You better BELIEVE I celebrated Pi Day on Tuesday!

Sadly, I am not capable of reciting hundreds of digits of pi, but I am certainly capable of eating delicious pie!

My morning started off with a little walk with Chloe and some of my friends! They actually love walking with her, and are even willing to get up for a 7am walk with the sunrise and the pup!


For breakfast, I had my typical pre-spin meal of fruit and a flapjacked muffin.


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Also—I’m playing around with less ridiculously large pictures, so let me know what you think!

My pre-teaching spin snack was Berry Cheerios.


Class went pretty well, but I feel like a lot of the playlists I’ve been doing lately have had really similar formats. Sometimes after teaching a lot without a break, I get a little uninspired. I vowed to bring something different on Thursday, so I actually just now spent a good deal of time finding some fresh music, and let the music dictate the format. I think it’s a good one! A lot of the songs are new and haven’t made it to the radio yet, which always gets me excited. Check it out here on my spotify!

I ate lunch outside afterwards because the weather was insanely nice. I had leftover chicken dijon stew with some GF fire roasted veggie crackers.


On my way home, I stopped at Whole Foods to pick up a GF pie for Pi Day!


That afternoon when I arrived home, I had a quick snack of a lemon blueberry muffin and the rest of the lemon yogurt I used to make the muffins.

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Then, it was time to drag the kitties to the vet for their annual checkup. It was really rough. Charlie is the biggest scaredy cat, and his tail puffed up the second he got in his crate. He HATES the car, and was panting and drooling the entire drive there. He also had an accident in his crate since he didn’t use the litter all day. While we waited for the vet in the room, I was able to hold him (cat urine and all) and he calmed down a lot, but the entire process was just the saddest thing.

On a happier note, I’m going back to working at the vet in a couple of weeks, now that my crazy traveling is over! I’m really excited to be back.

For dinner, we made pizza pie! Tortilla BBQ chicken pizza pie, that is!


I used Trader Joe’s pulled BBQ chicken on top, along with pizza sauce, spinach, mozzarella, and red peppers.

We served the pizzas alongside roasted brussels sprouts.


(We used the rest of the BBQ chicken for the following night’s dinner, in salad form!)


And then, it was time for the pie! It was SUPER crumbly. Blueberry peach, with a crumble topping.


Post dinner snack was a brown rice cake with whipped chive cream cheese.


How did you celebrate pi day?