Happy Wednesday! I’m not technically linking up to WIAW because it got kind of complicated, and I honestly don’t know where I’m supposed to link up, but why not have a full day of food anyways?
Now that I’m on an elimination diet, things are a bit different around here. It may be a prolonged elimination diet because I don’t particularly want to add something back in that I suspect will make me sick right before my race, so we shall see.
So-what have I been eating? A lot of rice cakes. Somehow I never realized how delicious they were?? Also a lot of weird things because as it turns out, the dining hall isn’t necessarily too weird-restrictive diet friendly. Out of 8 salad dressings, all but ONE had wheat.
Here are Monday’s eats. I am happy to report that today mid-morning was the first time I felt totally normal after my flare up, so I didn’t have to be as careful today about how much I ate without my stomach hating me which is a good place to be! Things were mostly better Monday but a little wonky.
1.5 brown rice cakes with sun butter, plus the world’s largest blueberries and a few pieces of dried persimmon.
Tupperware meal! Chicken, green beans, and mashed sweet potatoes, made with Earth Balance instead of butter.
Snack #1:
Dried persimmon+1 gluten free jo-jo.
Snack #2:
I’m so glad these are gluten free because I love these things!
This is the part where I’m glad snack #2 included protein, because every-freaking-thing has wheat in it in the dining hall!
Salad with grilled zucchini, mushrooms, and balsamic vinaigrette+garlic swiss chard+quinoa with sundried tomatoes and yams.
This is where I’m a weirdo and made an interesting dessert concoction. One of the special desserts that night was chocolate coconut rice pudding, which was almost ok for me to eat, but I’m cutting out coconut because it’s a tree nut So i mixed together some brown rice, chocolate soy milk, raisins, and sun butter.
Totally normal.
On the running front, I got my 12 miler in on Sunday! I was really worried about how it would go-I was basically sick all week, and I was worried the run itself would send me into a tailspin because my 11 mile run sort of started my last flare up. I made the decision to slow it WAY down and not let my heart rate get too high. I walked some hills, and I took some nice salty crackers to calm my stomach and give me some electrolytes (it was pretty warm!). It worked like a charm! I felt like I had a long run hangover after my 11 miler, and felt much better (but of course tired) after 12. I wasn’t worried about pace because I had shown myself during the 11 that I was capable of a faster pace, and I just wanted to get the miles in. I ran on one of my favorite trails, and actually reached the end for the first time! Unfortunately, the last mile that I had never run before was, as I suspected, straight uphill. My achilles tendons were so sore the next day. WHEW.
Have you ever been on a specific diet for anything? Any tips?
So glad that you are feeling better! I totally know firsthand how challenging it can be to simply feel good when you have intolerances to foods. The problem is when you’re intolerant to one, your body usually negatively responds to another! That’s why I’m gluten free, dairy free, and soy protein free! It can be challenging, but you get used to it! …plus it’s worth not feeling sick, right!??! Good luck with everything girl!