I finally have a workouts page! Expect more to come. Here’s a prettier version of a workout I already posted. It’s a no-equipment, full body workout that incorporates, jumping, running, and strength. Enjoy!
Dirty Thirty
Forward squat jumps: jump forward (covering distance)

In and out- balance on tailbone, hands on head, and bring your knees in toward your chest while crunching up

Plank dips-plank position on elbows, and lower hips to the ground, then raise up

Cross leg sit up cross- sit with your legs crossed, and then do a sit up, crossing one arm over to touch the ground in front of you

Let me know if you try this! A modification you could do is Filthy Fifteen (15 reps of everything).

4 comments on “Dirty Thirty

  1. Aurora

    I’m happy to! If you try it, let me know how it goes!

  2. Christine@ Apple of My Eye

    Great workout! Have you jumped on the picmonkey train :)? I use it to make all of my workout/recipes too!

    1. Aurora

      Haha yes! I spent a good hour messing around! It’s so fun!

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