We have reached the last day of my full week of eating! I’ve definitely had fun with it, and I’m enjoying following my friend who has been doing something similar!


Protein hot chocolate and banana bread, that I think was made with oat flour. I have a bunch of slices of mystery quick breads in my freezer, so it’s been a fun came reheating them and trying to figure out what they are! And obviously they’re all good options.


A hummus, goat cheese, and egg salad with a side of veggie straws and a piece of homemade chocolate.

So I tried to make a zucchini smoothie, and it was just not good. I froze a bunch of zucchini and threw it in with cake pop protein, and it was just too much zucchini. The taste wasn’t awful but I couldn’t bring myself to drink much of it. So I had a few bites of that, but then aborted and went for a bar.


10 minute EMOM: 5 push press+20s dumbbell bent over row (35#)


3 rounds


Goblet Squats

Dumbbell snatches (35#)

2 min rest between rounds

I did this workout the very first week of quarantine and it absolutely kicked my butt. As it turns out, it was just as hard during week 8 of quarantine…The workout called for 3-5 rounds and I was very done after 3. It took me just over 18 minutes. I did like this one though for a fast, minimal equipment challenging workout. I’m trying to keep some of that kind of workout on hand for when we’re out of quarantine and I’m spending long hours at the vet hospital, and won’t have time or energy to go to the gym.


Zucchini noodles with pesto, chicken, and mozzarella. Plus some veggie straws while cooking.



Rice cake half with sunbutter and half with berry cream cheese.

And of course to end the day and the week of eating, here is Marie being silly sleeping under my roommate’s bed: