Happy Wednesday! How crazy is it that I started this little blog when I was a freshman and now I’m a junior? Craziness. I should do a throwback WIAW at some point to compare the years. But for today, we’re doing WIAW with this week’s food!


First of all, I want to give a little update on my plantar fasciitis. It’s been 4 days now with no running and my feet are feeling sooo much better. Yesterday, I felt like they had returned to their normal pain levels and the outside of my foot wasn’t really hurting, but today they actually felt good. I think there were a number of factors that went into the improvement. Not running was a big one, but I think also returning to a normal routine with my normal shoes also helped. Plus, I’ve tried to cut back on sugar lately because I was hoping that would help reduce inflammation-I know it’s a long shot but I wanted to try everything! So maybe it helped. I’ve also been wearing the night brace which means I wake up feeling better. I can tell I’m getting better flexibility in my ankle/achilles as a result as well.

Ok-onto the food!

In terms of breakfasts, yogurt bowls have been the name of the game. The first one was plain yogurt with canned peaches and sun butter. I’m really loving that the nut-free dining hall nearby has sun butter!


Yogurt bowl #2 was back in my room and was plain yogurt (whole milk, non-greek) with sun butter, raspberries, and a drizzle of brown rice syrup.


In terms of other food, I packed some lunches from home before I left.


Each one contains grilled chicken, cumin roasted yellow cauliflower, and brown butter sage mashed sweet potatoes.


As I have said before, the dining hall closest to me now is the best one on campus. The food actually has flavor, which is pretty revolutionary. For one meal, I had a mediterranean salad with grilled chicken and some cream of spinach.


The cream of spinach was so, so delicious.

I also tried the dining hall’s most famous dish-Death by Chocolate.


Honestly, I wasn’t a big fan. It was a little too much for me. It was super rich chocolate cake covered in fudge, and it’s fairly dark chocolate.

Another thing I’ve been making is chocolate milk for post workout.  Well, technically it’s hot chocolate. I got some really good quality whole milk from my favorite local dairy at Whole Foods. It even comes in a bottle. Butttt it’s non-homogenized, which means the fat isn’t really mixed in. In other words, it’s full of chunks of fat. It really freaks me out. I have to drink it hot to really mix it all up. My chocolate post-workout drink is milk, cocoa powder, and brown rice syrup!


But hot, it’s so delicious! Although I may have consumed enough cocoa powder to make me a bit jumpy.

What kind of milk do you buy?

9 comments on “WIAW-College Year 3

  1. Elsie @ Sharing Healthiness

    I am glad your plantar fasciitis is getting better..in no time I can see you writing about running again!
    I drink almond milk…i can’t stand the taste of regular milk but I love regular yoghurt and not almond milk yoghurt…weird?

    1. astottler Post author

      I don’t think it’s that weird! Almond milk yogurt is really strange-I’m not a fan either!

  2. Sky @ Blonde Freedom

    I buy almond milk, but I wish I could still drink regular milk. Nothing compares to the taste of real milk! That’s really awesome that you live close to a good dining hall. I’m glad your foot is improving too!

    1. astottler Post author

      I agree-almond milk is good but it’s different!

  3. Matt @ Runner Savvy

    PF is one running injury I haven’t had! I hope it goes away soon.

  4. Ashley @MilesonOats

    You just made me seriously happy that I am eating meat again because I may or may not replicate your tupperware dishes for my work lunches next week. Those look so tasty! And congrats on your 3rd year commencement lady! I just got my diploma in the mail 2 days ago…! So surreal.

    1. astottler Post author

      Ahhh that’s crazy! And totally do it-it’s seriously so delicious!

  5. athleticavocado

    love yogurt bowls! great post!

    1. astottler Post author


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