So I started typing up another post, but I recently updated my computer and my iPhoto is going a little bit crazy so I decided to pause that for a moment and switch gears. I have a couple of favorite go-to quick and easy salads that I have SO frequently. In school, I would always have the same one of weekends (which you’ve seen 1000x). Since coming to Nashville, I’ve discovered a few variations on the theme and wanted to share! The key to these salads is to chop all the ingredients up. I put everything in a bowl and then use kitchen scissors to get smaller pieces. I also love these salads because it’s easy to have the ingredients lying around in the fridge. I typically have them always on hand. Also, I know most people don’t love American cheese but you could use any cheese!

The Classic:

I realize this is one that most people out there wouldn’t eat, but I love it. But bear with me for the other two!

1 container of Holy Guacamole

Deli Turkey

American cheese



Again, I eat this meal more than anything else. So I was happy to find a couple of delicious variations to mix it up!

Salsa Ranch:

Deli Turkey

American Cheese


Salsa Ranch dressing (I used Bolthouse Farms salsa ranch and it’s super good! You could always mix actual salsa and actual ranch dressing to get this.)

BBQ Ranch

Deli turkey

American Cheese


Bolthouse Farms Ranch

BBQ Sauce