
WIAW and I’m a Weather Confused California Girl

Well, one final down, two to go! It’s definitely crunch time over here-which is why I’m OH so happy to take a break to celebrate What I Ate Wednesday. Thanks Jenn!


Before I get into it, thank you all so much for your kind comments on my blogiversary post! They melted my heart and brightened my day inside the dark library. 

Also-if you haven’t there’s still plenty of time to enter my giveaway!

Since I have been doing 12 Days of Christmas, I haven’t gotten a chance to post a lot of my recent eats! Hint: there have been lots of persimmons. I think my record is 6 in one day? Although to be fair, two of them were babies.


Why I was motivated to take this picture, I have no idea.

It’s been cold here in California. Ok, everyone else, feel free to laugh. I’m a wimp and take my bundling up seriously. Why be cold when you can wear 6 layers?

This morning I went to morning Crossfit-the low was 26 I believe, and I thought for sure my car wouldn’t start, since it was in the 40s the night before and it didn’t sound good. Luckily though, it did, and I only had to worry about cleaning off copious amounts of ice from my windshield, and not trying to find someone to jump my car! I really need an ice scraper though-I was lucky to have a towel with me-otherwise it would have been my fingers (I’ve done that before..ouch).

Also, our Crossfit box is literally freezing. It was colder in than out, and it was below freezing out so…

And the worst part? The bars are like ICE. Yuck. Anyways, by the time I returned and got coffee, I found myself craving a dining hall breakfast (what? who am I?) and since this was the second day in a row I wanted that, I decided to go for it. 


A whole wheat english muffin with one side butter and (some) jam, and the other cream cheese, egg, and spinach. With a side of unripe pineapple! I also had a whole wheat pancake with butter and jam. 

Ok, the real reason I tend to avoid the dining hall is because they often have the most delicious blueberry muffins (one of my major weaknesses), and I know eating 5,000 muffins before a final probably isn’t the best idea…

My lunch was a turkey sandwich made open faced:


Plus an extremely delicious piece of mystery bread that it’s been way too long since I’ve had.


I got them at a little cafe and settled in to relax after a morning of studying before my final. I didn’t bring headphones, and didn’t want to strain my brain my reading anything, so I eavesdropped for about an hour. Totally normal, right?

After my exam, I decided to actually go to the dining hall! To be fair, I complain about how boring dining hall food is, but it’s also because I almost always go to the same dining hall-I don’t seem to get back from Crossfit/other workouts before all the other ones close. Example-yesterday I finished Crossfit and tried to catch the tail end of a different dining hall’s hours. They had no food left!

But I finally got what I wanted today, since my exam ended earlier:


A burrito bowl with salmon. I’ve been craving Mexican food so much since listening to a book on tape during my workout yesterday-they went to Mexico and were eating tacos (keep in mind, I was listening to this at 7am and wanted tacos…). 

And you better believe that I’m going to get dessert if I just took a final!

Chocolate soft serve, chocolate chips, marshmallows, jam, and cereal. I was SO tempted to add peanut butter-I made a ton of chocolate/peanut buttery soft serve cups of deliciousness last year, but I refrained for the sake of my face and skin.

Ok, so what have you missed on the food front?


Persimmon and egg cup.


Snack plate-guacamole, cinnamon laughing cow, pear chips.


Broccoli and white cheddar laughing cow.


A Whole Foods Southwest salad that I added avocado to.


Teriyaki tofu, rice and quinoa mix, salad with goat cheese, hummus, and avocado. 


Christmas on a plate. They opened up a Harry and David store at my local mall, so pears were a necessity. I had to pull myself away from eating really delicious persimmons to eat a really delicious pear. I know, poor me. 


Mass amounts of broccoli for lunch because that’s clearly what all the cool people do.



Mushroom and barley soup, and a salad with goat cheese, hummus, and fig balsamic. I accidentally poured half the container of goat cheese on there.I wish I could say I was sorry…I love goat cheese!

And the grand finale…


Last night I wanted something sweet, so I went forward with a microwave pumpkin oatmeal cookie in mind. Except I kind of just turned it into straight oatmeal. I used pumpkin butter, and then since I didn’t have any normal almond milk open and I’m leaving in 3 days, I used almond nog. O.M.G. The flavor combination of eggnog and pumpkin was unreal. You all you to try your oatmeal like this. I also mixed in some egg white, pumpkin pie spice, vanilla, baking powder, and butter (it was kind of supposed to be a cookie at one point…but delicious addition!)


And since I was talking about cold weather and bundling up…here’s a picture of me being a weather confused California girl.


2 jackets. Scarf. Gloves. Shorts? 

Let’s say that I regretted this decision when I left the library in the dark….brrr! It’s so much colder once the sun goes down. My friend wanted me to come over the other day at like 9pm…I wore 3 jackets, 2 pairs of pants, uggs, gloves, and a scarf that covered my whole face. I couldn’t move my arms. But I wasn’t cold!

I hope you all are having fabulous weeks! 3. More. Days. 

What is your favorite seasonal flavor?

On the Tenth Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to Me…

The 10 best things I ate in the last year.

This post is proving to be one of the hardest, and one of my most favorites, simply because it’s so hard to choose! After much soul searching, this is what I came up with! (In no particular order)

1.  Wildberry frozen yogurt. Specifically the salted caramel pretzel flavor…AMAZING. I got this an embarrassing number of times while I had mono because my throat hurt something fierce, I could barely eat, and it was on the way back home from school. 


2. Yogurt bowls-specifically with vanilla greek yogurt, pumpkin bread, and sunflower seed butter. This combo is amazing. I ate a crazy amount of this last spring. Try it and thank me later.


3. Boston Cream Pie. Made 100% from scratch. For those who don’t know, Boston Cream Pie is sponge cake, custard, and chocolate glaze. I made this once before for my mom as a surprise, but this time around it was a spring break activity that we did together.


4. Tina‘s recipe for Cheesy Brussels Sprouts. They’re super simple and delicious, and a great go-to anytime. But maybe I just really love Brussels Sprouts. 


5. Homemade iced chai. After having an amazing iced chai at Philz Coffee, I decided to try my hand at it. The trick? Brew it with a mint leaf, for some extra refreshing power. Plus, I’m totally in love with my Chai tea.


6. Blueberry crisp. This one is a no-brainer. It’s one of my favorite desserts ever, and pretty much only happens when blueberries hit that brief but golden period of perfect ripeness in the summer. The recipe we use is pretty healthy-not a ton of sugar! And not a ton is needed with amazing blueberries! Bonus-no nuts 🙂


7. Blueberry bread. Yes, the kind from a mix with added blueberries. I absolutely LOVE this. And I think it probably helped the cause that this was made right after my first ever 12 mile run. I may have been ravenous and I may have eaten most of the loaf in one day. No shame. #runnerproblems


8. Smitten ice cream. Smitten is a little place in San Francisco that makes Nitrogen ice cream. It. Is. Amazing. I ordered the salted caramel, but I loved even more the chocolate. It was by far, hands down the best ice cream I’ve ever eaten. Ever. Insanely smooth-the nitrogen freezing process won’t create ice crystals-, rich, decadent, chocolate-y with almost a hint of sea salt. OMG. The best part? A Smitten is coming INSIDE my closest Whole Foods at school! SO. PUMPED. 


9. These brussels sprouts from my latest trip to Napa. No words. Possibly the #1 best thing I ate all year (yes, I realize how weird it makes me seem if the best thing I ate all year was brussels sprouts-but they were amazing!)


10. Butternut squash soup with cream fraiche and citrus cranberry relish. This was too perfect. Even though I missed out on amazing butternut squash soup in Napa this year, this was just as good. I had this at least 5 times as leftovers.Image