing lunch. We are all very indecisive people, but eventually settled on a cafe. I had a beautiful rotisserie chicken, and an amazing salad with nectarines, feta, and dates. I will definitely recreate that salad for the blog!


We walked around about before grabbing ice cream to take outside.


I had olive oil ice cream with fudge sauce. I didn’t think I’d like the olive oil flavor, but it was delicious! It had a touch of orange, and the savory-ness of the olive oil had a similar effect as salted caramel does.

After enjoying the sunshine, we made the trek back to meet up with another graduated friend for dinner. It was a Mexican restaurant, and I had a delicious salad with cheese, avocado, pumpkin seeds, and chicken. Plus plenty of chips and salsa!


I also split a side of plantains.

Unfortunately, that night one of my friends had to leave, so the next morning two of us made the drive to Monterey. My friend returned from South Africa on Thursday (I picked her up at the airport), and I moved her into her summer apartment in Monterey.

On the way up, I had to offer her the true California experience by stopping at a fruit stand for cherries in Gilroy.


We rolled in around lunchtime, and hit up the Giant Artichoke for lunch. My friend had never had whole artichokes, so I showed her how to eat the leaves.

I’m so spoiled in CA.


For my main meal, I ordered an artichoke veggie sandwich and skipped the bread.


After lunch, we explored Cannery Row first by foot.


It was definitely cool out! Highs in the 60s. While walking, we saw a sign for “free chocolate tasting,” and wandered into a shop that offered chocolate tasting with a complimentary mini glass of wine for only $3!


We got to pick out which chocolates we tasted-mine were mostly caramels because I’m nut-free. The salted caramel was delicious, but I went home with the caramel apple chocolate-it tasted just like fall and was very unique!

Then, I showed my friend how to explore Monterey in style. In a surrey-a sleek 4 wheeled bike.


I had the pleasure of driving this bad boy.


It was a great way to get in some movement and take in the beautiful views of the water.


Neither of us was in the mood for a big-deal dinner, so we stopped at a little Indian cafe. I was hoping for more vegetables, but the food was good!


We were both stuffed by the end!

It was sad leaving my friend this morning, but it was such an awesome weekend full of friends and adventure!

What did you do this weekend?

Giants Parade 2014

Wow, long time no blog, huh? These past few days have been absolutely crazy for me! Lots of fun packed into the weekend, and then lots of homework!

I currently am on Day 3 of having no voice. I’m starting to wonder if it will ever come back…Strangely enough I probably appear to be sort of dying, but I’m 80% sure I’m not even sick. I think I had a tiny baby cough from allergies, and then I went home for a few hours yesterday and hung out with my cat (who I’m allergic to) and have been sniffling like crazy ever since. And oh, my voice. I have never so completely lost my voice before. It’s weird because my throat is totally fine. My voice is just gone. I think it was well earned though. Between screaming like crazy during the Giants parade and then Halloween, I think I’m all screamed out!

Friday was just an amazing day. I can’t remember the last time I had as great of a day. I saw almost all of my favorite people! The Halloween recap of Friday will be a separate post. Let’s talk about the parade!

I didn’t go to either of the last 2 victory parades, so I decided I had to make it work for this one.

I woke up at 6am to leave at 7am for a 12pm parade.


My beautiful outfit:

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Transportation was complicated. Bike to bus to train then walk a mile to meet up with a friend from Berkeley on the parade route.

I met up with her around 9am. She had been there since 8, and scored us some prime spots. Seriously-we could not have had better spots. For one thing, we were SITTING! We sat on top of a newspaper dispenser, so not only did we have seats, but we were right at the front and higher than most people! It was amazing!

It was also wet. 3 hours of just sitting there, getting rained on. I had a rain jacket, but that did nothing for my legs or feet!

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By the time the parade started, we were FREEZING and SO, SO wet. But I could not have cared less. It was AMAZING.


To give you a sense of how close we were.




The first float of players^Crawford+Belt

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And of course, the World Series MVP:
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And the trophy!


It was so, so amazing. It was also less rowdy than I was expecting, although we were also above the crowds. The area I was watching from seemed to be mostly families!

Getting down from our perch was interesting. It was about a 4 foot drop, and our legs had been immobile and freezing for 5 hours. We couldn’t walk at first because our legs were rubber!


Ignore the crazy hair.


Instead of braving the subway traffic, we stopped in the mall nearby for some lunch. AKA warm soup. AKA the best, most amazing thing ever. I didn’t even care that I spilled it all over myself and then smelled like chicken for the rest of the afternoon!

It was such a great experience. I’m so glad I finally put other things aside to go!

Halloween recap coming soon. 🙂


Giant Race 2014 Recap

Well, I have to say, that race did not go as planned. I was expecting a big PR and, well, I didn’t. But honestly, I care a lot less about this than I was expecting.

The day before I did everything right. I rested up. I ate balanced meals-see below.



Including this lunch with a friend. I told her I needed “bland and healthy” so Subway fit the bill. I got turkey with avocado.

Plus a little treat.


And then a carb-y dinner. I made Cheesy Mushroom Quinoa. I ended up adding a ton of extra kale this time.


I woke up at 4:45 on race day morning feeling good. When I walked downstairs to make breakfast, my dog looked at me like I was crazy for being up so early.


I decided to play it safe with breakfast and have the one I’ve had before races in the past-oats/banana/egg whites with sunflower seed butter on top.


We arrived at the race area about 40 minutes before the start, and then I waited in the port a potty line.


Race morning would not have been complete without an awkward stretching picture.



It was cloudy and cool that morning-just around 60 degrees. The race started from just outside the ballpark. Here’s a view from the walk to the start:


(I’m pretty sure we have the prettiest ballpark ever.)

I got to the corrals with about 10 minutes to the start. I didn’t realize we could go around the barriers to get into the corral, so I was nowhere near my pace group but I figured it wasn’t that big of a deal. I that point, I had no idea what pace to shoot for.

And then I hit the starting line and was off!


My pace was pretty inconsistent at first and I did a fair amount of weaving. I felt pretty good at the start. The first few miles were uneventful, but I was glad when the 10kers broke off because it was way less crowded. The first few miles of this race go along the Embarcadero, until around mile 3ish when the course juts inward and climbs a bit.

When I started the climb, I revisited my definition of a hill a little bit. I told everyone that this race was pretty flat. Which by San Francisco standards, I suppose is true. But that still means there were two hills with about 200 feet of elevation gain on the course. The first hill was fine, and I was happy for my legs to have some different terrain-and the downhill was nice and gradual.

Almost immediately in the race I knew there was no way I was going to break 2:00, but for about half of the race I was gunning for 2:05. Around miles 4 and 5, that pace started to feel pretty fast and my legs were feeling pretty heavy. This part of the course goes through Crissy Field and has a fantastic view of the Golden Gate bridge. I like this race because the turn around point is where the hill up to the bridge starts-all the other races here I’ve done have climbed that hill and it is no fun!

After the turnaround, there were about 1.5/2ish miles of dirt path/gravel running which I absolutely HATE. I feel like I’m barely moving in it, and it sometimes hurts my feet. Last year I was cursing this part the whole way, but since I was prepared for it I was just mildly annoyed at least. Definitely not my favorite part of the race. At this point, my legs were feeling heavy and I let go of 2:05 and decided I’d be happy with any PR. I was not feeling great at this point and I still had a ways to go! I was tired before the second hill, and I lost a lot of time on the hill.

Not long after the hill, I was fading pretty quickly. I took goo at mile 10.5, but I still felt like I had nothing left in the tank. The last 3 miles flat out sucked, and it was all I could do to keep my legs moving. I gave up on PRing and focused more on finishing. I didn’t think I’d even beat my time from last year (which was my first half) so I my main goal was to finish in order to enjoy all the food I had planned later in the day. (Planning a trip with lots and lots of good food on the day of a half marathon is genius, by the way.) I was not feeling good at all. My legs felt like they weighed a million pounds and I had no energy at all.

Somehow, I managed to shuffle in to the finish, picking it up a bit as I entered the ballpark.


Boy, I look like I’m having a great time, don’t I?

And then there was the finish line!


And then, yayy! I was done! I ended up at least beating my time at this race from last year by about 20 seconds, but I was a few minutes off a PR with a 2:12.



I honestly don’t feel bad about not PRing. I had nothing left-I don’t feel like I slacked off at the end by losing a lot of speed. I felt decent after the race, but knew I was going to be in for trouble with my feet. My plantar fasciitis has been flaring a bit the past couple of weeks, and it never warmed up during the race, meaning the pain never went away like it normally does when I run. It was terrible and it definitely wasn’t getting worse, but it wasn’t great. And as soon as it cooled down, I knew I was toast! Right now my left one is way worse, but I’ve been more or less unable to walk the past 2 days….

For breakfast after the race, we stopped at Panera for an egg white and avocado sandwich and a pumpkin muffin, plus much needed ice for my foot!



So-thoughts on the race? It’s a really great race but I didn’t enjoy it as much as I should because I was so tired and focused on PRing. I’m not disappointed with the result but I’m looking to learn from it. First of all, I went out WAY too fast and it totally killed me in the end. My long training runs had an overall faster pace, and my legs were never heavy around mile 10 like in the race. If I had chose a slower pace from the start and maintained it, I probably wouldn’t have died as much at the end and ended up with a better overall time. Also, I’m going to examine my fueling a bit better because I felt pretty depleted at the end.

But one of my biggest conclusions? I need to stop trying to PR. I can train to PR, but I don’t want to try to race like that anymore. I’ve enjoyed my training runs much more than the race because I go out so fast at the race, and the whole point is to have fun running, right? I mean, I’m not going to win anything! I need to enjoy the race more!

Moving forward, I have another half in about a month, and I see lots of cross training in my future, seeing as in theory I’m supposed to run 12 miles in a week and I can’t even really walk right now. I know my feet will get better, so I’ll play it by ear, but I may not be the best trained for this race and that’s ok. My current plan is a looong spin workout for next weekend in place of the run!

Do you ever go out too fast? How do you stop yourself?


Bay to Breakers 2014

I had every intention of getting this recap post up last night, but wifi was down throughout the whole campus. Let’s just say doing research for a presentation you are writing at 1am ON YOUR PHONE is not the most fun thing ever. But here were are!

Yesterday, I ran Bay to Breakers, a 12k in San Francisco that goes from the Bay, to the Pacific Ocean (breakers).

I awoke at a fantastically early hour (4:50) to get ready to make the trip up to the city for the 8am start. For those of you that don’t know, Bay to Breakers is a crazy, wacky race. Everyone dresses up-that is, if they dress at all. IMG_7709 IMG_7720


Upon arriving in our corral, we were immediately greeted by flying tortillas. Yes, flying tortillas. There were tons of people just will bags of tortillas, flinging them everywhere.



This is the first tortilla that hit me.IMG_7717


As you can see, I didn’t go alone! I ran the race with 2 friends.



This was my first time running with people, and it was a lot of fun! I will admit though, it was a bit difficult turning off that competitive instinct and not worrying about time.

In terms of my outfit, I obnoxiously wore all blue-shirt, pants, eye “black”, and then a tutu. People dressed up as all kinds of things. One motivated runner carried an inflatable palm tree the entire way! I also didn’t see as many naked people as I was expecting, although I soon lost count.

My face paint was probably not the greatest idea-I was expecting it to dry, but it was oil based and never did so it was super easy to smear! Right before we started, I was smacked in the face with a flying tortilla, which majorly smeared it-plus got stuck in it! Ew!

The race started about 30 minutes late due to some issues clearing the course, but eventually we were off! I actually carried my phone with me for this race so I took lots of pictures!

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That bacon suit cannot go undocumented!

A mile or two in, we reached Hayes Hill-there was a challenge to sprint up it-the fastest person won a large sum of money. Hint-it wasn’t me! I have to say though, there was a lot of hype about this hill, but it was NOTHING compared to the hills of San Francisco of some of the halfs I’ve run!

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It was such a beautiful day for running! It was pretty warm last week, which equals not totally freezing in the city!

The route was different than any of the halfs I’ve done-it went through a completely different area. We spent about half the race running through Golden Gate Park!



Around this point, we started debating how long 12k actually was. I thought it was 7.8, and one of my friends thought it was 6.9 As we passed Mile 7, it was determined that it definitely wasn’t 6.9!



As we debated, a friendly fellow runner informed us that it was actually 7.5 miles! Almost there!



And done!

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See? Breakers!

Overall, this race was a lot of fun, and less crazy than I was expecting. Although this is likely because I was in the 8:00-10:00 pace corral, and the really drunk people were much farther back-but there were definitely some! There were a lot of very drunk spectators as well-but that meant the crowd support was awesome! I didn’t realize a good portion of the crazy would be drunk college students-especially those in Greek life!

I also saw quite a few people I knew throughout the day, which was fun! I would definitely recommend this race as a fun run-it definitely gives you a sense of San Francisco! But if you’re planning to race it-well, just don’t. There are a lot of people walking, there are a lot of people staggering around, the spectators sometimes blend into the race course-if you’re trying to go anywhere in a hurry, you’ll probably be incredibly annoyed by everyone. The key is to embrace it and just have fun! I know I did!




And you better believe a celebratory brunch was in order! I was starving-I took this race much less seriously and just ate a granola bar before around 5am, so I was more than ready!



Such a fun day with amazing people, and an amazing city.

Have you ever run Bay to Breakers?

Visiting Reindeer and Other Christmas Festivities

I hope that everyone had a fabulous holiday!

I feel like it’s been such a long time since I last blogged! I’m going to try to keep this mostly to pictures so I don’t bore you too much!

On Monday night I made gingerbread with this super delicious and healthy recipe! Zucchini? Count me in! It gave the bread the perfect moistness.



On Christmas Eve, I woke up early to go to Crossfit-it was a quick one and I was out nice and early so we could head up to San Francisco. 


We went to the California Academy of Sciences to see the Christmas exhibit I’ve heard about on the radio every year. 



There was also an indoor snow exhibit-yes in California, we go to Museums for snow. 

Inside the Museum was an amazing hidden restaurant called the Moss Room. I decided to get a salad, butternut squash soup with maple creme fraiche, as well as a side of brussels sprouts. Because you better believe anytime I see them on the menu, that’s what I’m getting!


For dinner, we went to Benihana’s, as we do every Christmas Eve. For those that are not familiar, Benihana’s is a Japanese restaurant where the chefs cook in front of you on the table.


AMAZING fried rice, ginger salad, and shrimp.


Since my sister’s boyfriend (and I!) loves blueberries, we made blueberry crisp, while whipping up Christmas morning breakfast and watching Elf. Since everybody loves Elf, I decided we needed to watch it again. It was adorable, and a great Christmas Eve movie.



And then stockings were hung. Guess who has the “Naughty” stocking? That would be my little trouble maker of a cat, Lilly. Let’s just say she’s earned the title.


However, not sure if the cookies ever made it to Santa, thanks to our little elf who came after dark…


We actually stayed up past midnight on Christmas Eve watching baby videos, since my sister had her boyfriend over. We watched more videos on Christmas, and let me just say-I missed my calling! I was clearly a natural ballerina. At least for a 4 year old. Now I kind of really want to take a ballet class! It’s the only type of dance I could even potentially do because it’s the only one that allows or even requires rigidity! 

On Christmas morning, I wrapped up some last minute presents for my family. I made them canvas pictures-I’ll do a separate post on that DIY project.


For breakfast, we made a gruyere, mushroom, and tomato breakfast casserole which was assembled the night before.


We also had some expensive blueberry coffeecake that had been frozen. It was good but probably would have been better fresh! Plus melon balls and a side of Christmas tree.


And chocolate orange. Because Christmas is one of those days when candy for breakfast is totally acceptable. Hey-it was in my stocking!


I have to share with you guys some pictures of the cat I’m cat-sitting. He’s the sweetest, hugest, fluffiest orange kitty. He purrs the entire time I’m there, and has the most beautiful fur.


And then, it was off to Grandma’s house!


My Grandma outdid herself yet again with the food. She made 3 entrees-chicken (above), pork chops, and eggplant parmesan. 


Stuffed mushrooms, chocolate cake, blueberry pie, and my Grandma’s dog Molly.



Rumpldy Thump-mashed potatoes, broccoli, and cheese sauce. 



Christmas was really nice. It was pretty low key this year, so there isn’t to much of an after-Christmas lull. Plus, today we were back in San Francisco!

This morning, I went to Crossfit, then yoga. I did a mile on the treadmill in between-I ran a mile and then wanted to incline walk for a few minutes, but my achilles tendons weren’t having it. I don’t know why I’m having such bad tendonitis now-I haven’t had problems in over 10 years, plus I reduced my mileage a lot recently! Any advice for how to treat it would be welcome.

Anyways, my family went to San Francisco for lunch and to see a musical.


The noodles were deliciously garlic-y and I’m sure my family loved me the rest of the day.

We saw the Book of Mormon, which was really good! It sells out so quickly, and we got tickets this year as soon as they were available.


We had a great couple of days-hope you all did as well!

How was your holiday? What did you do?