Monthly Archives: April 2014

A Satisfying Day

Today was a very satisfying day. I woke up and did my final run before my race on Sunday! My legs felt heavy but I have plenty of time to rest up before the big day! My achilles was killing me yesterday, but after ice and Advil, it was fine to run on today. Also, I forget to mention this before but I’m no longer doing a Tough Mudder in 1.5 weeks. My sister is having major shoulder issues and it just wasn’t going to happen so we transferred our registration to a Tough Mudder in August. After my race, I don’t have anything big on the horizon so I’m going to really work on fixing my Achilles and try to get some treatment on it. After that, I’ll probably do speed workouts or some of my favorite runs. And more spin-that’d definitely something that’s been neglected as of late!

Breakfast was the same as every other day this week-but I’m really starting to enjoy it! I love the quinoa with sunflower seeds.



Lunch was also the same as the rest of the week! I’m not sick of it yet!


Class-wise, I have to say, after taking 2 straight quarters of entirely science classes, it’s kind of weird to be doing something different this quarter. This quarter, I’m taking Bio, a required Rhetoric class, Spanish, and two units of research. As a science person, I’ve been staying away from humanities classes a lot. I’m not a huge fan of writing papers. But it really is nice to be doing something different. I feel like I’m expanding my mind, instead of focusing on memorizing tons of tiny details (love ya, Bio). Additionally, sometimes I forget what life and people are like outside of the Bio and Chem fields, and the premeds. They’re so much less intimidating! I think the Bio and Chem classes have a tendency to beat you down and really crush your soul confidence. But these other classes-they emphasize orals and talking to others and writing. It’s such a different environment, and I’m shocked to say I actually really like it. It’s been 3 days and I already feel like my public speaking is improving. I gave a very compelling 2 minute presentation on why cats are better than dogs today and it was kinda fun!


(It might have something to do with this face.)

This is making me realize I need to at least try to balance my schedule in the future. At least I know I’ll be doing Spanish for a while, which I absolutely love! However, I’m currently desperately trying to get out of Spanish 1. Such a bad idea. I took 4 years of Spanish in high school including AP, and I did not forget anywhere NEAR as much as I had thought.

This evening, I did a bit of ab work before a spin class. I really disliked the instructor the one time I went to her class before, and thought she was a lot better this time. However, it’s kind of a personal pet peeve, but when you say we’re going “downhill,” it’s not the same as “less hill.” Derivatives people! Haha, rant over. But going from 90% resistance to 80% resistance is not downhill.

Spin was at the far campus gym so I went to a different dining hall for dinner. A highlight was the fact that the brussels sprouts were actually cooked through, and the roasted cauliflower was seasoned with dill. SO good. Plus, the dining hall has sunflower seed butter (it’s peanut free) and a juicer…what?? Why does it have to be so freaking far? Maybe not next year!



On another fun note, my race shirt came! Any guess as to what is on the front??



Ahhh I love it! And I’m getting pumped for race day! Bring it on!

Do you ever have a particularly satisfying day?

WIAW-Food Prepped for the Week!

Happy Wednesday! We all know that means another installment of What I Ate Wednesday!



One quick bit of good news-I think all my links are fixed, but if anyone has any issues, please let me know! I’m also still trying to figure issues of following on Bloglovin, WordPress, and other blog readers but what I can say for now is make sure you have in your reader, not the!

Sunday was my last day at home (I went back that evening) so I spent the day prepping some food for the week.

I made quinoa, berry compote (frozen berries on the stove for about 2 hours), egg cups with veggies inside, and a stir fry type of tofu meal.




My last dinner at home was a favorite of mine-cheese soufflés! The recipe is from Cooking Light and is so good! Cooking Light has a ton of fabulous looking soufflés Ive always wanted to try! On the side was an herb salad-what’s so great about this salad is that the greens are half arugula/lettuce and half fresh herbs!



Back at school on Monday, I had tons of food all ready to go and be eaten! It helps make the first week of the quarter a breeze!


2 egg cups+quinoa mixed with ground flax and topped with berry compote.



My stir fry! Topped with sunflower seeds and on a bed of baby kale.


This was almost identical to the previous day’s breakfast but I topped the quinoa with sunflower seeds instead of berries. I think I prefer quinoa in a more savory sense, which is why I only topped half with berries!

Some other food prep:



Roasted carrots and an apple. I LOVE roasted carrots. I think if I had more access to them I’d eat a pound a day.

And some campus eats:



Some quick bread that I have to guess is some type of coconut pumpkin?



A giant burrito bowl with salmon, black beans, huac salsa, and mango salsa. Yum!

On the workout front, I did a butt kicking Spin workout on my own yesterday. HIIT on the Spin bike is killer! And then this morning, I had a quite wet track workout followed by abs from this video.  It absolutely killed me! I mean, I know I’ve been neglecting the core work but MAN did that burn.

I hope you guys all have a fabulous hump day!

What’s the best thing you ate today?