Sorry I didn’t post yesterday guys, I swear I was going to! Yesterday began with a trip to the doctors so they could steal my blood for blood tests. Well, the good news is my liver functions are good, meaning I’m all healthy again! The bad news? Getting blood drawn is becoming progressively more traumatic. Apparently my veins are really hard to find so it’s always an interesting experience. I still have bruises from where they drew blood in the ER a month ago for my mono test. Shiver. Sadly, yesterday’s experience was maybe the best one I’ve had. And it still involved holes in 2 arms. But the last 2 times I’ve gotten blood drawn, I’ve started shaking like crazy. I hope it will be a looong time before I have to get blood stolen drawn again.
After my fun experience at the doctor’s, we headed next door to a shopping center (which is right across the street from school) to grab some lunch (I had to fast for my tests) and to explore the center, since I’ve basically driven by it a million times but never really gone in. My mom and I searched for a place to eat, and as soon as I saw a sign advertising green juice in the window, I decided that was the place. It was a cafe called Calafia. The only thing was as soon as I walked in the door, something fell on my head, and I quickly brushed it off, only to realize that it was a yellow jacket. I’m allergic to bee stings, so yeah that was pretty terrifying. More shaking. Yayyyy. I decided we’d be better off eating at an outside table!
Everything on the menu looked sooo good, but I decided on a special, which was some type of rockfish tostada. It was really tasty! I was worried it would be too spicy, but not at all! Just to be safe, I ordered a soy chocolate smoothie 🙂The tostada had so many flavors; the warm and spicy fish, the tangy cabbage, and the hidden black beans (which it took me a while to find, they were under the tortilla!)
After lunch, we walked around the center to see what was there. At the bookstore, I picked up some mysteries. The one I’m reading now I admit I bought just because it has an adorable kitten on the front. Hey, I’m a sucker for cute kitties. Has anyone else noticed there is a definite trend between mysteries and food/cats? So many mystery series are food or cat themed. Gahh I’m already perfectly fitting the demographic, and I’m only a teenager! (Crazy cat lady anyone??) Either way, I’m enjoying the book because it is set around where I live, and the main characters all went to my college, so I recognize a ton of the places and such!
Another stop? Sur la Table. Anyone been there? It’s a cooking supply store that has all kinds of adorable cooking tools you never realized you needed. I should have snapped a picture of some of the things we bought. Kitty measuring spoons? Yes please! Another highlight purchase? A new hand mixer! I’ve been begging my mom to buy one for a while now. We’ve had ours for as long as I can remember (definitely over 10 years) and it’s gotten soooo rickety that whenever I use it, I feel like the beaters are just going to come flying off!
The other notable stop of the day was Kara’s cupcakes. I’ve been dying for cake lately, and I’ve been thinking about carrot cake….so that happened. I couldn’t decide what to get, so I ended up with a salted caramel (filled) chocolate cupcake….and a mini carrot cake cupcake!
As it turns out, I like chocolate cupcakes way better with vanilla frosting than with chocolate frosting, and since that little mini cupcake had so much, he was willing to share with the chocolate cupcake. Yum! Craving=satisfied. I spent the rest of the afternoon reading my new book, and then for dinner, we had a surprise visit from my sister, so Thai food happened. I had some yellow vegetable curry, green beans, and chicken with peanut sauce.
Sorry it is so messy, I accidentally dumped half of the sauce onto my plate…whoops.
For dessert, I had a Protein Brownie for One from Fitcupcaker. I could tell it WOULD have been delicious, but I cooked it a little too long. If I had left it gooey, it would have been sooo good, but I cooked it until it was kind of tough….Never fear! There is always plan B! I had been meaning to blend up some frozen bananas with cocoa powder to just be in the freezer if I ever wanted instant soft serve, so I blended that up last night with a splash of coconut milk. I ended up stirring in the cocoa powder by hand because I didn’t think it would blend in very well. The result? (Excuse the re-used mug)
I swear this was more delicious than the photo demonstrates! I topped my banana soft serve with peanut butter and warm fudge sauce. SO GOOD. SOSOSOSO GOOD.
Now onto today! I grabbed a quick breakfast of a small mango and half a banana with peanut butter on my way to yoga! Since I’m home, I get to go to all my favorite classes at the gym! I loved the class! However, I’m pretty weak and inflexible. As it turns out, sitting in bed for 3-4 weeks doesn’t lend itself to fitness. Who knew? My abs are especially weak. Since the exertion of as much as sitting up in bed was enough ab exercise to send me into a coughing fit, let’s just say that my abs were not getting a ton of work. But hey, the only positive about being horribly out of shape is I get a way better workout from a lot less, right?
I stopped at Whole Foods afterwards to get some more mangos. Since the 7 that we had already were not enough. But none of the ones we had were ripe, and I’m not patient. I ended up getting new chocolate protein powder. Whole Foods brand was like half as expensive as the other brands for the same amount! Score! I also picked up some protein bars and such for school that don’t have nuts 🙁 Plus, since I had a fairly light breakfast and it was around 11, AND I was tired of seeing hot delicious breakfast foods there and not trying them, I grabbed a snack. I got a little baked pancake, a little creme brulee french toast, and some breakfast fruit crisp. The crisp was my favorite, it wasn’t too sweet! It had “seasonal fruits,” which turned out to be pineapple and strawberries! So good! I didn’t get any pictures, I somehow managed to leave my phone in the car….When does that ever happen?
Today consisted of running errands/me shopping. First was Old Navy. I am in search of workout capris, but they didn’t have the ones I wanted in my size. I found a sweater and cute yoga/workout top though! Then we hit up Sports Authority (it’s next door) to look at workout clothes (which, if you haven’t noticed, I love doing. Nike shorts? LOVE.). I got a pair of capris and some running socks to try, which are supposed to prevent blisters. We’ll see about that! At this point, it was after lunch, so we met up with my dad at the cafe at his work. I ordered a veggie wrap, which had cream cheese, pesto, veggies, and avocado. Not gonna lie, I got it for the avocado. What’s new, right?My last errand of the day was Target. I found one of those infinity scarves (the loop ones) and some sunglasses.
Can you say springtime? Sidenote: I always thought the first day of spring was the 21st of March. But this year apparently it was the 20th. I’m not sure why this really bothers me but it does. This is not what I ordered! I like my seasons to come on schedule!
I found a couple of other fun clothing items as well. Afterwards, my mom needed some garden things from a garden type store, but I was pretty beat at this point so I stayed in the car. My energy levels are definitely not 100%! By the time we got home, I only had a little time to recoup. I took the best 15 minute nap ever. Sometimes you just need a quick pick-me-up. Where was I off to? I was getting a pedicure! I guess my mom decided it was our treat for making it through the past few weeks. I almost always paint my toenails silver, and today was no different. Note: I hate having my fingernails painted! It drives me crazy for some reason! And I am bad at repainting my toenails. As in I leave the nail polish on for months….It was a nice relaxing experience though.
Dinner was leftover turkey burgers, mine in a beautiful lettuce leaf. More homemade ketchup!Plus some broccoli, and chips/veggies and salsa/guacamole. Mango and regular salsa! The guac was made with a mix, but I added some nutritional yeast (which I got today!) for some extra B vitamins, which are supposed to help with Mono recovery. I had a mango after dinner (BEST. FRUIT. EVER.), and a taste of another new purchase, kefir.
This is my first time trying kefir. It tastes like a strong, liquid yogurt. As it suggests, I think it WOULD be really good poured over cereal or granola. I’ve been pretty serious about trying to get my Probiotics in after the million anti-biotics that I had to take while I was sick.
Well, that was my day. I’m pooped. But heyy, I’m still blogging, right? All I have planned for tomorrow is a run, so we’ll see what the day holds. Also, shout out to Miranda for the Under 21 Club! Check it out!
Have a great night!
What are your ideal spring break plans?
Whew long post! I know understand the title haha! Why have you gotten your blood drawn so many times and laying in bed for weeks? Are you okay? 🙁 your past 2 days are so fun looking though! I love workout clothes shopping too. So much fun! My all time fave pair of workout pants are the compression pants from old navy. They’re amazing! Definitely recommend them 🙂 btw, thanks for the shout out! Your the best!
I had mono! And then I caught every other thing going around campus from strep to stomach flu!
Glad you’re healthy again!
Im sorry about the blood draws! I hate getting my blood drawn! I am glad that you are feeling better though! Oh and I looooove nike shorts too 🙂
They’re the best 🙂
That is too funny, we must be from the same area! My dad and I just ate at Calafia last night. Their food is amazing and I’m so glad I discovered it. The special you ordered looks seriously delicious.
Yeah that is funny! Everything on the menu looked so good!