6:15am: Wake up. I usually get up at this time to workout, but I decided to try to get some extra sleep this morning because I’ve been tired so I try to force myself back to sleep. Jackson isn’t having it though.

6:45: I stayed in bed as long as I could, including getting up twice to try and kick Jackson out of my room.

6:45-7: Weight Jackson and snuggle. And take my (gummy) vitamins. He’s officially 10 pounds! Which means he’s tripled in size since I got him <3

Then I get dressed and eat breakfast.

A cracker, the rest of my blackberries, and a double chocolate protein muffin.

Pack my lunch. I pretty much always pack the same salad, but the fruit varies depending on the season. We’re not at peach season quite yet. Pear, goat cheese, chicken, with some GF basically cheezits.

7:45: Not really sure what to do since I’m awake an hour earlier than I needed to be, so I start this post and watch a youtube video, and then get ready for the day!

8:40: Leave for class.

9:00: First lecture is on imaging of the abdomen.

10:00: Lecture on anti-emetic drugs and gastroprotectants. We learn that long term omeprazole use can decrease calcium absorption. A couple of years ago when I was really sick with stomach issues, I was on omeprazole for probably a year, and broke my foot at the end of that time so I wonder if that contributed? I was training for a 10 mile race and doing a lot of other stuff, but I had also run like 6 half marathons while healthy without ever having bone issues so maybe!

11:00: Lecture on pathology of the stomach and esophagus, which I purposefully did not take much of a picture of because we looked at a lot of real images of the organs.

12-12:40: Lunch! I sit outside because it’s a beautiful day!

12:40: Change into scrubs and a lab coat for anatomy lab.

1-2:40: Anatomy lab. Today’s lab involved dissecting into the abdomen and seeing all the organs we’ve been talking about!

3:00: Return home to my little sidekick greeting me at the door.

Eat a snack while relaxing with a short TV episode, followed by Jackson cuddles.

3:30: Continue on this blog post.

3:45: Make some notes on today’s lab. Grab a handful of Cheerios before heading to Crossfit because I’m starving.

4:25: Leave for Crossfit.

I haven’t worn my ankle brace in a looong time but I wear it today because while my ankle is much, much better, I’ve already exceeded my use of it for the week and we have double unders. Usually my ankle is totally fine running once a week, and after that it gets sketchy. I ran 3 miles on Sunday and had soccer on Tuesday, so it’s sore. Which is an issue since I have a 5k on Saturday, so I’m babying it!

4:45: Crossfit. The 4:45 class is a 45 minute class but we still do the same stuff as the normal classes. Today is a longer workout so it’s a mad dash.

Part 1:

5 rounds:

30s assault bike MAX EFFORT (ouch)

90s rest

30s burpees to a target

90s rest

This was TOUGH because we were really encouraged to go all out on the bike! We didn’t have much time before heading right into the WOD, which was a fun one.

9 min AMRAP:

9 push jerk at 75#

15 sit ups

21 double unders

I finished 5 rounds plus 9 push jerks.

5:45: Return home and cook dinner while sipping on a lavender kombucha. Nothing unusual today. Zucchini noodles with pasta sauce and lots of cheese: regular and fresh mozzarella.


Enjoy life soft baked chocolate cookies in a new brand of vanilla cake “healthy” ice cream. I ended up really not liking the ice cream. I almost didn’t finish the bowl, and ended up just tossing the rest of the pint.

Then I go to ice my ankle while turning on the Giants game.

Watch the game a little longer before starting class work. This is his preferred position…

7:45: Snack on a bowl of Berry Cheerios.

And then this is the set-up:

Baseball (on mute), iPad with lectures, and then my notes.

8:30: Jackson wants to lay on my iPad…and play. So I do some clicker training with him. He’s been really bad about biting—play biting, not aggressive, but still a problem especially at night. I’m trying to teach him to “attack” this toy so I can try and redirect his behavior. I don’t appreciate dealing with teeth every night around 3am…

It’s about 9 now. I have another lecture I want to get through but it should be quick! I’m usually in bed with the lights out around 10:30.

And that’s a more or less typical day of GI in vet school!