
Speed Demon

Hey guys! I just wanted to pop in here really quickly before WIAW with my Summer Shape Up Week-whatever goal!


Last week’s goal was to make a reasonable meal and exercise plan and stick with it. Along with my attempts to avoid snacking, this actually worked out pretty well. I got all my workout in, with the exception of the hiccup that was Wednesday’s run-but I was only a mile short so it’s close enough! The problem? It was really hard to plan things so far out in advance, so I didn’t plan the weekend….so my weekend eating could have been more organized. Next time, I think I need to do a mid-week check in on meals for the rest of the week. 

Now before you see tomorrow’s WIAW, remember that it includes things I ate before writing up this post. ANYWAYS. My goal is to eat gluten-free for a week. I’ve stuck to mostly eating this way, with a few notable exceptions. Here’s what happens. Since I haven’t yet gotten tested, I start believing that gluten doesn’t affect me-I’m still not sure. However, this little guy convinced me otherwise. 
After a healthy lunch, I figured it would be fine. And, the whole cafeteria smelled like chocolate chip cookies! Well, I got a stomachache immediately after eating this. At first I thought, well that’s not necessarily the flour. But then I got the whole foggy-headed-can’t-stay-awake thing during my class. That convinced me even more. 

Another thing-I’m starting to get a gut feeling that gluten gives me a stomachache. Really scientific, I know. You know how when you get food poisoning from a certain food one time, and then afterwards, thinking about that food makes you feel sick? I don’t exactly get that, yet I can just FEEL flour is doing it to me. When I think about these foods, stomachaches come to mind. It’s kind of like the whole nut thing. When my face first started breaking out like crazy and I was searching for the cause, I had a feeling it was nuts, yet I couldn’t quite believe it. Now, I’m 100% sure because I never eat them anymore and my face is fine, but occasionally when I have a little peanut butter, my face goes insane. So that’s this week’s goal. So what’s been going on in my life?

I got a flat tire yesterday. From running over a rock…what? 
This is no where near how flat it got-luckily I was super close to where I was going, and it didn’t even deflate enough for me to tell until I looked at it. When we went to the tire place, the guy looked at all the tires on the car and determined that they’re starting to crack. The tires are 8 years old, and apparently when they get old they get brittle and start cracking, meaning that at any moment, most likely at high speeds, they were likely to blow out. So this whole flat tire thing might have been a blessing in disguise. I’m going to be driving this car an hour on the highway every day, and I can’t even imagine how bad a blow out could be. 

There’s a dent on the inside of the rim which has to be fixed before we even get new tires, so for now I’m rocking the spare tire. 
Notice that little the spot where it says 50 mph max? Yeah, I’m going to be a real speed demon these next few days. I either can’t take the highway, or will be that obnoxious person chugging along in the right lane 20 mph below the speed limit. Yeah, I think I’ll stay off the highway. 

And since I owe you a food picture, here’s last night’s dinner. 
Potato and corn chowder topped with cheddar cheese, along with asparagus. Yum!

And one last thing. For a while Matt has been encouraging me to do a Whole 30. So here’s the plan. I’m going to take it slow and start with a Whole7 (7 days instead of 30), and then go from there. Here’s the ingenious part-I’m going to do it the first week back at school. there are a few reasons for this, the main one being that the first week is an opportunity to start setting new habits in a new environment, so why not start off super healthy? Also, my parents won’t hate me for bringing more food restrictions into our house, I can grocery shop before I get to school, and the food at school that’s non-Whole30 isn’t really that great so I’ll be less likely to be tempted. So that’s that! See you all tomorrow for WIAW!

Have you ever gotten a flat tire? What happened?

Dilly Dally Day


Well guys, I’m still sick. I actually had a pretty high fever last night and decided that even if I didn’t have a fever this morning, the workout was not happening. But I still set my alarm and called my coach in the morning. I had a slight fever when I woke up but unfortunately it went back up. Also, when I woke up at 5:45 to call my coach, I was freezing because I was absolutely drenched in sweat. I had to change my PJs, and my bed was soaking. Ew. That’s probably TMI. I don’t even recall being THAT sweaty…though I felt like I was sweating all morning! I had a class cancelled today, so I decided to skip my other section and just stay in all day in an effort to be better tomorrow. So basically I’ve watched Glee and read blogs all morning. Awesome. The thing is, I don’t feel THAT bad. I just have a high temperature. Though to be fair, right now I’m just coming off of advil. My temp is up, but I feel ok. The temperature seems to rise before my body reacts. But hey, I get to update you on my eats! Breakfast this morning:Image

(sorry for the shadow) Chocolate protein smoothie with frozen banana (yes, I took the time to peel it this time), soymilk, cocoa powder, and chocolate protein powder. Breakfast has been getting more creative lately though. There was cuban beans and steak today! I went with some beans and a scoop of pre-made egg scramble. Plus some frozen berries. I was then craving a waffle. Again. (Still am). But I didn’t have one. I decided to try a little experiment. I had a slice of Gluten-free toast with peanut butter. I felt fine after. So I guess it really is the Gluten, not just grains in general. After breakfast I watched Glee and sweated. I also drank some Coconut water. Hydration can’t hurt, and since it’s pineapple coconut water, it has tons of Vitamin C!Image

For lunch, I really wanted frozen yogurt but didn’t want to trek over to the froyo place alone. Maybe dinner! Instead, I went to the dining hall. ImageChicken, jasmine rice, veggies, and totally delicious cinnamon-maple something butternut squash. SO GOOD. I also had some froyo at the dining hall (which wasn’t exactly fully frozen) with a couple of ill-planned cookie. Stupid gluten. But I’m sick! I can’t be bothered with will power! <- bad thought process.

After lunch I read food blogs. And seeing as it’s only 3:30….I’ve been reading more and more about Paleo and I’m becoming so convinced that it is the solution for me. If only I could stick to it! It was definitely easier getting started at home! I also checked out Whole30, and it’s totally something I’d consider this doing this summer, but there’s no way I’d be able to do it at school with limited food choices and in the middle of season. 

I recently made myself a snack, as I was craving more sweets (this is what I get for falling off the Paleo wagon). I vaguely remembered finding a recipe somewhere that made cookies with just peanut butter, honey, and eggs, so I decided to try my hand at a microwave variety. It was delicious! When I figure out the recipe I will post it. I mixed peanut butter and honey and melted them together. Then, I whisked in some almond meal, vanilla, and egg white. 30 seconds in the microwave and I had a delicious treat!Image

Ok, so it’s not the prettiest thing. And I made it in a paper cup, so who knows how this would have come out on a plate. I ate it with a fork. SO GOOD. But then, it occurred to me…how would a chocolate version be? Naturally I had to test it out. Same method as above, but with almond butter instead of pb, and added cocoa powder. Not bad, but I didn’t like it as much as the pb one. Image

This is actually a terrible picture. Sorry! It’s probably not good that I now have the ability to make delicious things right at my fingertips. There’s a reason I don’t keep sweets in my room! And all the nuts I’ve been eating lately….let’s just say my face isn’t too happy!

But don’t worry, I got some veggies in! Guac and carrots!Image

I couldn’t snag any salsa last weekend, but I went home and my mom got me guacamole mix! Perfect! I’m now pretty full though…A light dinner is definitely in order! 

I really do hope I’m better tomorrow. I haven’t been this sick in a long time. I haven’t had a fever in 3 years, and I’m sure it wasn’t this high! What is going on with my body? WHY AM I NOT BETTER YET?

Any Netflix suggestions?