Just St. Louis Things

Happy Monday!

My Wifi is super spotty right now so we’ll see when this post actually goes up.

The weather this weekend was absolutely perfect. We had crazy storms all Thursday and Friday. I went on possibly the soggiest run ever Friday morning. Luckily, the rain settled down for a bit by midmorning Friday, and I didn’t get to wet at work. It was nice enough to enjoy my Friday treat, a raspberry Dole whip!




This is Kali (pronounced Cully). He’s definitely the star of the zoo, and he’s the biggest ham.

I spent my Friday night in with cats and spaghetti squash mac n cheese.


Saturday morning I taught an early spin class, and then my roommate (who is leaving soon!) and I went to St. Charles, dog in tow. St. Charles is about 30 minutes north of St. Louis, and has a cute historic downtown.

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We walked around a bit. It’s right by the river.


It was an interesting environment that day because there was some sort of bar crawl for charity going on, so downtown was pretty packed with crawlers in matching t-shirts. That’s a cool event though! We stopped for lunch at a place with an outdoor patio for the dog, and after walking around a bit more, we stopped into Kilwins for ice cream.


This was SO good. I haven’t had normal, non froyo/custard ice cream in forever. This was salted caramel. It had caramel swirls and pieces of chocolate covered, delicious salted caramel.

Sunday morning began with a run. I did a different route, and surprised myself by busting out a slightly faster pace. I’ll take it!


The big event of the day was going to a Cardinals game!

Busch stadium is beautiful.

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Nothing like AT&T Park in SF, of course!

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I had french fries and a beer for lunch. So healthy. I’m actually really happy that this was something I was able to do mentally and physically and be ok with. A year ago, the fat in the fries would have probably made me pretty sick. Progress, my friends!

I had to get Budweiser given my location. It’s really okay. Solid but seems so watery.

The game was super fast, just over 2 hours, which is crazy. It was very low scoring, and the Cards lost. Honestly, I had trouble deciding if I should root for or against them. I’m a die hard Giants fan, and we’re competing with the Cardinals for the Wild Card. But I have always liked the Cardinals (as a secondary team, of course).


I couldn’t bring myself to wear anything Cardinals. My loyalties lie elsewhere. But I did wear a Cardinal shirt! (Stanford Cardinal)

After the game, we walked over to Ballpark Village to the fudge shop to get chocolate covered marshmallows, which was something my roommate wanted to do one last time before she left.


I want to apologize for the abruptness of this post. My Wifi has been pretty spotty so getting this together was the biggest pain. Also, I want to apologize for the relative lack of pictures. I’ve been working on something for you guys, which will hopefully be up Tuesday night!

Where are your baseball loyalties?


Be Thankful for Your Body…One Year Ago Today

I absolutely love Timehop. I sadly had to delete a lot of pictures from my phone due to space issues, so I don’t get to see a lot of things that come up, but I do see posts or tweets, so I see my blog posts.

Exactly one year ago, I (partially) dislocated my shoulder.


(And in true Aurora fashion, I had no idea how serious and how far it was going to set me back at the time.)

I couldn’t lift my arm up. I couldn’t straighten my arm because the weight of my arm hanging down was too painful. Going through the x-ray scanner at airport security was interesting…I couldn’t raise my arm up so of course I got flagged for a pat down!

My shoulder was messed up. I spent the following week in Hawaii, unsure if 1. my shoulder was actually in place and 2. if I was going to need surgery to repair. Thankfully, it was in place, and I didn’t need surgery.

It was 2-3 months before I could even squat, because I couldn’t hold a bar. At the same time, that next month I was so incredibly sick with my gastroparesis (at that time still undiagnosed), so I can’t imagine I would have been getting too crazy anyway.

I let my shoulder rest. I let it heal. I did my physical therapy, and slowly started getting back into things. Then I worked my butt off.

This time a year ago, before my injury, I couldn’t really do pull ups. Maybe a kipping here or there, on a really good day.

Today, I knocked out this workout:


pull ups

wall ball

hang power clean

I hopped on the pull up bar with the biggest smile on my face. I teared up a little at the end. I literally built my shoulder up from nothing, and worked my butt off to get where I am now. My shoulder isn’t 100%; if I do a lot of overhead stuff day after day it gets creaky, and I don’t know if handstand push ups or pul ups from a dead hand will ever happen (kipping allows my shoulder to be in a better position). But I’m sure as heck proud of where I am now. A whole lot can change in a year. I definitely never pictured myself typing up a blog post, a year later, about how I could bust out pull ups, while sitting in my bed in St. Louis.

I am so, so thankful and appreciative of what my body can do. I don’t think pull ups are something I will take for granted. I’m amazed every single time I do them in a workout. I feel so lucky for what I can do, but I also realize how hard I worked to get here.

Take some time to appreciate your body. Let your injuries heal. Don’t be stupid—it may seem like the end of the world at the time, but look where I am now.

Since we’re on the topic, I wanted to give a quick foot update. It feels great! When I work it a lot (jumping or running), it feels weak but not painful which is HUGE, especially given I walk 5-6 miles a day around the zoo. That being said, I think I’ve managed my recovery extremely well. I took everything in baby steps, and was careful not to rush things. Right now I’ve worked my way up to 3 miles. I have no intention of going further than that for the next month or two. I’m hoping to work up to a 10k for Thanksgiving but I’m not going to push it. And I decided at the time of the injury that I wouldn’t do any distance for at least a year; it’s just not worth the risk. I’m going to stick to 3 miles for a long time. Maybe the 10k Turkey Trot, but otherwise 3 miles is a solid place to be. I don’t want to point fingers at all, but I have seen other bloggers with stress fractures return to running heavily pretty soon post-injury, and have recurring problems. I don’t want that. I want this to be it for good!

On the topic of serious things, I owe you guys a couple of posts. One is an update on my stomach condition, and the other is the final post of my #TransformationTuesday series. Things have been pretty crazy lately, but I do still plan to follow up on those.

Enough of the serious talk now. How about some food+animals? Sound good?

My friends, it’s time. I haven’t gone head over heels for pumpkin yet, but we can start here. Honestly, I didn’t love this is yogurt because the flavor was too subtle. My favorite way to eat it is by the handful, but I think the cereal would be delicious in a rice crispy type of dessert.

Tip: look for this at Target!


Just another day at work. This is Holly.


I might actually be getting a little tired of spaghetti squash. I seasoned the squash with garlic and mozzarella.


It has still been blazing hot here lately, so I suggested my roommate and I take a trip to Ted Drewes, amazing frozen custard that originated in St. Louis. I got vanilla with hot fudge and it was amazing and smooth. Better than Rita’s, for sure, probably better than Shake Shack too.


Dinner post Crossfit today was a frozen meal, a tamale. I really love tamales, and was tired of spaghetti squash, so I added some spinach, ate it with carrots, and called it dinner.


I’ve been craving chocolate like crazy the last couple of days, and instead of stuffing my face with less delicious substitutes, I decided the smart thing to do was just buy some at the store and satisfy my craving, because a little chocolate is definitely healthier than a lot of random things! Plus, I needed to buy tissues. My allergies have been CRAZY lately; I’m allergic to something blooming. I had to take heavier duty allergy medicine last night which was unplanned, because I couldn’t stop sneezing. Sadly, I took it later than ideal and was definitely a little dopey for the first part of the morning!

And now I’m off to make a spin playlist for this weekend!

How have you dealt with injuries?

Continuing the Coffee Tour of St. Louis

I hope everyone had a great long weekend! Mine was longish—I had to work Monday morning, but I had the afternoon off so I tried to make the most of it!

I started Monday morning with a 6am lifting session at the gym. I figured 6am on Labor Day would be a time I would find a free squat rack! I did a few sets of 3 counts down, pause at the bottom, before moving on to an 8 minute squat sequence: 2 back squats every 30 seconds. I used 135#. Then, I did some kneeling single arm dumbbell presses (8 each) alternated with 5 pistols (each). I finished with 2x500m on the rower.

Breakfast post-workout was this delicious yogurt:


Then, it was off to work! The zoo was PACKED.


The Tasmanian Devils are my favorite.

After work, I headed to a nearby coffeeshop, Kayak Cafe, to work on my online class since I was a little bit behind my own schedule. I had been there for lunch before, but hadn’t tried the coffee. While this wasn’t on my specific list, it looked good! The only problem was the place was PACKED. Lots of students, plus most places were closed for Labor Day.

Points for presentation for sure.


My decaf cappuccino was served with a sparkling water palate cleanser and chocolate covered espresso beans.

This was good! Again, Blueprint is still my favorite. After working for an hour or so, I ordered a Mediterranean salad for lunch.


After deciding I was probably starting to overstay my welcome, I was off in search of other activities and other places in which to study. My allergies have been pretty awful lately, and I thought it was from the kitties+dog at the house, so I didn’t want to go home. I was feeling pretty rough all day, and froyo sounded fantastic on my itchy throat.


I went to Orange Leaf and got some brownie batter, salted caramel, and birthday cake froyo. Topped with chocolate and caramel sauces, and some chocolate chips. I may have been a little trigger happy though, and ended up with 11oz of yogurt—I couldn’t even finish it!

On the way to froyo, I saw a movie theater and had the idea that a movie would be a good way to spend the afternoon. I went and saw The Secret Life of Pets, which was really cute! I also discovered a giant mall, and stopped by GNC to take advantage of Labor Day sales by buying move Flapjacked protein muffins.

Sadly, all day, even in the movie theater, my allergies were pretty killer. On the plus side, it means I’m probably having issues with something blooming, not just the cats. I’m allergic to pretty much every tree out there.

After the movie, I ventured into the heat for a short track workout. Just a one lap warm up, followed by 6x200m repeats.


Afterwards, I headed to the grocery. I swear I spend so much of my life buying food. It doesn’t help that different stores carry different things I want. I picked up dinner for the next 4 nights: a big spaghetti squash! I’m low-key obsessed with it right now. I think I’m going to do a more detailed blog post with recipes next time I buy one. The key is making the squash taste delicious before even adding sauce (I’m still trying to use up my marinara). I added garlic, Italian herbs, mozzarella, and salt and pepper to my squash base, before topping it with marinara, parmesan, and some fresh mozzarella.


Because I was feeling so rough and didn’t have work Tuesday (it’s my normal day off), I decided to take the strong stuff to ward off my allergies. I slept for 9.5 hours and woke up feeling amazingly well rested, and definitely feeling better. My itchy throat, which was the most annoying symptom, was gone!

I explored the Cherokee area for the first time for my coffee of the week. I went to Sump Coffee.


It had a very hipster vibe, as do most good coffeeshops. I’ve also noticed a lot of places do pour over coffee these days.

That being said, I would have to take points off for 2 things: it was not in a very good neighborhood, especially the drive there (not really their fault but I wouldn’t make a habit of going late at night) and they didn’t have decaf. As you may know, I’m crazy sensitive to caffeine. I decided to persevere though for the sake of my reviews, and ordered a regular cappuccino.


It was beautiful! Good quality milk foam, and really good coffee. Still not as good as Blueprint, but probably above Rise. I only drank maybe 1/4-1/3 of this because I didn’t want to die, haha! I tolerated the caffeine far better than I have in the past year, which I think is a result of my stomach healing. (I don’t understand it, but when I damaged my stomach my caffeine tolerance because nonexistent.) I think that was the edge of what I could handle without feeling bad, so I’ll take it!

After a couple of hours there, I headed to Whole Foods for lunch, since I was craving some veggies, and I needed to buy a reusable bag so I don’t end up with 50,000 plastic bags.


Roasted corn (super good), curry roasted cauliflower, sweet potato sesame salad, and herb roasted beets.

Crossfit this evening absolutely destroyed me. My hands are shaking as I type this! We started with 5×4 narrow grip bench press, which is easily my worst lift. I made it to 90# for 4, and 95# for 1. I’ve never actually done a 1 rep max for any type of bench, so this might be considered it. Which would make this my first and only PR of 2016! Hah, I’ll take it!

The WOD was:


power clean



I Rxed it and I nearly gave up. I literally finished 5 minutes after everyone else in the class. Which means people were watching just me killing myself for 5 solid minutes. But the great thing is, they were cheering me on! That’s why I love Crossfit. This workout was absolutely killer on my grip strength. I could barely hold the bar by the end, but I finished in 17:03. I feel like I needed a killer workout. I had plenty of energy, and felt like I needed to push myself. So there it is.

For dinner, I continued the week of spaghetti squash. Today’s was a garlic-parmesan chicken.


I mixed in parmesan, Italian spices, garlic powder, salt and pepper, and pre-cooked chicken. Then, I topped everything with mozzarella. I think in the future I might mix in the mozzarella and top it with parmesan. On the side, I had a salad with a new dressing I picked up.


I like it! It has a strong apple cider vinegar flavor, which is nice. I wanted to mix it up a little from my typical Balsamic Vinaigrette.

Also, I wanted to close with something that’s been on my mind today. When I lived in DC, I fell in love with the city. I also really loved Knoxville (in a different way). I wondered if I would love any city I lived in on my own. However, while I do like St. Louis and am happy with my life right now, I didn’t fall in love with it in the same way. Which in some ways gives me a better sense of the direction I want to go in, and is a bit of a relief. We’ll see where the future takes me! I also do miss doing vet stuff, so while I do like behavior, I am more confident in what I want to do. This reaffirms it!

What is your favorite city?

I love DC. SF is great too, and feels like home. I also really like Seattle, but not in the same way!

Animal Kingdom

Hi friends! I’ve been meaning to post all week, but somehow time got away from me! I want to catch you all up on workouts+food+fun (and animals because that is my life.) Yoyo is currently flopped out next to me, helping with the blogging process clearly.

First, I wanted to talk about Monday’s Crossfit. We did the Crossfit Total, which is finding the 1 rep max of back squat, press, and deadlift. Since I’ve had 1001 injuries lately, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I knew my squat wasn’t going to be a PR. I surprised myself by hitting 190# on the squat! I don’t think I’ve lifted heavier than like 165 since hurting my foot, so I was super happy with that. I hit 80#, which tied my max on press (definitely not my strongest lift), and fell quite short of my max on deadlifts at 225, which was to be expected because I haven’t done heavy deads in a while. My total was 495#. I looked back at the last time I did this, New Year’s Eve 2013, and I actually got the same total! Given my deadlifts were pretty low this time (I PRed deads that day), I was happy with my squat progress! I’ll take it!

Other workouts—running! 3 miles is feeling good on my foot right now, so I’m starting to slowly build a little speed (as in, I pay a tiny bit of attention to it.. I ran my first Garmin run this week! The first 3 mile run felt awful, but the second felt better, and my time even improved a tiny bit. I honestly don’t care about how much speed I’ve lost, because I knew that was going to happen. I’m ready to slowly build back up that endurance!

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It was a good week at the zoo. The weather is finally cooling down to be quite pleasant, and I’m just hoping that sticks around!

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The Tasmanian Devils are my favorites. They’re nocturnal and are usually sleeping when I see them, so it was a treat to see them up and moving around!

I’ve also been enjoy a lot of downtime snuggling with the kitties, Scooby and Yoyo.

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Sunbutter and jam with my Aunt’s homemade blackberry jam! I needed some things from home and the shipping fee was a flat rate, so my parents there in something heavy!


I’m on a huge spaghetti squash kick right now. This is spaghetti squash with marinara, avocado toast, and broccoli.


I finally found watermelon yogurt! It’s good! Topped with granola and sunbutter.


My typical work lunch for now if it isn’t a sandwich is a peach, goat cheese, and chicken salad. Plus a savory granola bar. I like these. I thought the concept was a little weird, but they’re basically like crackers.


The zoo has Dole pineapple whips (soft serve) and I’ve been eying them since I got here! Friday during lunch was finally the time! So good.


Weekend happenings:

Friday afternoon my roommates invited me to go watch a big local bike race that evening, so I stopped by the grocery store on the way back from work to pick up some beer to bring. I happened into a pretty big free fall beer tasting, which was pretty cool! I ended up buying one of the beers, and it was really delicious!

Then, we headed over to the park to watch the races. They’re so fast!

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We hung around for a few hours before heading out to dinner at a place by the house.

Saturday morning began bright and early, though brighter and earlier than necessary thanks to the aggressively needy Yoyo who figured out how to open my door, and subsequently found his toy at 5:30am. Then, it was off to teach spin! It was a good class, but small thanks to the gorgeous weather and the holiday weekend.


The main event Saturday was meeting up with my really good friend’s sister, who happened to randomly be in St. Louis! We met up at Rise for coffee, and it was great to catch up with her and meet her friend! They’re both dental students, so it was interesting to compare their experiences with all the vet stuff.


Sunday definitely did not go as planned. I was planning on going to Open Gym at Crossfit to make up the Saturday WOD that I missed, but when I got outside, I was greeted with a flat tire on my rental car. I ended up Ubering to Crossfit because I didn’t think the rental car place was open yet, and did the following workout:

heavy set of 3 sumo deadlifts (It was supposed to be 1rm but I probably haven’t done sumos in a good 2 years)


box jumps

wall balls

I wanted to do this one because it was pretty friendly to my hand, which is still pretty painful.

Then it was time to deal with the car. I was especially sad because I really liked driving that car–it was the same kind I drove in TN! The whole process was honestly pretty painful.


But now I have wheels again, so I can’t complain. I don’t have much going on the rest of the day. I have to work Monday morning so I’ll likely keep it low key! I might head to a park with a book, because my allergies tend to get a little bad after being around the animals all day!

What did you do for the long weekend?

WIAW-Microwave Spaghetti Squash Mac n Cheese

And we’re back for another WIAW, started by the fabulous Jenn.




A Flap Jacked maple pumpkin protein muffin. I’ve learned these are much better when not overcooked. I think the chocolate is definitely superior though—this flavor tastes pretty artificial.


I’ve continuing down my list. This week’s choice was Northwest Coffee Roasting Company.

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For any locals, it’s in Central West End. I got my usual decaf cappuccino. My evaluation? This was good coffee, stronger than the last two places I went to. But it didn’t have that almost sweet, rich flavor of the top notch espresso. Also, it was not air conditioned, so I didn’t stick around as long as planned. Tuesdays are my days off, but I’m trying to spend the day working on an online class, so I switched to the local public library after about an hour.


I stopped into Whole Foods to pick up spaghetti squash and the ridiculously delicious nectarines I found last week. While there, I figured I might as well hit up the hot bar for lunch.

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Roasted beets with herbs, roasted carrots, roasted corn and artichoke, steamed cabbage, sweet potato with raisins and apple, and chilaquiles. Plus a root beer Zevia. I still have mixed feelings about Zevia because I hate the taste of stevia, but it’s a decent treat now and then when I want something more interesting than water.



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A handful of KIND granola, a handful of frozen grapes, and a Chocolate Mint Vega bar before Crossfit.


Ow. Ow. Ow. So you may recall I banged up my hand pretty badly last week, leaving my palm rather skinless. It’s the base of my palm so I can hold a bar. I went yesterday and it was fine, but today…ow.


5×5 narrow grip bench press. I worked up to 80#.


5 rounds, 65#:

5 deadlifts

5 hang power cleans

5 front squats

5 shoulder to overhead

5 back squats

Cleans? Ow. The bar wasn’t touching my scrape, but the hanging/stretching motion was killer. And then that made all the other movements hurt. Again, ow. I finished in 7:23.


I went to the grocery for real post-Crossfit and spent forever debating (mostly on ice cream but that’s a whole other issue.) I was starving when I came out, so I snacked on some chocolate rice cakes as I loaded up the car.


And then while cooking dinner, I tried some cotton candy grapes. I saw these in someone’s cart as I checked out last time, so I was pumped to try them!


They do taste like cotton candy. They’re delicious.


This one was a little more involved today. I made spaghetti squash mac n cheese, entirely in the microwave! I was actually planning on baking the squash, but I microwaved it to soften it enough to cut (the website I found recommended scoring it and then microwaving it a few minutes), but by the time I cut it, it was already pretty soft. I cut and microwaved it most of the way in the afternoon, so when I came back from the grocery all I had to do was microwave it a few more minutes (I think maybe 15-20 total) and prepare the mix-ins. I took my spaghetti squash and tossed it with broccoli (frozen) and y favorite Greek seasoning blend for flavor. Then I microwaved 1/2c reduced fat cheddar and 1/4c nonfat milk, with some salt, pepper, and garlic. Then, I mixed up the sauce and squash blend, topped it with parmesan, and heated it up just enough to melt the parmesan.


Now, I have enough leftover squash for probably 2 more dinners! I might do this once and then traditional marinara once. This was delicious, and aside from cooking the squash, super easy and came together quickly.


Yasso salted caramel frozen yogurt bar. LOVE these. I tried to buy more today to replenish my dwindling supply, but they didn’t have them. Every other chocolate or caramel ice cream bar at the grocery had coconut oil. Booo.


What is your favorite way to eat spaghetti squash? I still have 2/3 to use!