Monthly Archives: November 2013

WIAW-Why I Avoid Sugar

Happy WIAW! Thanks to Jenn for hosting this weekly party!



I was debating whether or not I was even up to posting today-today’s eats definitely didn’t go as planned, but ultimately I decided that was part of life and a lesson learned. 

I began my morning with a 45 minute spin class and a quick 1 mile run. I’m trying to run faster. Today I realized that I was running fast and not dying. My fitness level is where it needs to be for the pace to feel good, but I’m just not used to running fast, and I kind of freak out and think I’m dying when I actually feel great, I’m just moving everything faster. So different from long distance running!

On a similar note-my arches have really been hurting! They’ve been getting progressively worse in the past few days, and my left one especially hurt today. I think it’s mostly due to super tight achilles. I’ve been rolling out my feet, and they feel a lot better. But all I wanted to do tonight was stick my foot in a bucket of ice. However, I have no access to ice. Or a bucket. I really need to buy frozen peas! I don’t think my roommate would appreciate it if I used her frozen food as an ice pack on my foot…



I wasn’t actually planning on getting coffee today, and I probably didn’t really need it. However, I’ve been drinking it after workouts a lot, and I was craving it post-workout, so I went for it. 

I have hard boiled eggs on my meal plan this week, so I went to the dining hall for some quick food and to grab the eggs. Let me just start out by saying I generally avoid the dining hall for breakfast because I have zero faith in my ability to pass up on the pancakes and amazing muffins. 


I ultimately decided to have a small blueberry muffin-my plan is fairly strict to make allowances for the occasional treat. I didn’t see it backfiring quite so much…One muffin turned to 2. Still not so bad-they’re small, right? 

Let me just preface this by saying-eating muffins is totally fine! I’m not saying it isn’t eating sugar is fine if it works for you-I just wanted to give an honest snapshot of my experience with sugar…and its addictive qualities. 

Because for me, having sweet carbs in the morning means I crave them ALL DAY. Next thing I knew, a few hours later this happened:


I legit felt like I was dying in class after eating this. My heart was racing and I couldn’t focus. And I knew my blood sugar would crash soon after, leaving me craving more of the sweet stuff.


I did get some healthy food in there-it didn’t fare too well in my backpack though!

Between classes, I found myself again drawn to the sugar.


And then in my Bio section, there was candy. Ok, candy corn M&Ms really made me feel like I was dying! Plus I ate some candy with nuts and my face is going to hate me…it’s already not great!

Also, can we take a minute to appreciate my date obsession?


After class, I did manage to put some decent pre-Crossfit fuel in my body. I didn’t love how close it was to the start of Crossfit, but what can you do?


Persimmon from my roommate’s tree.


After Crossfit, I made a rare trip to the dining hall, again probably not the best decision in a sugar-charged state.


Salad, cabbage, chicken, yams. 

But then more sweets happened. And back in my room, more sugary carbs (as sugary as I even have-which is not much). The ironic part is my roommate is doing a presentation on how sugar is addictive and should be considered a drug, and was practicing it all day, so I got to overheard how this will kill me. 

This definitely wasn’t the best eating day for me (a lot of feeling like death), but I wanted to use this as an example to show how addictive sugar really can be. I know I personally am super sensitive to it-my heart races, I get really hot (yes, I’ve had a sugar induced fever before), my stomach hurts…it’s not fun. And yet, I still eat it. One point I overheard from my roommate’s presentation was a study where scientists shocked rats every time they ate something sweet…and despite the pain, they were back again and again to eat it. Did you know there’s a third of a cup of sugar in a Starbuck’s (large) caramel frappuccino? That’s insane! Sugar is everywhere and in everything-and for an addict like myself that makes things…interesting…I like to say I’ve avoiding sugar, but realistically that’s not happening. I know I would feel a lot better if I just quit, but as I’m sure a lot of you know, it’s not that easy. Getting through the initial week is the hardest. 

And to be quite frank, I’m terrified of the holidays. Last year, I ate so much sugar that I was in such a sugar coma, and felt so awful that I could barely enjoy the festivities. There’s more to the holidays than just food! (Note-this is another reason I should really be able to PR my 5k-last year I ate a ton of junk before the race…yeah…) I really don’t want to miss out on all that! 

At the same time, I do want to enjoy some of the deliciousness that comes with the holidays.


I want to spend a little time talking about strategies for staying healthy and happy by avoiding indulging in too many sweets.

1. Build a solid sugar free base. Avoid sugar now. For me, here are a few things I’ll do:

-Find new places to study that don’t sell delicious pastries.

-Avoid carrying excess money around that can be used to buy said delicious pastries.

-Avoid the dining halls if I’m worried I’ll be tempted by sweets.

2. Don’t eat sugar early in the day. This is a big one for me-sugar affects me much worse if it’s earlier in the day and I have less food in my stomach. Stick to small after dinner treats-after eating a healthy meal of veggies and protein. 

3. Stick to one treat a day. Odds are, lots of delicious opportunities will come up. This will help me not feel deprived and like I’m missing out, but still keeping things in hand. 

4. Go “Paleo.” This was actually my roommate’s suggestion and I kind of love it. We were talking about how people express their love in the form of sugar, and a lot of times we feel obligated to eat sweets. She has a nice little gluten sensitivity that definitely limits the sweet options, so she suggested I just say I’m Paleo. I think people are less likely to question this than to say “I’m avoiding sugar.” I think the latter makes people a little uncomfortable. Plus, most people don’t know a ton about Paleo, so they won’t question me as I chow down on cheese. 

Hope those help! Have a great holiday season everyone!


What is your approach to the holidays? Any tips?

Fitness Thoughts Monday

Is Fitness Thoughts Monday a thing? I guess it’s going to be because I have a lot of fitness thoughts. 

I thought I was a lot less sore this morning. But when you have to pump yourself up to walk halfway across the room, maybe that’s not the case. Well, either way, I started the morning off with a timed mile. My legs felt fresh and incredibly sore at the same time-is that possible? My time was 24 seconds faster than my last timed mile (soon after mono), but about 40 s from my PR, but I didn’t feel dead at the end at all, which I think means I could have gone a lot faster. Actually, to be honest, I think that actually might be an attainable 5k pace. Maybe. With lots of adrenaline and fresh legs? 

I think I need to get used to running fast again and pushing myself. It’s a totally different mental game, and practice makes perfect! I think next time I would run without my Garmin, and just a stopwatch. Knowing my pace has the tendency to make me a little too complacent-I was already planning on running the race sans Garmin; knowing the pace shouldn’t help me-if I’m not dying I should be going faster! It’s as fast as I can go and that’s that. 

After my timed mile, I ran to total an hour of running. My feet started hurting a bit so I found a field and did some barefoot running. It was nice and wet-yuck! Anyways, after half a lap, my foot pain faded away. I ran for about 10 minutes shoeless, and my feet felt awesome. Even when I put my shoes back on, my feet felt better and I was going faster. I might start some runs without shoes just to get feel for proper running form-it’s definitely something I need to work on!

Some more fitness thoughts-I was starting to wonder if I’m lifting too much and it’s hindering my running. And then I realized that last Thursday I was thinking I was not lifting enough. Ohh what soreness will do to you. 

Also-today I was really missing rowing. I was looking at some of my rowing friends’ facebook pictures and it made me really miss that time! I miss my team, I miss being in amazing shape, I miss the water. Image

(I’m in the blue.)

I also miss my rowing body! To be fair though, I actually lost quite a bit of muscle in my legs because I didn’t lift much last fall. 

At the same time, today in Physics, I was sitting near one of my former teammates. I had slept a lot in the past few days, and was well rested and alert. She was nodding off the whole class. So there are definitely some parts I don’t miss!

I really do want to gain some of the rowing fitness I had last fall-I think it really did help my running, even if it was only because it increased my pain threshold. The most painful workout I’ve ever done is by far a 6k test. Yes, worse than hitting the wall in a half. A 6k test was an all out sprint on the erg…for about 24 minutes. I want to get serious about working more erging into my routine-it just hasn’t happened so far!

On another note, I actually finished my Crossfit workout in the fastest time all day. How did that happen?? To be fair-I can’t do real pull ups so I did them banded, and I can’t do handstand push ups so I did them off a box. But I did do the front squats at full weight! Image

(Old pic-I definitely did not do the WOD this heavy!)

One thing that is super frustrating to me right now is my weight. I’m very fit, but I know that the few extra pounds from where I want to be are preventing me from reaching some fitness goals. If I was where I want to be, I’m pretty sure I could do a pull up because I’m getting really close! And my running would be a lot faster too! And I’m a little worried about the upcoming holidays, to be perfectly honest. This all is part of why I made a meal plan for myself-I want to increase my fitness and strength while dropping some body fat. Which means fueling smart-the right things at the right times. For example, after my squat workout on Saturday, I didn’t refuel until at least 2 hours later, and I’m pretty sure that’s part of why I’ve been insanely sore. I stuck pretty closely to my plan today-with a few exceptions:


My roommate is the best. She went home over the weekend and brought these back from her trees. SO good.


I was 3 persimmons and half a Thinkthin bar off today’s plan, which I consider to be pretty good! I just regret the bar and persimmon #2 because they were a little close to Crossfit and gave me a little bit of a stomachache. My food isn’t terribly interesting right now-if I’m not a fan of dining hall food (it just is really boring), I might as well try to eat really clean for performance. But here are a few things of interest!


I’m not sure what I think of this. I guess I’m not a fan-it didn’t taste that spicy but just kind of made my throat burn! And while I do like Kevita, it has Stevia which I really don’t like, and leaves a weird aftertaste.

And my post-workout dinner: sundried tomato chicken sausage, green beans, and brown rice. 


Overall, I felt really good today about my food intake. It’s good to eat something besides dates! (I’m only sort of kidding about this. Plus I’m out of dates…)

You know what is interesting though? When I have my favorite dried fruits on hand (mango and dates), I’m not tempted at all by other sweets! And dried fruit doesn’t cause the same cravings that table sugar does, which is awesome. 

And yayy we’re only two weeks away from Thanksgiving! I can’t wait for the time off, plus kitty time!


Do you have any Thanksgiving plans?

My family always goes to Napa fro Thanksgiving, but this year we’re going the few days before so I can do a Turkey Trot! 

MIMM-I Didn’t Fail!

Happy Monday! It’s been way too long since I participated in Marvelous in My Monday! Thanks to Katie!



Marvelous is…

Thanksgiving break is in 2 short weeks! Between now and then, the two big things are a Chem midterm and Spin training next weekend! Over Thanksgiving I’m going to Napa, and will visit my home friends and hopefully my home Crossfit box! 


Thanksgiving circa 2009.

Marvelous is…

Christmas music! It’s not too soon, I promise! I especially love Spanish Christmas music. Yes, it’s a thing. My favorite is “Un Nino Se Llama Jesus,” but there are also Spanish versions of English Christmas songs. Sigh-I miss taking Spanish!

Marvelous is…

Spin certification class next weekend! I’m beyond excited. Plus, I’m stopping by home for dinner on the way back (it’s 9-6), and I get to be reunited with this guy:



Marvelous is…

A clean(ish) room and a clean and well stocked fridge! I finally had an ounce of time and now everything is soo much better.


Marvelous is…

Meal plan dollars. That buy me kombucha. I still have 75 to use in the next 3 weeks of the quarter. That’s about a kombucha a day, if you’re keeping count.


Marvelous is…

Home cooking. I’m still finishing off the chili my mom brought me last week! So delicious.


Marvelous is…

A well-earned rest day. As in, I was supposed to run 60 minutes today but I can’t move and every muscle hurts so that’s not happening.Between Crossfit on Friday (deadlifts), and a make up Crossfit workout on my own yesterday (squats and lots of abs), pretty much everything hurts. 

Marvelous is…

What will almost surely be a kick butt running workout tomorrow. Tomorrow has a 30 minute tempo run on the schedule, but I also want to do a timed mile and I missed today’s long run. So I’m planning on combining them all for a timed mile (after a warm up), followed by a jog for a total of 60 minutes of running. I desperately need to do a timed mile, but I’ve been dreading it so much, and dreading doing it early in the morning because I’m way tighter then. But then it finally hit me that if I want to run fast on race day, I need to run fast! So I’m just going to bite the bullet and do it. 

Marvelous is…

New running shoes next week! My old ones have taken my through running and training for 2 halves, and now it’s time for a new pair. 

Marvelous is…

I actually made a meal plan! The last couple weeks I was so swamped with work and lack of sleep that my nutrition was really awful. No Aurora, coffee is not a food group. And 50,000 dates doesn’t count as a meal. I’m ready to get serious about getting faster, and that means sticking to a plan that will fuel my workouts and help me get stronger. 

Marvelous is…

I didn’t fail my Physics midterm! I actually did really well! Yay!

Marvelous is…

This cake for my dad’s birthday. YUM.



What’s marvelous for you?

Plan Backfired

Happy weekend! Only 2 weeks of class until Thanksgiving. Hallelujah. 

Friday morning I did a 30 minute fartlek run. It was reasonably hard but not impossible-I could probably push harder in the future. 

Friday was really awesome for two reasons-Bio ended 45 minutes early, and my 4 hour Chem lab ended 2.5 hours early.

Bio lab ending early gave me an opportunity to do one thing. This.



There’s a cafe I like to sit at and do homework, and i have seen this pumpkin bread there since the beginning of October! However, at the main lunch hours when I’m there, the lines are INSANE so I never get anything. Well, 45 minutes early did the trick. And this. Was. Awesome. I think this pretty much does it for my fall foods bucket list. I’m actually pretty tired of pumpkin!

My chem lab consisted of smelling lots of chemicals. Kind of weird. But short-I’ll take it. If you want to know how to make artificial grape scent, I can hook you up!

Friday evening was Crossfit. We did a lot of heavy deadlifts. What is sad was that my abs may have been my limiting factor. My core is more sore than my hamstrings today! I’ve clearly been neglecting that core work! The WOD was a giant tabata of 4 exercises- thrusters, sit ups, push ups, and double unders. A few notes-on the push ups, my arms turned to jello FAST. I couldn’t figure out why, and then realized it was because I did 80 in 4 minutes. Yeah, that’ll do it! Note 2: double unders are SO much harder with jello arms! I couldn’t get the rope around fast enough! I ended up whipping my hands really hard a few times, and bruised a knuckle. Yes, jumping rope. 

That evening I had to go to Jewish Special Dinner (I’m not actually Jewish). My sorority is historically Jewish, so we put in on with the Jewish frat. It’s basically just dinner. I actually got semi-dressed up.


The food was vaguely Greek. It was pitch dark when we were eating-I partly wanted to picture to have some idea later of what the heck everything was!


Apparently the guys cooking it didn’t want the people to actually be able to see the food? My friend who was involved in some of the cooking told me afterwards that some of it was definitely suspect. The couscous was not supposed to look like mashed potatoes, and some of the falafel was really awful. My table got served first, so I guess I got the good batch because everything seemed fine to me!

I ended up leaving with a few friends to go downtown and get Cream. Cream is an amazing ice cream sandwich shop where you can have pretty much any combination of ice cream and cookie, plus the cookies are served hot.


I went with cookie dough ice cream, a chocolate chip cookie, and a double chocolate chip cookie. It was good, but I think I would have preferred just getting a warm cookie. I think I’ve developed a dislike of ice cream. Craziness. 

I was also on photostalking photographer duty for my friend and her new boyfriend. She wanted me to subtly take cute pictures of the two of them. For the record, these two were the ones I was talking about when I played wingman a while ago. Wingman-ing=success. 

Last night I had the genius idea to bike to the dinner and then leave it there, since it was close to the new gym, so I’d have to run to the gym the next morning and get a workout in before I would be able to go anywhere. Well, that backfired. Somewhere on the run to the gym, my keychain ejected my bike key, so my bike and I were stuck on the opposite side of campus…and I couldn’t get it! Before hunting for the key, I got a good workout in. Wednesday’s Crossfit workout seemed like such a good one, but I couldn’t make it in that day so I made it up today. By the way, I’m loving the new gym. It opens an hour earlier on weekends, and it’s SO much less crowded. All the bars were empty! That’s unheard of! 

The workout was 10 minutes of 3 squats every minute at 80% of my one rep max. These were rough. A lot rougher than I was expecting. Hellooo jello legs. Then, 5 sets of 3 push presses at 75% one rep max, and good mornings. The WOD was 100 hollow rocks (a core strength focused exercise). I followed that with 8 minutes on the erg. I’m trying to log more time on the erg in preparation for my 5k since I felt like it really helped me last year with my race. I’m not sure how I kept my pace for those 8 minutes though-on the looong walk back my legs were complete jello. And I must have looked ridiculous weaving around and staring at the ground the entire way back, looking for my lost key. I immediately got a new key chain-the old one was kind of broken, hence the key ejection-and symbolically tossed my old key chain. I’m just so grateful it was my bike key, not my room key or lab key-my roommate is gone all weekend since she has bronchitis. 

I then went on some errands-I need new running shoes so I hit up the running store. I brought my favorite old shoes that I’ve had many pairs of, as well as my most recent pair. It turns out they were the same model! No wonder I liked them!

I just went with the tried and true, although they had to be ordered. I’m excited about the new color though! Not that I disliked my old ones, but they weren’t exactly me.


I then went to Peet’s with the intentions of spending the day doing work. I ordered a cappuccino and a blueberry banana muffin.


However, after spending quite a few minutes looking up running workouts on my phone and enjoying my refreshments, I realized that the environment probably wasn’t the most conducive to me doing work. At least that kind of work. 

I had dinner with my family tonight to celebrate my dad’s birthday!


The big 5-0. Happy birthday to my dad!

And here was dinner:

I started with a basic half salad.


And chose teriyaki tofu stir fry as my entree. Yum!


We then headed back to my sister’s apartment for delicious German chocolate cake. I tried to avoid the nuts as much as possible, but between the cake and the few nuts in my salad, I’m pretty sure my skin is not going to be happy.


And since this post has been pretty devoid of pictures, let’s look at some other eats from the past couple of days.


Chicken sausage and figs. That’s a totally normal snack, right?


Zucchini bread.


Microwave nachos and cold chili for dipping purposes.


A new granola bar with sunflower seeds/butter. It was pretty good. It’s actually engineered to have a perfect carb to protein ration for post-workout, and all the ingredients are good. 


What may be my last pumpkin of the season. I’m actually pretty sick of it at this point! I made a mini mug cake with pumpkin, egg, almond milk, spices, coconut sugar, and some pumpkin butter. Delicious! I topped it with coconut cream. I’ve never had coconut cream before, and to be honest, it was a little much for me. It would probably be more my taste if it was thinned out a little bit. But not a bad combo. 

Tomorrow, my training schedule calls for a “long run.” It’s funny, the run it prescribes is 2 hours less than last weekend’s run (16 miles). It calls for 60 minutes, but I’ll probably end up doing 8 miles instead because the distance and route just work out better that way. And, I’ll stay in longer distance shape for my 10 turkey trot. 

In terms of workouts and eating, I feel kind of ready for a change. I need a new challenge. I need results. I desperately want to get faster, and I feel like my body is starting to get complacent with my workouts-Crossfit is no longer quite as torturous, and I’m looking to ramp things up. I’m not really sure how to do that though! I think I’ll try to make an awesome meal plan, and work some plyometrics and sprints into my workout routine. I desperately need to do a timed mile, but that’s easier said than done because I want to do it in the afternoon when I’m looser, and the track is closed for track practice all afternoon. Plus, I need to actually be fresh for it! Such a dilemma. 

Also-I did finally get my bike back. Luckily, I had a spare key at home which my parents brought me at dinner! Phew!

What’s the hardest workout you’ve ever done? Please share!


Milk Foam Snob

Happy Friday! (Or almost Friday for me.) I’m a lot more coherent now. I got a decent night’s sleep, plus the week of midterms is over. Now this is just the Night of Lab Report. My morning started out with 8am Crossfit. We spent a lot of time rolling out our calves…with the bar. Which is metal and hard and painful, and my calves are really tight from all the running I’ve been doing lately! I can still feel it-ouch. 

The workout was “Hellen” which is 3 rounds of 400m run, 21 kettlebell swings, and 12 pull ups. I finished in 12:18, but with the pull ups with a band. It’s amazing-I used to just do the Crossfit workouts to finish-and my goal would be to not finish last. Now, there are a lot of times when I’m at the front of the pack, and ahead of all the women. When did that happen?? I think it’s partly that my box here at school has a slightly different population of people, but even in the past few weeks, I’ve noticed a huge difference. I usually get behind from the beginning because I try to pace myself, but I find myself passing people near the end, especially on the running portions. I see people struggling on the runs while I am still cruising, and every time it makes me thankful for all the half marathon training I’ve been doing! My endurance is SO much better!

The shirt I wore to Crossfit this morning was covered in cat fur. Charlie fur. That shirt has not been home in 3 months…how does he do it??



But look at that face!

The trees in the lot where I park my car at school have been changing all fall, and there are just amazing. Fall In California looks like this!


After a quick breakfast, I had to head to office hours for chem lab, so I didn’t have time to hit up my usual coffeeshop. I did have time for a cappuccino after office hours, so I went to one nearby. This is what I get for cheating on Coupa (my normal coffeeshop). Sub-par milk foam. Check out the difference! The one on the left is today’s.Image

HOWEVER. A low milk foam to coffee ration means a high coffee to milk foam ratio. So there was a lot of espresso in this drink. So I was very awake, which was a nice change of pace!

No pictures of lunch-I grabbed it while running out and was striking out all over the place in terms of veggies. My lunch included laughing cow-I was going yo eat it with carrots, but my pack of carrots most likely had a pear die on it (or something sticky and gross) so I didn’t have time to deal with that. Next, I tried a fresh bag of snap peas, but they were oddly wet and had a really funky smell. So I ended up dipping raw green beans in  laughing cow. Totally normal, right?

I ended up with an early-ish and photographed dinner, which was a repeat of yesterday.


Vegetarian chili! So, so good. I also tried something-microwave nachos! Yes, it can be done. Cheese, tortilla chips, 20 seconds in the microwave.



They weren’t soggy or anything, but the cheese cooled really quickly so they had to be eaten fast. Not bad though for microwave cooking! 

After dinner I had the biggest chocolate craving, and given I have no chocolate and am not supposed to be eating sugar, I turned to cocoa powder for comfort. I whipped up this baby, which was probably half cocoa powder. Plus chocolate whey protein powder, almond milk, and unsweetened coconut, warmed up in the microwave. Not bad, but not the best. And I would kill for some chocolate or a cookie right now.



My Physics midterm went surprisingly well. I think they took pity on us after the last one. I’m not complaining. After the exam, I watched the end of a HUGE football game for my school-that I couldn’t go to because I was taking a midterm. We won (wooo!) and it was a huge upset, but it was super stressful at the end! It was fun though seeing people I knew in pretty much every shot of the stands!

Do you watch college football? What team?