Monthly Archives: August 2013


Guys! I did it! I completed my first half marathon! My official time was 2:12. My Garmin told me that the race was .13 too long, so according to when my Garmin said 13.1, I was at 2:11. It may not seem like much extra distance but it certainly felt like it!

Thank you all for your well wishes and support! I’m going to do a full recap-since I don’t have a ton of photos from the actual race, I’ll mix in the photos from the weekend’s events.

Since I consider myself so lucky to have been able to run this race, and since I really do think it is marvelous, I’m linking up with Katie for MIMM!


Yesterday my mom and I went to the expo for packet pick-up. It was pretty uneventful; there was a huge line to enter but it moved pretty quickly, and meant that once we were inside, it was way less crowded.


I must admit though, I was tempted to sign up for every single race they were advertising for!

Pre-race dinner (plus tons more carbs).


I had a mini-crisis the yesterday. I normally take a probiotic supplement, but I ran out Friday, and couldn’t seem to find them anywhere. The places we went only had the pills (and not gummies) and I didn’t want to try anything for the first time on race day! Luckily, I stopped by GNC to get some chews and all was fine. Image

Luckily, I fell asleep plenty early for my 4:45am wakeup call. I was so grateful for my normal 5:10 wake ups for spin 2x a week. I woke up completely and totally pumped. I hopped out of bed, and my cat got up with me.

Hey, lucky cat? Right?


I had my typical pre-race breakfast- Thinkthin bar, mango, and vitamin gummies. Image

We left a little later than I had hoped for-and had to make a 2 minute detour because apparently we received wrist bands that we needed to wear for the race. Whoops!

WHen we arrived, we immediately got in the porta potty line. It wasn’t too bad-there were a couple farther away in the parking lot that fewer people seemed to know about. Still, we weren’t loaded with time.


And yes, I did put some make-up on at 5 in the morning. Why? I guess it’s a leftover belief from softball-you need to look sharp to play well. And hey, it took like a minute.

I dumped my jacket with my parents near the start, and then started shoving my way through braving the crowds towards the front.


I had my iPod and Garmin ready to go, and slowly made my way towards the start. I was really hoping to find the 2:15 pace group, but I just couldn’t get that far up. Oh well! And around the 10 minute mark, I crossed the starting line and was off!

Race day adrenaline is a real thing my friends. My ultimate goal for this race was a 2:15, but when I injured my calf 2 weeks ago I had just hoped to limp across the finish line in one piece. I am so incredibly grateful for my fast recovery. Just 6 days ago I couldn’t run at all!

I took off at a fast pace…and it felt easy. My general goal is 10 minute miles, but I did most of my training runs at a 10:30 pace. Well, I had to actively slow myself down! I was easily breaking a 9:00 pace, and I knew that I would die later on. I was running around a 9:30 pace (according to my Garmin) for at least the first 3 miles. That was still faster than my training runs, but I was feeling great. For the first half of the race I was thinking how it kind of is my style to fly and die. It certainly was for rowing for our 6k tests! And hey, YOLO.

The first part of the race was amazing. I didn’t run all week for fear of hurting my calf. I was just so happy. I had some awesome pump up music, there was tons of crowd support, and I was just running. I think there were actually tears streaming down my face. 2 weeks ago I didn’t think I’d even be able to race, and here I was kicking butt on my goal pace!Image

One of the best moments of the race was when the incredibly fast 10k racers (they started at the same time) were running back through all of us. Everyone cheered for them like crazy. I was just so happy.

Right after we passed the 10k turn-around, we hit some hills. Now, this race was really pretty much flat. But when you’re expecting it to be completely flat and a hill appears, some swearing may ensue. The hills weren’t too painful (they were short) but I was annoyed because they slowed my pace a ton. Boooo.

I got new inserts for my shoes which help my toe pain/numbness a lot-but not completely. It didn’t come in until much later, like mile 5 or 6. That might be partly why I had a better pace.

The first part of the race took us down the Embarcadero towards the Golden Gate. The turnaround point was pretty close to the bridge. I took my goo around Mile 5. I had planned on taking it around Mile 6, but once we left the 10k course, water stations were VERY sparse. This is my one big complaint about this race-after the 10k course there was hardly any water! I had been expected more stations so I didn’t carry water.

For the first half of the race, I was feeling really good and flying at a sub-10 pace easily. I did have trouble keeping pace a little when my toe starting hurting a ton though, and I stopped to stretch my calf a few times because it was starting to feel a little tight/sore, which was around Mile 5. I was annoyed when the turnaround point was farther than 6.5 miles on my Garmin. I was more annoyed when I turned around and was routed to a gravel path. New realization: I HATE RUNNING ON TRAILS. Cement felt sooo much easier to me, and it was better on my painful toe because I had a firmer grip on pavement than on the trail. So I spent that whole stretch cursing trails.

Right after the trail ended (around Mile 7?) I was thirsty and saw a sign for water up ahead. But there was no water, only volunteers high fiving runners. Now I love the crowd support but I wanted my $%*$% water! I had been planning on taking another goo around mile 8 since I didn’t have the entire first one, but there was no water until it was probably too late anyways!

And then there was a hill. And I audibly swore. But it actually wasn’t too bad, and was followed by a downhill. Sidenote-for all you sailing fans, we ran past all the America’s cup stuff! There was nothing going on but it was still cool!

So where were we? Around Mile 8. I’m still feeling good, happy that I’m more than halfway done and keeping pace. I’m also thirsty. I start worrying about getting stomach cramps from dehydration (I didn’t-I think I hydrated really well before the race). But then I thought about this book I’m reading:Image

It has a whole bunch of interesting things related to exercise-many of them surprising and unconventional. One of the chapters was talking about how many runners actually overhydrate-and the ones who win marathons are the ones that are most dehydrated. Not that I’m recommending doing this, but it made me feel better about not having water!

I finally got water around Mile 9, but I figured it was kind of late for goo. (Looking back, maybe this was a mistake…) This was pretty uneventful. I have to say though, having catchy, upbeat music really does help. I found myself mouthing the words when I was really hurting. Sometimes dancing along a little can really help (guilty…).

That being said, I wasn’t REALLY hurting until the last 2, 3ish miles. I remember thinking I only had 5k left and feeling okay, but around 2.5 I really starting hurting. My toes hurt, my calf had previously gotten a bit sore but now was kind of numb, but mostly my IT bands were super tight (which may have overshadowed calf pain). I really struggled to keep up pace-up until this point I had visions of sub-2:10. Even though I was running a 9:30-50 pace most of the race, the couple of quick stretch stops, walking while taking goo, and walking a few steps every few miles to shake some feeling into my toe, really added up. Sad.

Anyway, this is the point where I was counting down .1 mile increments. This stretch right here is what makes me want to train harder for my next half-I enjoyed the race SO much, and had a ton of fun-except for these miles. They felt AWFUL. I kept thinking-“Aurora-this right here is where your true character comes out.” Hah, ohh self-motivating talks. I was at that point!

So let’s not dwell on the dark part of the race. I was sooo happy to see the ballpark (where we finished) and ‘sprinted’ (hey-it’s all relative!) into the park to the finish line!


Some people talk about the amazing feeling they have when they cross the finish line. I really didn’t. I guess that point for me was the beginning of the race. I was hurting so badly when I finished! And I was really angry because I was tired and couldn’t find my family, and all I wanted to do was sit down but I knew if I did that I wouldn’t be getting back up. Image

Hah, no pain on that face at all!

I decided to grab my food-at that point all I wanted to do was cry because my legs were aching like crazy and I couldn’t find anyone. Looking back, my blood sugar was probably pretty low and I probably could have used another goo…Oh well.

They gave out bagel thins (I grabbed an oatmeal raisin), yogurt, bananas, and potato chips. Honestly, I wasn’t hungry at all but forced down some carbs.

I finally met up with my family and put on my compression socks (THAN GOODNESS) and a change of shoes. We ‘walked’ around a little. I use this term loosely. I couldn’t really tell if my calf was sore because I was walking completely stiff legged. Heh…

The worst part? Walking DOWN the steps after the stadium. Let’s just say it was clear who was and was not a runner….

Then we went out to brunch. I ordered an omelette with spinach, mushrooms, cheese, and avocado. Image

I wasn’t really feeling all the rich food post-race. I should have just skipped to the good stuff!
Whole wheat toast with butter and jelly-best thing ever!

I had been planning on getting awesome froyo after the race, but I didn’t have much of an appetite and all I wanted to do was sleep….so we just went home. Froyo later happened though 🙂
And after an amazing nap, dinner. ImageImage

Cinnamon raisin toast with butter and cinnamon sugar-perfection. I promise these weren’t all for me….

So, that’s that! My first half marathon! My calf is getting sore now, but it’s not terrible. My hips are kind of killing me though. But I couldn’t care less. This was such an amazing experience. Bring it on Nike Women’s Half!


And We Wait

Hey guys! I wanted to pop in here really quickly one last time before my race. I’m in bed and it’s not yet 10! It’s early wake ups calls like tomorrow that make me grateful I’ve been going to 5:45am spin!
Now, I feel a sense of calm. My calf (knock on wood) feels strong and pain free. I’ve put in the time. Now all that’s left is to run 13.1 effing miles!


Currently Pumped

Hey guys! Audrey tagged me in this survey and I thought it would tie nicely in to this weekend’s big event! My race!

First a couple of things-for some reason my Internet has been down off and on at home so if I don’t reply to your comments right away, that’s why! 

Also, I messed around with the look of my blog and in the end decided on a new header. Thoughts?


Current Book:


This is super interesting. It has random facts (some surprising) about exercise. It talks about HIIT training. While I’ve heard of HIIT, this goes in to some of the studies that prove that it works. It discusses one study: mice are made to swim for 3 hours straight. Then they rest for 45 minutes before swimming for another 3 hours. The scientists measure the changes in muscle fibers as a result of this endurance training. Another group of mice is made to swim for 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 14 times, with a weighted vest. This is a total of 4.5 minutes of work (vs. 6 hours). The muscles of both groups of mice showed the same changes, despite one group exercising for a fraction of the time. Crazy!

And can we take a second to appreciate a) a mouse’s ability to swim. 3 hours straight?? I couldn’t do that! and b) how cute a little weighted mouse vest would be.

Current music

Here’s a sneak peek of my race day playlist! It’s funny. I’m not a huge fan of pop in general, but I do like working out to it. I tried picking the most upbeat songs…ever. It’s going to be a long race!Image

Also, I’m slightly obsessed with Spanish music. Any time a Spanish song comes on anywhere, I know it. Spanish pop=awesome. 

Current Guilty Pleasure

Naps. Specifically naps with my cat. Since it’s summer and my schedule is pretty flexible, there’s absolutely no reason to be sleep deprived, even if I’m waking up super early for spin. Post-spin nap? Best thing ever. Image

Current nail color

None. For some reason it drives me crazy to have my finger nails painted. Toe nails are a different story, but I haven’t painted them since spring break…whoops. 

Current drink:

Water at the moment (I seriously can’t go 15 minutes without it…) but this morning a chocolate banana protein smoothie. Image1 banana, 1/2 cup almond milk, pinch of xantham gum, a little spinach, cocoa powder, chocolate protein powder, and LOTS of ice. Perfection. 

Current food

I have to admit, I’ve been slightly obsessed with Laughing Cow lately. It’s awesome in eggs, polenta, and my new favorite, with carrots. I can’t wait to try Audrey‘s idea-in a turkey burger!Image

Current TV show

My family and I don’t watch anything except Giant’s games on TV, but we have a ton of DVDs of TV shows. Our current obsession is Veronica Mars (which is a few years old). Something about a detective show mixed with high school drama is so addictive. This is also why I may have slacked on the blogging front lately…

Current wish list

Chobani’s new flavors! Specifically coconut! It’s so depressing. 

Also, a black kitten (like this guy I fell in love with yesterday).

ImageI was raised having only black cats, and I really miss them!

ImageThey have so much…personality. 


Current needs

See above?


Hmm I probably need some back to school clothes. Nothing I need that is too pressing at the moment. 

Current Indulgence

I’m going to go with a) mango logs-seriously SO good.

and b) dark chocolate.
I wouldn’t consider this in and of itself an indulgence, but it high quantities, then yes it is. High enough quantities to keep me up all night? Oops…It’s surprisingly high in caffeine….

Current blessing

That my calf is feeling pretty good for this weekend!

Current excitement

This weekend’s race! SO PUMPED. I get to go to the expo tomorrow to pick up my race packet! People keep telling me that the race will go by quickly, it’ll be over before I know it. Hah. I don’t believe that for one second. 13.1 miles is a lottt. But I guess for rowing, everyone said a 6k would be over fast, and it really was. Of course, that’s only like 25 minutes…

For this race, I had a goal pace in mind-I know I shouldn’t have since this is my first half but whatever. I trained with that pace in mind, and given how my last few long runs went, I probably would have made it. However, given the state of my calf, I need to back off the pace and go slowww. So goodbye pace goal, hello hope of walking within a few weeks of the race. Haha. I mean hey, I have another half in October, I can run fast then!

And with that, have a great Friday and weekend folks!

Have you ever run a half? Any last minute tips?

Accidental Throwback Thursday

Hello! I’ve been trying to post for a while, but my internet connection at home just was not having it!

Since this post was supposed to go up yesterday, this becomes accidental throwback Thursday!

And what, my friends, are we throwing it back to?

Last year’s Giant’s Race!ImageMy sister and I ran the 10k last year. ImageWhat’s this? Yeah, um. I won my division last year! What? How did THAT happen?

Well, I’m super proud of that! To be fair, my age group isn’t huge. But I’ll take it! Next year I’m considering doing the 10k again…and training to win. We shall see!

Back to the important stuff…food and exercise.

Yesterday morning was an early spin class. Yes, I get up at 5:10am in the summer for my own pleasure. Yes, I’m a college student. Yes, those are oxymorons. 

My calf continues to feel better, especially after spin. I refueled with a chocolate protein smoothie, with 1/2 cup less almond milk than usual. ImagePlus a small slice of toast with sunflower seed butter.ImageYesterday morning I took my dog out to the park to participate in his favorite activity ever-soccer. He goes absolutely crazy for soccer balls. I wish I had gotten a picture of him, but I left my phone in the car so it wouldn’t get slobbery. ImageIt’s funny, he got mistaken for a puppy again. This happens regularly! Umm no, he’s almost 12? 

Before class I whipped up a quick lunch of leftover spinach quiche. ImageAfter class, I hustled over to Crossfit. It was a little close-I hate rush hour traffic! The WOD was 7 rounds of 100m run, 5 toes to bar, 10 deadlifts (115), and 10 overhead squats with a 25 pound weight. I Rxed the weight, but did knees to elbows. It took me about 17:00-on the slower side. I wasn’t going to really push my calf on the run! (And *knock on wood* it’s feeling good as new!) 

I made myself a little snack plate, plus the leftovers from that morning’s smoothie. 

ImageTrader Joe’s spinach and kale bites-not bad but they shouldn’t be microwaved (not that they have microwave directions…) They heated super unevenly! But tasty other than that!

Plus crunchamame, peas, and half a mango. It was perfect!

Sadly, I did not get enough sleep last night. I had to get up early this morning for the kitten nursery, and I had to stay up to sign up for fall classes….and the system failed. Grrr. I can’t believe I’m already signing up for classes though! Where has the time gone? 

-Granted, I still have almost 2 months of summer….

Also, please tell me how much I’m going to hate myself this quarter-here’s the current schedule plan: Chem, Chem lab, Physics, Physics lab, Bio, a unit of labwork. 

Ughh not even one fun class in there….

And since I love you all, here are some pictures from the kitten nursery this morning; we got 5 new litters of really little kittens! I had to syringe-feed a litter and I came home covered in cat food….sacrifices people!ImageImageImageImageImageI love this. 

After changing out of my cat food caked clothes, I made myself a fruit bowl topped with sunflower seed butter. Image

And one last thing-how cool is this? At the lab I work at, I had to take pictures of printer cartridges to be returned because they were defective….3D printer cartridges! The “ink” that was leaking everywhere was wax and plastic. Crazy.

What was/is your favorite subject in school?