
Last Post from This Side of the Mississippi

Happy Friday! I’m currently at the airport waiting to board my flight to DC! I’m not sure what my schedule or WiFi will be like for the next couple of days, so I wanted to take the chance to recap some things now. First things first. I wanted to visit the Kitten Nursery I worked at last summer before I left, so of course I have to share adorable kitten pictures. IMG_8145 IMG_8146 IMG_8147IMG_8149IMG_8151IMG_8155IMG_8156IMG_8159   I’ve been trying to eat mostly whole foods lately, so here’s some things from the past couple of days. IMG_8161   An egg and lower sugar raspberry jam made by my aunt. Lunch out with my sister-I started with a giant cappuccino which I couldn’t finish! (But you better believe I drank all the milk foam!) IMG_8163

For the main course, my mom and I split a gouda arepa (corn based) and a salad with chicken, avocado, and gouda. IMG_8164 IMG_8165   And as my last dinner at home, I had one of my favorites-grilled chicken and peach salad with goat cheese. On the side was some whole grain bread rolled in sunflower seeds. IMG_8172   And then lunch this morning pre-airport was simple-2 eggs, half an avocado, cheese and crackers, and some English peas (unpictured). IMG_8173 IMG_8174 IMG_8175   Today, I went to my last home Crossfit, got a couple of episodes of Scandal loaded up on my computer to get in the mood, and said goodbye to my kitty. IMG_8178 IMG_8179   I’m going to miss him! Catch you all from the other side of the country!

Exercising Now and Future Plans

Guess what? I’m T-1 day from flying across the country for my internship! WOO! Packing still needs to happen, but future (well, near future) problems, right?

Since I have very few food pictures, I thought I’d spend some time talking about exercise from this past week, as well as injuries and some plans for my exercise when I’m in DC!

Monday-Nike Training Club 30 minute workout with one of my best friends. This one never fails to kill me, but at least I wasn’t too sore after this time!

In the evening, I had my last softball game (since I’m leavening) with my Monday night slow pitch team! We had an awesome game, and my bat was finally alive again! Afterwards, we went out to celebrate, and it was such a great time. My teammates are so much fun!

Tuesday-I had planned to go for a morning run but ran out of time since we were going up to the city. I went to evening Crossfit which was sort of killer. I PRed my overhead squats by 5 lbs, and the WOD was a little too close to 14.5 for my liking! It was a 10 minute AMRAP of 3 thrusters at 65 lbs, 3 over the bar burpees, then 6 and 6, then 9 and 9, and so on. Definitely a rough but good workout!

Wednesday- I got my butt out of bed at the crack of dawn for a spin class with one of my favorite teachers. Since I don’t have a gym membership, I was able to get a guest pass. Such a fun class! Afterwards, I went back to one of my favorite summer running places for a short 2 miles, 80% for picture purposes.

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Remember last time I ran there last summer where I almost got attacked by geese? I was grateful to not run into any this time!

Wednesday night, I had a softball game. I did quite a bit of base running, and played shortstop a bit which was fun (I’m normally an outfielder). Unfortunately, I took a particularly ugly swing while at bat and managed to sprain my hand. It feels a little better today, but I’m glad I have some time to rest it before I have to swing a bat again!

Also on the injury front-I went to a different foot doctor today and it seems that I have plantar fasciitis, not tendonitis. Or potentially tendonitis as a result of compensating for my foot pain. Apparently it’s because my calves are super tight and don’t have very good range of motion. The doctor wanted me to do physical therapy, but seeing as I’m leaving TOMORROW I got some stretches to do on my own to try and loosen it up. I also got some more supportive and comfortable work shoes, so hopefully that helps!

In terms of future exercise, the plan is Crossfit tonight, hand permitting. I may go again tomorrow morning, or do a run, before my flight. Saturday I’m planning on visiting my new Crossfit in DC. They seem really nice, and were named the best box in DC last year, so I’m hopeful I’ll love it! Sunday, I want to do a run to explore my new area a bit.

In terms of my general workout schedule, I think I’m going to need to run in the mornings…early….to beat the heat and since I’ll just never get it done after work. I will definitely not be doing this for probably the first week or so because time changes are rough-I don’t need to be waking up at 2:30 CA time to run before work…

Crossfit will happen after work, since I don’t have time in the mornings and since it’s right by my Metro stop coming home. I may try to do some spin or yoga classes at the gym attached to my Crossfit. I’m also eager to try some new (especially budget friendly) workout options, such as November Project (since it’s pretty close to where I’m living). I’m really excited to explore DC on foot, although I know the heat is going to be killer!

Any must see DC things?