Full Week of Eating in Quarantine—Day 2

Here we are! Day 2 of my full week of eating and day 2 of posting again! I’m currently typing with Jackson’s company…


Quick and easy. Cookie bar+mango. I signed up for a free live Zoom class through a local Megaformer studio. It was definitely a challenging class, and a lot of fun! The instructor was actually my old Spin boss!

No fewer than two cats banged on my door to get in during the workout, and no fewer than 2 cats walked across my laptop during the workout…

I had a snack of a handful of blueberries late-morning, because I actually signed up for another live Zoom class of a similar format. It wasn’t my plan to do both on the same day, but both free classes happened to be today!


This is a classic around here. Grilled chicken and cheese chopped up and mixed with lettuce and guacamole, with ketchup on top. Cheddar veggie straws on the side, plus a piece of dark chocolate. I also had a spoonful of my birthday Jeni’s ice cream.


Caramel rice cake with sunbutter and a few chocolate chips.


For dinner, I dug into the freezer and heated up a cauliflower crust pizza, and served it with a side salad with carrots, cheese, and Bolthouse Salsa Verde dressing. For dessert, I had a bowl of the aforementioned Jeni’s.

Later that evening, I ended up making blackberry mojitos, but without mint since I couldn’t find any.

Per mojito:

1/4c rum

1/4c simple syrup

1/4c blackberry puree (blend and then strain)

1/4c lime juice

3/4c sparkling water

Ideally muddled mint too!

For an evening snack, I had a bowl of Frosted Cheerios.

Full Week of Eating Quarantine Edition—Day 1

Wow. It’s been such a long time since I’ve posted here, and boy what a time it is. We are closing out Week 7 of the COVID-19 quarantine and things have been both crazy and quiet. Given everything that is happening, I thought it would be a good time to come back here and post some meal ideas, especially given I’ve eaten every meal at home for 7 weeks now. I also thought it would be fun to include my workouts that I’m doing this week, given they’re definitely a little different. I’m really lucky now in that I have acquired a fair amount of gym equipment. I ordered a few things off of Amazon, but most importantly, I’m renting a dumbbell, a barbell, and some plates from Crossfit. My Crossfit has maintained a great community during this time. We still have programmed workouts everyday, there are plenty of live zoom classes, and we get a daily text from our coach with an individualized workout. They’re going above and beyond, and in this time, it’s been amazing to have that solid community and structure in my life.

Quarantine has also been a wonderful excuse to reach out and reconnect with old friends. I suppose perhaps that is how I found my way back here!

First, I’ll cover some of the meals I have made lately, and then I’ll move to my full day of eating!

One of the big things to come out of quarantine is that I’ve finally conquered my fear cooking chicken. My cooking method of choice is getting thin sliced chicken breasts, and baking them at 350 for about 25 minutes, with a pan of water on the lower rack in the over (a separate pan from the chicken) to keep the chicken moist. Game changer! This is a chicken breast with pesto, roasted carrots, and kale massaged with balsamic and olive oil.

This combo was surprisingly delicious. Baked chicken, hummus, zucchini roasted with Elote seasoning from TJs, and more massaged kale. Can you tell I visited my produce stand this week? It just makes me so happy to go in there.

More zucchini. This time zucchini noodles with pesto, chicken, and mozzarella.

Baked chicken with BBQ sauce, rice, and an artichoke (boiled for about 25 minutes) from the produce stand. I made a mayo-balsamic vinaigrette dipping sauce like I always used to have with artichokes growing up.

This salad is kind of strange, but it’s been a staple for me throughout the years, although probably not within the last year. Hard boiled egg, hummus, goat cheese. That’s it! This meal made me so happy because it’s simple, delicious, and healthy. And I love cheese puffs. These are Barbara’s baked cheese puffs, and these were a treat as a result of a very rare Whole Foods visit.

Another one of my favorite produce stand meals. Balsamic kale, roasted carrots, hummus, over easy egg.

Another artichoke, but this time with avocado toast. I love my avocado toast with 1/2 an avocado, cumin, a splash of lemon juice, feta, and an over easy egg. Basically my avocado smash, but the lazy version

Given we were on week 7, I decided having a super stocked freezer was no longer quite as necessary. That, and my mom warned me ice cream might be coming my way for my birthday. Honestly, when all this started, the main foods I stocked up on were veggies. I had a few bags of frozen veggies, and some canned veggies. Which I realize would not provide the calories long term in a crazy situation, but priorities, right? These were frozen butternut squash spirals that I sautéed. Served with baked lemon garlic salmon. Salmon is another meat I’ve gotten pretty good at cooking in the last year. For the Trader Joe’s salmon I normally get, I do 14 minutes at 425. This was a bit thinner, so I only did 11 minutes at 425 and it came out perfectly. Plus some sautéed spinach.

More salmon, this time teriyaki, plus frozen stir fry veggies. After royally messing up a number of stir fries lately with fresh veggies, I have decided to just make them with frozen from now on.

One random quarantine discovery was these gluten free spinach tortillas. This wrap is a winner. 2 laughing cow wedges (this is cheddar), red pepper, spinach, and chicken. With a side salad dressed with simple aged white balsamic, salt, and pepper.

And another meal of salmon similar to the above.

Ok. Without further ado, let’s move on to my full day of eating! Plus a little bit of day in the life of quarantine.

I forget to snap a picture, but another quarantine staple has been protein hot chocolate. I invested (ok, only a $10 investment but 100% worth it) in a handheld frother and this has been game changer. My recipe is about a cup of soy milk with a splash of milk heated up, then blend in about a table spoon of DARK cocoa powder, plus 3/4 scoop of chocolate protein powder. Right now I’m using PE Science chocolate. I also had a chocolate rice cake with sunbutter.

I’m currently starting my first week of my clinical year, which is my last year of vet school! I’m on the Anesthesia rotation virtually now, so we had morning rounds. We were hoping to see horse anesthesia, but there was a problem with the connection. Here is my rounds buddy (one of them):


For lunch, I had the hummus, goat cheese, and egg salad mentioned above, plus a few GF crackers.

I also had the best cookie ever, a GF chocolate chunk cookie from Salty Sweet. These are the amazing cookies I used to get at the SFO airport that I’m sure I’ve mentioned before. I happened upon them and where else to find them and that has been amazing. My parents also sent these for my birthday!

After lunch, I had to prep for afternoon rounds, which involved making an anesthetic plan for a kitty patient. I also discovered the Giants were streaming a classic baseball game on facebook, so I watched this while working. During the last few weeks, I’ve had a lot of screen time and the weather is beautiful, so I try to get outside as much as possible. Normally I would try to go for a walk before afternoon rounds, but it was SO nice to see baseball again.

Snack: I had an unpictured white cheddar rice cake with kale greek yogurt dip, and then a handful of blueberry chex cereal right before my workout.

Workout: This one I made up myself since the prescribed workout was basically the extra credit I did yesterday, biking and running.

4 rounds:

15 deadlifts (130#)

15 box jumps

15 med ball cleans (14#)

I followed this up with an online abs and yoga video with my yoga group. I am now part of a group that does daily Zoom yoga classes together, mostly with videos from Corepower. It’s been a good time, and also good for me to get back into yoga. On literally the first day gyms were closed, I did yoga and planned to do it frequently during quarantine. I never did it until I joined this group of high school friends a couple of weeks ago.


This salad was a real winner, and my first time trying it. I did lettuce with Bolthouse Avocado Salsa Verde dressing, Mexican cheese blend, corn (frozen then sautéed) with Elote seasoning, and chicken. So good!

Dessert: A clio yogurt bar and a few spoonfuls of my birthday Jeni’s ice cream—blueberry and lemon!

Nighttime snack:

Caramel rice cake with sunbutter. This has been another staple if I’m hungry in the evening after dinner.

And that was my day! Wow, it’s weird to be back here but it also feels really, really natural. Hope everyone is surviving this quarantine!

Day in the Life: Winter 2019 (Second Year Vet Student)

5:20am: Alarm goes off

Jackson is always super snuggly in the mornings.

I get ready to teach spin and eat a handful of Cheerios.

5:50am: Out the door

I have to get there early to set up.

6:15am: Class begins! It’s a surprisingly big class for early morning, during midterms, in a huge rainstorm.

7:00am: Class ends and I clean up. I always mix this electrolyte powder into 16 ounces of water and drink it right away because I really struggle with hydration after these morning classes.

7:20: Return home and make breakfast. I have some of my current favorite crackers and a protein smoothie with Chocolate Quest protein, a frozen banana, cocoa powder, and soy milk.

Animals have no rules in this house.

After breakfast, I pack my lunch for the day…with plenty of kitty help.

Again, no rules….

Then I get ready for class.

Right before leaving, I have a couple squares of 100% chocolate for a little caffeine boost.

8:45: Out the door!

9-9:50: Lecture on large animal viruses that are reportable to the USDA (meaning they’re serious enough the government wants to monitor them).

10-10:45: Group work on a group problem set. We actually have a full 2 hours allotted for this, but we finished pretty quickly! I decide to run home and take a nap with the extra time. I also get a spin sub request for that evening, and I accept. I like subbing evenings because I have a lot of friends that like to come to my classes but don’t like the early ones.

11: Crawl into bed with my nap buddy.

11:30: I didn’t actually sleep but I feel a little refreshed so I start typing up this blog post.

12: Lunch that I packed earlier, but since I’m home I get to watch an episode of Parks and Rec.

More veggie chips and a salad with chicken, pear, and blueberry chèvre. I also have a piece of dark chocolate.

I then studied a little bit with some kitty help.

(Which turned into kitty playtime.)

12:40: Leave for class again.

1-3: We had a group problem based learning session with a faculty member. The class we’re in right now is Infectious Disease, so the case was related to that.

3: Return home and eat a snack.

I study for a little bit, and then it’s time for spin round 2!

4:50: Leave for spin.

Yes, that’s the same shirt. Yes, I had to do a quick load of laundry at lunch.

5:15: Teach class! It was an awesome turnout, with a ton of my classmates! Vet students come to my classes a lot, especially when they’re not quite so early!

6:15: Return home and restart hydrating! I do another electrolyte packet, but I mix it with sparkling water. Fun fact: it fizzed like crazy and overflowed, so maybe not the best idea. Delicious though! Last time I taught a double day I rehydrated with beer and that was not the best idea I’ve ever had.

While I cook (i.e. throw together a fast and easy dinner), I snack on some carrot sticks and sauerkraut (not together).

6:35: Finally sit down and eat dinner. This is what I lovingly refer to as my Southern Taco salad, or the least authentic taco salad. When I was in Nashville, I ordered a taco salad at a Mexican restaurant and it seemed to be neither taco nor a salad; it was mainly meat and cheese! I made a queso-chicken type of deal with Bolthouse Salsa Ranch, shredded rotisserie chicken, and Mexican cheese, all heated up. I put that on top of lettuce with salsa and guacamole. Not authentic Mexican, but I like it!

I recently got Hulu, and lately I’ve been loving The Resident! I watched an episode with dinner. I consider my TV episode with dinner a non-negotiable, no matter how busy I get.

For dessert, I mixed vanilla Halo Top with a GF toffee cookie and caramel sauce. I mixed up the whole pint, but took a serving and froze the rest.

8:00: Finish up typing up this post. I need to spend some time studying for a test tomorrow so I’m going to sign off here. I might have a light snack later, but I think I’m more focused on hydrating for now. I’ll probably go to bed around 10!

Fitness Hopping and the Holidays

Hello, hello, and happy holidays!

I have a recipe to share at the end of this post, but first I wanted to talk a little about about what I’ve been up to over the holidays!

As I mentioned last post, due to the devastating wildfires in Butte County, we ended up having the whole week of Thanksgiving off of school. As a result, things were really hectic when we got back. I was able to help out with some of the wildfire victims though. We had 35 burned kitties come to UC Davis, and I was able to help with some of their treatments. In addition, the weekend before finals, I went up to Butte County with a few other UC Davis vet students and we helped vaccinate and give care to a ton of the kitties in a shelter up there. These experiences have been some of my favorite in vet school; this is why I’m here—to be able to help when something terrible happens. It also amazes me how sweet all these homeless kitties are. It really puts things perspective.

On a brighter note, I’m currently home for the holidays! My first weekend home was the Santa Run in San Jose. Can you believe this is my7th year doing it, and it was my first 5k race ever?

Winter break has actually been pretty active for me. I tried out Classpass, and there is a free week trial which gives you access to a TON of classes in that week. It’s been really fun popping into new studios and trying new things. That’s part of why I wanted to post today. I know how scary it can be to walk into a new studio, and try something new. I do want to try and assuage some of those fears.

Classes I’ve tried out:

Barre at Barre3

Cycling at LIFT

Barre at LIFT

Reformer at Bodyrok (this was probably the scariest one for me)

Barry’s Bootcamp

Core Cycle at Core Studio (with real ryder bikes—they move!)

Barre was the first class I tried. I’ve done a fair amount of yoga, but never really any type of pilates, and CERTAINLY never anything ballet related. I’m not necessarily the most coordinated, especially when it comes to anything dance. One tip I have if you’re intimidated to try a class is to bring a friend! I brought my friend to try this.

What to expect: lots of burning and leg shaking, lots of squats. I was pleasantly surprised that it was pretty easy to follow and required less coordination than anticipated. I liked that it had the same intentionality of movement as yoga, but was a little faster paced. You can be barefoot or wear sticky socks. I did my first couple classes without socks, and my feet were slipping all over the place. Other people didn’t have that problem as much as I did though. I invested in some sticky socks, and they were a game changer for me!

Cycling classes are something I’m pretty comfortable walking into a new studio and doing. That being said, I know they can seem intimidating! Check ahead of time to see if the class requires cycling shoes/if the studio rents out cycling shoes. If you need help setting up your bike, don’t be afraid to ask! Team members are always happy to help! Especially since there area a lot of different bikes out there that have slightly different setup.

What to expect: lots of cardio! Definitely bring water. Some studios use small hand weights for 1 song near the end of class. Some classes ride to the beat of the music and do things like push-ups on the bike, whereas some classes are numbers based and show your bike speed. If you’re going to a class with real ryder bikes (these are pretty rare): these bikes move side to side when you lean one way or the other. My biggest tip with these is be patient with yourself! They take a while to get the hang of; I had been on them a couple of times before at IDEA World Conference, and even though it has been years, it does get better each time. Standing on the bike was the hardest for me; really focus on stabilizing with your quads!

Reformer classes were easily the most intimidating for me. I actually signed up for one on accident; I probably wouldn’t have signed up for one, but I’m glad I did! Bodyrok recently opened nearby, and they offered “cycle and sculpt” class. I didn’t realize the :sculpt” portion was on a reformer until I showed up, but at that point I said to myself, “well, I guess I’m doing it.” I actually really enjoyed it! If you’re not familiar with the reformer, it’s basically a machine that looks like a torture device, with sliding platforms and handles on cables. It’s a big core workout! The sliding platform is moved by pulling on the cables, so you can use for anything from core work to bicep curls.

What to expect: slow, intentional movements, and burn! Get there a little early to have the instructor help show you what everything is used for and how everything moves. The class I went to required sticky socks, so check the studio standards on that! It was also really helpful for me to be directly next to someone to see what they were doing if I was ever confused. The instructor was very clear though!

Barry’s Bootcamp is a trendy fitness studio that recently reached Northern California from the East Coast. I dropped into a class while my family was in San Francisco to see the Union Square Christmas tree and other holiday festivities. My parents had a coffee date while I took the class.

What to expect: a dark room, with loud music, and high intensity cardio. The workout is split into a treadmill portion, and a floor portion consisting of weights, bands, and bodyweight movements. On the treadmill, we did intervals at sprints and on hills. My only complaint is really a personal one: I didn’t run as fast as I would have wanted to get an even harder workout because I wasn’t comfortable running over a 8.5/9 on the treadmill for fear of falling off. The instructor gave plenty of modifications, but I’m not sure this would necessarily be the best workout for beginners. In addition, there was a lot going on in the room because there were people doing the floor portion while others were on the treadmill so the instructor was yelling out instructions for both at the same time.

I’ve had a lot fo fun trying things! Here are some tips to fight that first-timer intimidation:

  • Bring a friend (see above)
  • Check the website to know what to expect/what to bring/what to wear. You can even look at reviews or blogs (like this one!) describing the class.
  • Arrive early.
  • Watch other students to see where to go/what to do/what equipment to grab.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask the instructor questions and let him/her know it is your first time.
  • People are so nice! Seriously. The staff at all the places I went was super friendly and welcoming.
  • Let go of comparisons. The person next to you may have been taking this class for years. Take modifications if you need them!
  • Have fun!

On that note, let’s get into some of the other holiday festivities!

I made a list of holiday things to do while on break, and one of them was to go out to dinner at a particular restaurant and see a movie. This burrata and poached pear with balsamic is actually one of the best things I’ve ever eaten, and was a seasonal special I remembered from a visit a few years prior. Afterwards, we saw the Grinch. It was cute!

Just like every other year for the past 10 years, my high school friends came over for our annual sugar cookie decorating! This year was the first time with fur babies! My friend brought her cat over to play.

As mentioned above, we visited Union Square and the giant mall up there!


On Sunday, my sister and her husband came over with their kitties for a wine and cheese night. Cheese selections included, aged gouda, havarti with dill, goat brie, stilton with cranberries, and a hard cheese with syrah.

As per annual tradition, on Christmas Eve we had dinner at Benihana, a Japanese steakhouse.

And finally, it was Christmas! My family hosted everyone this year. Marie enjoyed her first Christmas.

Also per somewhat newer tradition, we took Chloe for a walk along the water on Christmas morning.

For food, we got a precooked turkey along with mashed potatoes, stuffing, green beans, and gravy. My sister made an eggplant parmesan and I roasted brussels sprouts with aged truffle balsamic (amazing).

For dessert, I made an amazing GF pear gingerbread upside down cake from Sally’s Baking Addiction. My Grandma brought white chocolate raspberry cheesecake.

It was a great day of food and family!

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.


Chocolate Mint Protein Muffins

Happy Thanksgiving week! I’m getting to celebrate a bit early, but I wish it were under better circumstances.

The Camp Fire has been raging in Northern California these past few weeks. This tragedy has blown an insane amount of smoke throughout the state, including into my school. We had all of last week’s classes cancelled. The air was really too bad to go outside at all. I went home this past weekend, and they ended up cancelling all of Thanksgiving week of class as well.

I think it’s been a rough couple of weeks for our state.

On a lighter note, I obviously brought my kitties home with me.

I dressed kitten up.

Anyways. The point of this post. We had a couple of ripe bananas that needed to be used up, and I was starting to feel the holiday baking. I wanted something a little bit healthier, so these muffins were born! They have about 5g of protein each, which I know is not a ton, but they’re not huge muffins and it’s more protein than normal muffins have! Plus, they’re delicious! I got the whole family’s stamp of approval with these.

Chocolate Mint Protein Muffins

Makes 6


1/4 t salt

1 packet/1 scoop of chocolate protein powder (I used Quest)

1/2 t baking powder

1/2 t baking soda

1/4 cup cocoa powder

1/2 t vanilla

3 T egg whites

2 T milk

2 bananas, mashed.2 T mint baking chips

1 T dark chocolate chips

  1. Preheat oven to 350.
  2. Mix together all wet ingredients.
  3. Add and stir in dry ingredients.
  4. Put into muffin tin.
  5. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes.
