Last week was behavior week, which is one of my favorite things ever. It was technically part of Neuro, which meant that this weekend after our Behavior final, I had zero school obligations. It was glorious.
Last weekend I had minimal school obligations and watched maybe 8 hours of baseball? This weekend was a mix of relaxing and fun!
It kicked off with vet school “prom.” Not entirely sure what that means other than an excuse to dress up!

A lot of times I put pressure on myself to get up and get stuff done/workout on the weekends. Saturday I took that pressure off. I slept in until 8 and was shocked because that is unprecedented…I don’t think I’ve slept that late all year! I had a lazy day consisting of chores, reading, time soaking in some sun with my friend, and then a minor league baseball game! I love baseball. The Giant’s AAA minor league team is in Sacramento, so it’s really easy to catch a game!

Sunday morning, I had a great plan to find somewhere nice to run in Sacramento, and then to go to the GF bakery for their Sunday morning donuts. I found a really nice looking trail by the river in a park. Well, I couldn’t find an open entrance to the park. I spent 30 minutes driving in circles before giving up and driving to the bakery and just running around the neighborhood there. Despite that, the 3 mile run went well and my ankle actually felt good! The donut line took FOREVER but I couldn’t complain too much given I had very little to do that day!

I got a chocolate cruller and an apple fritter. Both were SOO good but I think eating 2 donuts at once is a lot for me because I didn’t feel the greatest the rest of the day…
My other big activity for the day was a slow pitch softball game! It was fun but I’m definitely rusty, and have some random aches and pains that are now more achy and painful…I swear I feel myself getting older every year…
Since my full days of eating last week were sort of repetitive, I wanted to share some from this week because of course when I’m not tracking full days of eating I actually keep it more interesting…

It’s no secret I’m obsessed with these protein muffins, so I was thrilled that they recently came out with a bunch of new flavors. I love the lemon poppyseed for spring!

On Crossfit mornings getting out the door is a mad dash, so here’s a breakfast in class (it was a lecture that didn’t require much note-taking). Plain Greek yogurt, blueberries, vanilla cereal, sunbutter.

And another one.

I love the blueberry muffins with fresh blueberries stirred in, and blueberries recently started being amazing.

I decided to mix it up with a savory breakfast on Friday when I had more time. I was actually not a fan. I don’t like the way eggs make me feel in the morning.

This was my pre-run breakfast on my donut morning. If you can get your hands on these, you need to. I recently saw them on Amazon.

This salad is nothing new.

…and again.

My lunch pretty much every day at school. Salad with chicken and pear and goat cheese.

Weekend salad from Trader Joe’s—the Citrus Chicken.

Zucchini noodles tossed with fresh basil, fresh mozzarella, and heirloom tomato.

Stir fry with zucchini and frozen veggies over brown rice. I used a GF orange sauce that is good, but the orange is subtle.

Similar stir fry but with soy sauce and half orange sauce.

Zucchini noodles with pasta sauce, mozzarella, fresh mozzarella, and basil. One night I was out of mozzarella so I used a combo of parmesan and cheddar and it wasn’t bad!

Salad with egg whites and cheese puffs on the side.

Subway turkey salad before baseball since I was craving something on the healthier side.
Dessert and Snacks:

I discovered these and not only are they delicious, but they’re a really nice size for something small!

I never have celery so when I got it to put with turkey, I had to have the “ants on a log” snack. Sunbutter and dried cranberries (raisins are better but I didn’t have any).

I made GF brownies for a vet school bake sale, and naturally I had to do some quality control.

My most common dessert of late has been chocolate or vanilla Halo Top with chocolate mint sauce and whipped cream. I tried the Breyer’s Halo Top equivalent and it’s not bad! I maybe SLIGHTLY prefer Halo Top.

And as always, I’ll end with a kitty picture.