Why Bodybuilding and Fitness Youtubers Appeal to Me (But I’ll Never Compete)

Hello, hello!

I have something a little lengthier to talk about today, but first I wanted to touch on a few eats!


Monday night, we had grilled pear and grilled chicken salads with goat cheese. You can definitely grill pears, and they’re definitely delicious! On the side was roasted sweet potatoes (I could seriously eat these all day, every day).

Leftovers became my lunch salads two days in a row, but with champagne vinaigrette and fig goat cheese.

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Wednesday night, we had to break out the champagne one last time for vet school applications because I got called off the wait list at Cornell. I ended up declining (brrr), but I had originally stayed on the wait list because I wasn’t sure what I would decide if the choice came. Excuse the interesting outfit, it is courtesy of the need to change out of scrubs after work.


For anyone interested, I do plan on talking about my vet school application process at some point, in case some pre-vet runs across it.

Dinner was BBQ chicken salad with guacamole.


Aaaand onto today’s topic. This was something I’ve been thinking about for the past few days, and finally decided to touch on it.

I was at a party with college friends I hadn’t seen in a while last weekend, and one of them commented that I look fitter. This was really interesting to me. Because honestly, I feel like I look fitter, but it’s really hard to judge myself, you know? This had me thinking about some changes I’ve made. I mentioned about a month ago that I was stepping up my diet, and I do think I’ve made some progress since then, and it’s honestly been really easy.

If you followed my transformation story that I posted last year, after gaining weight in college, I lost around 20 pounds over the course of my senior year. One of the biggest reasons I was able to do this was I had a shift in mindset; after dealing with stomach issues, I now had to eat to feel good and feel healthy (which I discuss in this post).

I think one of the most significant changes in my mindset was taking the emotion away from food. Suddenly, my health and how I was feeling was more important that looking a certain way, or weighing a certain amount. I also got to the point where I was comfortable with myself and I trusted my body to not freak out after overeating here or there, which took away a lot of stress. Sure, occasionally I emotionally eat. But it’s not every day that I feel the need to stress eat, so when it happens, I let it happen (or look for a slightly healthier alternative) and accept that as part of life, and know that one day or one meal won’t change anything in the long run. *That being said, if you find yourself stress eating every day, I think it’s important to look at the root of the problem (why are you constantly stressed?) and change something, because constant stress is not sustainable.*

In the last year or so, I started watching fitness youtubers. I watch them for meal ideas or workout inspiration, but it turns out, a lot of them do bodybuilding competitions. It seems like every youtuber has done a bikini show at some point. I find body building incredibly fascinating. It’s science and the knowledge of the human body in its purest form: you eat xyz, you do xyz workout, and these changes happen as a result. I think it’s so cool. You make changes in your input, and the body changes as a result. The current trend is to track “macros” or the macronutrients carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, and eat them in a certain ration to achieve results. I think this is a really cool manipulation of the human body. That being said, I can confidently say I will never count macros because 1. that is way too much effort and 2. I don’t have any goals serious enough that any of that really matters.

One thing I’ve been enjoying lately is listen to fitness podcasts while walking Chloe. The only one I’m really listening to now is Amanda Bucci’s podcast, and it’s interesting to hear some of these discussed in more detail, as well as to hear more background about other “fitness personalities.”

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(As seen on today’s walk.)

The podcast I listened to today was about building muscle and losing fat. It got me thinking about my own food and fitness direction in comparison. In terms of “goals,” I can’t say I have any desire to do bodybuilding, no matter how trendy. Nothing against it, but I really do what I do to be athletic. Some of these body builders consider low intensity cardio versus HIIT and talk about specific training splits. I’m just not that serious, and really just have the goal of being athletic (and i guess look athletic as a byproduct?). In my line of work, I have to be able to hold a 100 lb dog and be in weird positions restraining animals for long periods of time, and contort myself to something with an animal such that the animal is more comfortable and less stressed (our comfort never matters, haha!). I like to be able to run fast (relatively) and lift heavy things and feel strong. That’s my goal. Training for life, right? And it’s totally fine to have different goals!

What I was bringing this back to was that I like the bodybuilding approach to food and fitness in the way that it takes the emotion out of food. It’s science, which is what rely appeals to me. While I don’t count macros, I do count calories. And because I’ve gotten to the point where there’s not as much emotion attached to food, they really are just numbers to me that I can manipulate. I’ve learned what numbers (and at what time) work for me, and I can objectively shoot for those. I’m OBVIOUSLY not perfect, but the numbers and data driven approach really does appeal to me.

That all being said, another thing that I think helped me progress a lot was being honest with myself. The last couple of weeks, with a new and funky eating schedule, I tried one approach but felt blah, and often found myself craving more things. I took a step back and said, “hey, this isn’t working for me, knowing what I know about my body, how can I change things?” I think in the past, I might have thought, OMG I’m overeating, what’s wrong with me, let’s do this extreme! Versus now, I unemotionally analyze what the problem might be and try to solve it.

Anyways, those were just some thoughts for me on this Wednesday. I’m off to get my allergies retested, which should be interesting! You know I’ll share that later!

Easter Weekend

I hope everyone had a fantastic Easter, or just weekend if that’s not your thing!

Saturday, I had work all day and then met up with my family for dinner by work. I had a salad with dried cranberries, gorgonzola, chicken, and balsamic vinaigrette.


Naturally we had to get froyo as well. I had triple chocolate, chocolate sorbet, and taro with chocolate covered raisins. The taro was a fun, different flavor!


After dinner, we began dying hard boiled eggs.

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Later that night, I went to a college friends’ party and saw a ton of people who I haven’t seen either since graduation, or since before going to St. Louis in August! It was really nice to catch up with people and hear what they’re up to now. I ended up staying up far later than planned, but it was definitely worth the next-day drowsiness!

My first order of business on Easter Sunday was a 3 mile run. I’m signed up for a 5k in Napa this coming weekend, and the most I’ve run post-tendonitis is 2 miles. I knew 3 would be a bit of a push, but I wanted to try it out. It felt totally pain free for 1 mile, then a little sore from 1-2, but not getting worse, and then maybe a tiny bitter better at the end? Not a bad pace either, which I was happy with! The struggle was my achilles felt better at a slightly faster pace, but my running fitness has definitely declined a little bit!

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I returned home with plenty of time to get ready for Easter brunch.

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We met up with my college friend (her family is back in Tennessee), my sister and her fiancé, and my grandma and uncle at a nice hotel with a fancy Easter buffet lunch/brunch. While I decided it would be worth it to have some gluten for Easter, it was really nice that everything was labeled, and there were some GF options, so I could be smart about what I wanted to use my gluten allowance on!

Here are some pictures of the buffet:

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We started the meal with a bottomless champagne toast!


I started my buffet experience with breakfast.


My main item here was the cheese blintz that I ate the inside of. I figured I should have a little substance there too, and the beet hummus cup was too pretty to pass up! I got a few pieces of cheese with fig spread and honey, and then saw gluten free muffins and had to snag a cranberry one! It was SO good!

Plate 2 was main course items. I remembered how much I enjoyed the jasmine rice before, so I made sure to get that again. (We went here for Easter 2 years ago).


I also had chicken, sushi, and a salad with quinoa, butternut squash, dried cranberries, and goat cheese.

Then, it was time for dessert! I made sure to take lots of pictures of the full set up, because #priorities.

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Different desserts were definitely passed around the table a bit, but here was mine:

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Oreo cheesecake (SO good), flour less chocolate cake (disappointing), chocolate mousse cup, chocolate covered strawberry, mini raspberry cheesecake, and the highlight and my main gluten splurge, bread pudding with vanilla custard sauce. YUM. I definitely didn’t come close to finishing this, but I left not feeling like death, so that’s always a positive!

After our big meal, we were lucky enough to catch a break in the rain long enough to go outside and hunt for Easter eggs.

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Yes, 4 college graduates did an Easter egg hunt. No complaints here. I definitely munched on candy while surveying our treasure!

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So, who wears them best?

We spent the rest of the afternoon sipping tea and chatting, before I brought my friend home.

My appetite after a big meal surprised me, and I definitely was craving veggies post-Easter candy. Naturally, dinner was an Easter egg open faced sandwich, with a simple side salad.


Monday morning, the Easter fun continued with a very festive breakfast post-Crossfit.


Before lunch, we went to the grocery store and happened to find breadfruit, which I’ve been dying to try. I’ve heard it tastes like a cross between a mango and a pineapple.


I thought it was good, but definitely different. It’s not juicy at all. And I have no idea how to eat or cut it. But it’s a fun fruit!

Lunch was egg salad on GF toast, salad, and cheddar popchips.


Which brings us to now. I’m leaving to teach spin in a little bit, and have a game night with friends planned later tonight. I hope everyone has a good week!

Weekend A: Giants Game+Gelato

Hello! I have some “weekend A” adventures. Because of my work schedule, I had Thursday and Friday off, work Saturday, and then will be off Sunday. So this is sort of like my first weekend, part 1 of 2? No complaints here though!

I’m going to bring it back to Wednesday food. And then discuss things. And then weekend A fun!

As you may have seen from my last day in the life post, I’ve been trying different things to adapt to a later eating schedule. I’m typically a very strict eater in the sense that I’m hungry early for breakfast, hungry right at noon, have a mid-afternoon snack, and dinner at a normal time. To try and deal with 3pm lunches, I’ve been trying to push back my breakfasts until 9 or 9:30, and have something bigger and more protein packed. On Wednesday morning, this was a smoothie with 2/3 of a packet of salted caramel protein, a banana, milk, and some cocoa powder, plus Berry Cheerios.


The morning at work was really hectic, so when I broke for lunch at 3, I was feeling pretty drained. My lunch was a turkey wrap with an entire container of blackberries.


During my 3-4pm lunch break, I ended up breaking into my afternoon snack of a Gingerbread Bobo’s bar, and eating about 2/3, and then eating the last 1/3 around 5:30.


I was only planning on half the bar as a snack, so breaking into it early wasn’t the plan. I broke into my snack bar during lunch break the previous day as well. The problem is definitely not that I’m eating too much overall, it’s that my calories are so backloaded, and so many at once, that I just feel really blah. I’m never quite hungry for dinner, and my body doesn’t respond well to large doses of calories at once.

Dinner was lemon chicken soup with roasted asparagus.


So….my plans for dealing with the new meal timing haven’t really been working. I’m still eating the same amount per day, but my body just feels off. I find myself craving more things when each meal strikes as well. Luckily, my next few days of work are more normal schedules, but I have some new ideas about how to face this challenge.

I’m going to go back to my more normal breakfast, at a normal time, and I’m going to pack a snack to eat at “normal lunchtime” aka 12-1ish. It’s really hard for me to get away from the treatment room during this time, but I could sip on something, so I’m planning on trying to pack a smoothie (with plenty of protein+produce) to act as “lunch” and then pack a normal lunch to eat during my lunch break, which is my normal snack time. And then eliminate the 5:30 snack. So it should be the same amount of food, but spaced out better and without a large gap of time where I don’t consume anything. So we shall see.

My “weekend” started Thursday morning with a spin class, followed by a speedy and mostly pain free 1.5 mile run on the treadmill. This was a really good sign for my Achilles! If I haven’t mentioned it yet, I have a 5k coming up in just over a week. No crazy goals, just to be healthy enough to race it and have a good time. It’s more of a destination race than anything else—we’re going to Napa with Chloe!

My morning included a lot of this:

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Lunch was leftover soup+avocado toast.


The main event of the day was a Giants game with my college friend!

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We went for Stanford night at the ballpark, and got these nice shirts:


We got there plenty early to walk around the ballpark and grab food. It was her first Giants game, and she loved the ballpark! Our dinner of choice was Blue Moon+flatbread. I got the cauliflower truffle flatbread, as per usual. It’s just so good!

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We had a nice view from the left field bleachers.

The game went pretty fast for the first 5 or so innings, with little scoring. Unfortunately, we did not end up on top of the little scoring, as the Giants lost.

My friend did not take my warnings about the chilly weather quite seriously enough, so we decided Ghiradelli hot chocolates were very much necessary.


This was delicious, and easily the richest hot chocolate I’ve ever had. It was BLACK, and was little drinking a melted chocolate bar. SO good, but I couldn’t finish it!

We snuck out before the last inning to avoid traffic, and were treated to quite the view of the park from the outside. There’s nothing quite like San Francisco at night.

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I started Friday morning with a spin class, and then cleaned myself up and got a pedicure with my mom. I realized after the fact that this is probably the worst picture of my nails, but they’re a light peachy pink color—for spring!

Afterwards, I went to lunch and then took a trip to the mall, in search of a dress for Easter. I found a few things, but I’m not sure what I”m going to end up wearing come Sunday. Stay tuned, I suppose!

In the evening, I rocked my new t-shirt to Crossfit.


For strength, I worked my way up to 5 reps at 195# deadlifts, and 2 reps at 100# bench press. The WOD was a quick one. 10 minutes of push ups, overhead squats, burpees, toes to bar, and pull ups.

After Crossfit, we had a little happy hour beer flight of March’s beers of the month. I was excited for this one, thanks to the presence of peach wheat beer and oatmeal milk stout.


I enjoyed all of these, but none of them stood out to be OMG amazing. The milk stout had a bit of a smoky flavor. I think the peach was my favorite; it had a really strong, refreshing peach flavor without being sweet.

For dinner, my sister and fiancé came over, and we grilled. My sister made chimichurri sauce, so we both had marinated and grilled tofu. Sides included a salad with goat cheese and dried cranberries, roasted fingerling potatoes, grilled pepper, and grilled pineapple.


And yes, grilled tofu is good with ketchup. Honestly, what isn’t??

The main event, and main reason for this get together though, was dessert. My sister promised homemade gelato to my dad for his birthday a few months ago, and she and her fiancé finally delivered. Her fiancé enjoys roasting his own beans and making his own chocolate, and they both spent the fall in Italy, and took gelato making classes while there. This gelato was rich, chocolatey, and amazingly smooth.

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Um, YES.

Ok, I have to leave for work soon (it’s now Saturday morning), so I’ll see you guys after weekend B?

Day in the Life: Spring 2017

6:08am: Wake up a few minutes before my alarm.


Get ready for Crossfit, then eat a small bowl of Very Berry Cheerios for pre-workout fuel.


6:40: Leave for 7am Crossfit.


7:00: Crossfit. I was happy with how this one went, despite my failure to get anywhere near my 1 rep max for cleans. I made it up to 120, which I guess I’ll take. I think my cleans are weaker right now than….pretty much ever. I was happy with the WOD though. 10 rounds, 15 wall balls, 3 snatches (I used 65#). With some hustle, I made the 15 minute time cap with a minute or 2 to spare! Wall balls though…man. My legs were feeling it!

8:15: Arrive home and shower and get ready for work.

8:45: Go downstairs and am greeted by the crazy.


I start by packing my lunch and snacks for the day.

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It’s this girl’s 2nd birthday!

9:00: Make breakfast. Today is yet another smoothie. Salted caramel Quest protein, a frozen banana, milk, and cocoa powder, with a little salt on top. Plus more Berry Cheerios.


9:20: Finish getting ready for the day, watch a couple fitness youtube videos, and spent some time outside with the energetic birthday girl.

10:00: I’m about to leave for work and I’m already feeling a little bit hungry. Which is not good since I know lunch will likely not be until 3. I eat half of a protein bar.


10:10: Leave for work!


10:30-3:00: Take care of animals!

3:00-4:00: Lunch break. My packed lunch is asian lettuce cup leftovers (Cooking Light), crackers, and mango.


Here’s the original meal:


3:50: Realize it might be hard to grab a snack later in the day so I eat my packed bar.

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7:30: Off work! Sometimes I get off early, but not today. Lots of patients going home a little bit later than normal!


7:45: Arrive home and immediately change out of my furry scrubs.


Start making dinner. Which was rough, as I suddenly was super drained of energy. Eventually my mom and I got salads and avocado smashes on the table.


I even got a runny yolk!


8:00: Eat dinner while watching baseball.


8:30ish: Have a bite of mango sorbet while whipping up some cookies for dessert.

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8:45ish: Give up on the came and watch an episode of Rizzoli and Isles while eating said cookies.


9:00: Ice my Achilles while watching.


9:30: Start getting ready for bed.

9:45: So tired. In bed and fall asleep instantly.

Life in Pictures

I meant to stop back in here Friday…and then Sunday…and now it’s Monday and here we are, so I’ll take it! We’re going to go through life lately in pictures, because why not?


Work at the vet has been good. THIS GUY. <3 (Note: this is not a patient, it is a kitten one of my coworkers found!)

I feel like I’m thankfully getting back into the rhthym of things faster than expected. I do enjoy my job, but still adjusting to the 2 and 3 pm lunches…


Things have been a little crazy at home lately, and I totally forgot about the CSA box I picked out until it showed up. Thankfully, it provided the perfect easy dinner, without the need for a trip to the store! I apparently went a little wild with carrots though….the entire box was loaded with regular carrots, purple carrots, and rainbow carrots. No complaints here though! Also included were beets and broccolini, so those were roasted up and served with brown rice, an egg, hummus, and chives.


I’m still working my way through some throwback breakfasts. This one is from my summer in DC. The banana wasn’t as ripe as I would have liked, but this is banana mashed and heated in the microwave, with cocoa powder. Plain greek yogurt, sunbutter. YUM.


This is a typical work lunch. Leftover ginger soup with crackers and half an apple. The apples we got at the fruit stand last week are delicious, and massive.


Roasted carrots showed up the following night as well (since there were so many!) Also on the plate was roasted potatoes with rosemary, broccoli, and rotisserie chicken (plus ketchup, of course!).


Still going strong with flapjacked cookies. I cooked these a little bit longer than ideal though!


I didn’t have work Friday, so Thursday was sort of my Friday? One thing about being at the vet is that it can be sort of loud (twin barkers on this particular day), and while I handle it fine at work, sometimes when I get home things feel a little overstimulating. My parents talked me into splitting a beer on this night.

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My college friends and I took advantage of my free day Friday to make a trip to San Francisco. After much indecision, we decided on taking a trip to the Ferry Building. The food there is always amazing. This time, we tried a Mexican place.

Indecision was a theme, and my friend helped me decide to go with tortilla soup (over tacos). It was a delicious decision! We also had guacamole.


I really liked the cojita cheese in this as well!


We explored the various vendors a bit before stopping for gourmet ice cream. I went with malted milk chocolate and it was every bit as amazing as expected.


For dinner, I threw together a quick salad of leftover roasted beets, rotisserie chicken, dried cranberries, goat cheese, balsamic vinaigrette, plus roasted carrots.


I picked up a pumpkin chocolate chip muffin from the gluten free bakery at the Ferry Building, Mariposa.


Another typical work lunch: the same salad as the previous night with a side of crackers.


Work on Saturday was a little tough, but good. Despite the unconventionality (for me) of working Saturdays, I actually really like the feel of the days. Everything feels a little bit quieter, and I feel like I can be more helpful. I am also getting the chance to work on some vet tech skills, which has been fun and exciting. Anyways, after work my mom and I split a dark beer for happy hour while we discussed our days and prepped dinner.


Dinner came together in a hurry, with an opened faced turkey and havarti sandwich with apple. On the side, we finished up our produce stand artichokes. Our usual dipping sauce is a mix of mayonnaise an flight balsamic vinaigrette.


More flapjacked cookies happening in these parts.


Sunday I spent all day at a Pre-Vet Expo my undergraduate institution hosted. It was a really great conference, with talks by veterinarians in difference fields, lunchtime discussions with vets, and various Q&As. A few things struck me about this day. First, it’s so crazy to me how I attended this same conference 2 years ago, new to anything veterinary medicine, and here am I now, headed to vet school. What?? Second, I’m really excited about the field I’m going into. I don’t know exactly what direction I want to go in, but there are so many opportunities and I can’t wait to dive in. Lastly, veterinarians are a really great group of people. Everyone is so friendly and eager to help young, aspiring veterinarians. If any pre-vets happen to be reading, I highly, highly suggest reaching out to any vets you may know for questions or shadowing. My start came from asking my local vet about shadowing, which turned into hundreds of hours of vet experience and a job.

Anyways, after the conference I stopped in to the on-campus gym to run 2 miles on the treadmill. My achilles held up. I pushed it, but I think the right amount. I’m doing a race in less than 2 weeks (a 5k), and while I have no grand aspirations, I just want it to go well! When I got home, I was HUNGRY. After much debate, we decided to pick up sandwiches for dinner. I suggested Which Wich, because you can get any sandwich in a lettuce wrap or in a salad bowl. I decided to try the exact salad I get at Subway, but I added avocado. It was good!


I took a break from cookies to make this delicious bowl. Vanilla halo top, flax 4 life brownies, fudge, and whipped cream. YUM.


Chloe got another walk Monday morning.


And FINALLY, one more lunch: wrap with sundried tomato laughing cow, spinach, pepper, and half an apple and snap pea crisps.


I know that was a little all over the place! I’m actually going to record a day in the life tomorrow, so check back for that in a couple of days!