Monthly Archives: February 2014


Hey guys! I’m just going to pop in briefly to say at this point, I’m not really sure where I’m going to go with the project moving forward. I’ve gotten to the point where the restrictions are causing me to actually eat more unhealthily because I can’t have what I really want! And I’ve been living in the loopholes so much lately that I’m not sure how much of the integrity of the project is holding up. Plus living outside the loopholes this weekend…I’m also not sure I like having to put THIS much thought into food-it’s starting to mess with my head a little bit! So not sure what’s going to happen in the future, but I’m going to play it by ear and how I feel-which right now is not so hot thanks to some most definitely processed food…so here’s a bit of a photo dump of this weekend, and I’ll do a more detailed project post a little bit later in the week!


Sushi bowl-again. But sadly without avocado.


My attempt at coconut truffles. Which didn’t really work out-the inside was just mashed banana and coconut, and it just tasted like not that ripe banana…but the chocolate was amazing!


Sloppy yogurt bowl with applesauce that still needed a few hours in the slow cooker.


Saturday I was going to go to the gym, but then brunch sounded really good so this happened.


Also in place of gym-we may or may not have swiped a carton of heavy whipping cream from the dining hall. Homemade chocolate with this? AMAZING. It tasted like the center of a lava cake.


Cinnamon tea made by a girl in my sorority-she boiled cinnamon sticks!


Highlight of the weekend-sorority retreat and getting to see a real, live cat.


Retreat food.

And the actual nail in the project’s coffin (for now-will definitely be discussed): fresh ice cream sandwich.


What am I wearing? On a side note, now I really want a tutu of my own. 


Applesauce 2.0-much better! Plus sun butter.


My innovative wrapping skills-tomorrow is my sister’s birthday so we went out to dinner! And wrapping paper was nowhere to be found…


And cake.


As for this week? I’m going to eat as well as possible with as little effort as possible. I went to Trader Joe’s and stock dup today. I have to say though, since doing this project, reading all the nutrition labels/ingredients was really frustrating because EVERYTHING had extra little ingredients, even at a place like Trader Joe’s! 

Another observation-as my eating habits deteriorated, so did the positive effects. My foot issues are starting to come back a little bit for one thing-so when I’m not so full of delicious food I’ll figure out a plan going forward. I will say this about the project now though-the biggest problem was being underprepared in the second and third week, and eating in a dining hall made things harder because the food was definitely lower quality. If I wan’t living at college and if I was cooking completely for myself, this would have been much easier. So expect a follow up post soon!

Friday Things

Not the most creative title, I know. I wasn’t planning on blogging tonight but here I am again, in the laundry room. Which is fabulous because it means I’ll actually have clothes. More clothes. But also stupid because it means I’m guaranteed to be up past midnight doing laundry. I live a wild life you guys. 

I’ve talked a lot about how amazing this project is and all the changes. But today, I’m going to get into the hard parts. 

Guys. I am SO sore from doing hill sprints yesterday. Clearly a sign I need more sprinting in my life! My calves are donezo, and my hips are so sore! My achilles was bad this morning but it feels better now at least! I started my morning off with a spin class in my last pair of clean workout pants (hence the laundry).



I’d been dreaming about that fat, juicy orange since I saw it in the CSA box on Wednesday. The oranges we’ve gotten have been unreal, and this was no exception. I was a little too excited about it! Plus microwave scrambled eggs with manchego. Fancy cheese is life changing, and I need to stock up ASAP. 


I was totally at a loss for what to pack for lunch. Then, I opened the freezer and remembered I had this, all packed up and ready to go! I’m a genius. And I forgot how much I love this lunch. It’s just so perfect. I need to make more lunches like these!

After a 4 hour chem lab, I was hungry so I ate food. A lot of food. Which was really, really stupid given I only had an hour before Crossfit…I wavered a lot about whether or not to go, but we can’t un-sign up within 2 hours of the class, and I’m not really sure what happens if you skip…

But as giant snack part 1, I tried making tapioca in the microwave with nonfat milk and dates. It was a totally success-totally delicious (although I put too many dates in so it was a little sweetener than I would have liked!), and it may have overflowed a few times, but I still downed the whole bowl. 



I also had a ton of crackers with sunflower seed butter and fancy cheese (not together!). Which would have been just fine if I wasn’t about to work out and had just eaten my body weight in crackers and fats. And the workout today seemed particularly bad for these types of issues. 

But by some miracle, it was totally fine, and I felt ok, despite burpees on burpees on burpees, wall balls, kettle bell swings, jump ropes, etc. No clue how that’s even possible. But at this point in my life I’ve eaten some really junky things before workouts. (The worst in my memory is cake with a lot of frosting…) Stomach of steel?

Since I had snacked so late, I was on the fence about another meal, but I ended up making up for veggies at the dining hall with a big plate of food.


SO FULL right now…

And then I had to make some homemade chocolate to celebrate. I got my chem test back today and I did much better than expected, which made my life week. Totally necessary. And homemade chocolate game changer? After making it (while melty still), adding a splash of half and half. Amazing.


And I finally captured a picture of the beauty. Also, note the presence of a real, non plastic spoon. This girl did some dishes!

This is a good segway into today’s topic-the struggles I’m facing on the project. I’d be lying if I said I always felt good. Like right now-I feel pretty gross. Even with cutting out processed food, it’s definitely still possible to overeat or eat badly. And sometimes I just want a cookie, darn it! I’ve gone through various mental struggles with this project, but the current thing I’m hung up on is what will happen post-project. I’m well past the halfway point, and definitely thinking about the future. I feel like I’ve treated this as my saving grace-what was going to change my life and get my health back on track. And I had amazing progress so far-but lately I’ve been eating a little too much of the wrong things. I’ve eaten a ton of dates, which kind of puts the foundation of the changes into question-limiting sugar. I think I’m the kind of person who constantly needs new motivation and a new direction to stick with things, and I think it’s time to refocus to really bring this thing home. But seriously-given that I feel kind of gross now, I have to worry how I can manage to feel good post-project. All those cookies I’ve passed up-will I be able to continue to pass them up? Or will I be right back where I started? If nothing else, this project has changed my perspective. I would have to argue that one of the reasons behind obesity in this country is availability. There is delicious, sugary food all around me. It’s taken all this to pass it up. But without the support and backbone of this project, how would I be able to? How would anon be able to? Warm, melty chocolate chip cookie with cool, creamy ice cream. That’s what I’ve been dreaming of! 

And realistically, I’m not going to always remove myself from situations just to avoid foods. That’s crazy and I would have no social life, which definitely isn’t healthy. 

So I guess what I’m struggling with now is that if I’m not currently eating the best or progressing with all these fancy guidelines and motivation, how will I continue to progress post-project? That’s something I’ll be thinking about for the next week or so. While I try to lay off the dates. And saturated fat. Heh. 

What are your tips for avoiding treats at every corner?

Diet Assessment

How are your weeks going? I’m struggling with motivation to do an assignment that isn’t due until tomorrow night…it’s not hard, it just exists, as does my bed, which coincidentally, looks quite appealing. 

For my Nutrition class, we have to do a diet assessment. Today I tracked a “normal” day for me, and now I have to make a “healthy” and “unhealthy” day up and assess that. Today my eating was a little bit different than usual-you just have some days when you’re hungry, right? Plus this whole low sugar thing I’m doing leads to me eating a lot more fat, so there’s that. 

Upon waking up, I had a few pre-workout energy balls. On the schedule today was a 4 mile tempo run, with one of the inner miles at an 8:00 pace. Not to brag, but I kinda blew this one out of the water. My pace just to start-my easy pace-was much faster than the last few weeks. And when I hit the tempo mile? I had no trouble at all hitting my pace. I think I ended up running something like a 7:30 mile. Which means I really need to do another timed mile because I can clearly do a single mile a whole lot faster than 7:30…I ended up knocking 15 seconds off of my overall pace for the run (I’ve done this same run pretty much every week for a while). Which is awesome! Not so awesome-I felt something in my foot at the very end. It could have been cramping, but I’m a bit worried that my foot problems may be coming back. It’s always worse with a faster pace, so we shall see!


Breakfast was scrambled eggs in the microwave topped with goat gouda. Plus a really dry orange. And some of this:


My roommate made tapioca pudding in the slow cooker, and I’m a little bit obsessed. It’s just tapioca pearls, water, half and half, and dates, and it’s so creamy and amazing. I had like 4 bowls of this today. For some reason though, when it cooled it obtained an insanely jello-y and stiff texture. I’m pretty sure the half and half is what makes it amazing. But I had a LOT of fat today, and I felt a little bit off. And my diet assessment is probably a bit off as well!

Lunch was plan F. 



My original plan was a sweet potato with a turkey burger, salsa, and avocado. But the turkey burgers were too old. So I was going to crack an egg into the sweet potato. But guess what else was bad? The sweet potato. So I microwaved a bunch of kale, salsa, and an egg.

And so classily transferred it to a ziplock bag…


It’s not that I have an opposition to doing dishes-it’s that I have an opposition to doing dishes when I need to leave for class in 2 minutes. Oops. 

For snack a little later in the afternoon, I had more tapioca, a couple of dates, and a square of unsweetened chocolate with sunflower seed butter. Unsweetened chocolate+sunflower seed butter+date=heaven. 

I’m trying to incorporate more sprints/agilities into my routine once a week, and this afternoon was my opportunity to do it. I had hill sprints on the agenda, so I ran to the hill (~mile) and did 10 sprints up. It’s unfortunate that I had to do this on the same day as a run, but it kind of works since I’m supposed to be increasing my mileage since I’m technically officially in half training… The downside? My tendonitis is not good right now. And it did not like doing a second run. It would have been better if I had just done one long one-especially since it’s worse by the afternoon.

It’s totally my fault it’s bad right now though. I have not been taking care of it enough-last weekend I walked around in the super cold at night in flip flops, I’ve neglected to wear good shoes, I haven’t worn my extra heel inserts while running, and I haven’t been icing. The good news is at least it’s only one foot! But yeah…I need to get this taken care of before I really get into training. 

I had to pack dinner to meet up with my sorority. Luckily, I had leftovers from yesterday‘s sushi bowls!


But look what I made!


I also had some fresh fruit from our CSA box-orange and kiwi!

I had class at 7, and after class, I found myself hungry again. I snacked on more tapioca, an apple with sunflower seed butter and crackers, and after seeing people eat warm bread pudding with ice cream all evening, I decided to make some homemade chocolate. Which I have no excuse for not getting a picture of. It’s brown stuff-you get the idea!

That’s all I have for today-it’s currently raining so I’m happy I’m inside! I’m also trying to figure out how to fit tomorrow’s run in-I don’t really want to do it in the dark rain!

Do you typically eat similarly each day, or does it vary a lot?

WIAW-“If She’s Laughing it Can’t Be Good”

Hey guys! Happy Wednesday! I’m actually especially happy this Wednesday because by some miracle, I don’t have the 2 problem sets I normally have this week, OR a lab report. Which means my week basically ended after today’s midterm. In terms of the midterm-it didn’t make me physically ill, so I’ll take that as at least a decent sign! And as always, I’m linking up for What I Ate Wednesday!


Thanks to Jenn for hosting this weekly party!

Guys. I just want to say, I’m doing something crazy right now. Laundry. Go me! I had to push it until midterms were over, so now I have no excuses. And no underwear. Needless to say, it’s time! I’m just doing a single load though because that’s all I can force myself to fold in one night. Who needs darks, am I right??

But let’s talk about some food. And fitness.

Yesterday morning I did a track workout-10x400m repeats. Nothing crazy. I may have eaten a bit too much the day before and felt kind of sick during them, so I didn’t push them like crazy.

Breakfast was amazing, and a new favorite. Full fat, super high quality Greek yogurt, sunflower seed butter, and berry compote (frozen berries reduced down on the stove). Amazing. Just like PB&J!


I’m going to run through the food from the last couple of days in no particular order-I had some snack days, and not everything was captured or necessarily a full meal!


Brussels sprouts with butter and parmesan, and an apple. Yeah, doing tupperware dishes is on my post-midterm to-do list as well…


Cheese and crackers, and a blood orange. We got fancy cheese at our marathon Whole Foods expedition, and they certainly have not disappointed. These two are manchego and goat gouda. And crackers never tasted so good-for the last 2 weeks, the only snacks I had very sweet things, like fruit, yogurt, and nut butter!


More brussels, more parmesan. Eaten cold. In retrospect, they probably would have been better hot…

But the microwave was in use-I’ve been dying to try making oat pancakes for the longest time! And all I have is a microwave…

It’s kind of hard to evaluate how they turned out. They might have been really awesome on a griddle. Or with the oats actually ground up. The flavor was fine-lots of vanilla and slightly sweet! Oooo I bet they would have been awesome in a waffle maker…


In the microwave, they just didn’t quite solidify. The recipe was half a cup of extra thick rolled oats, half a cup of unsweetened apple sauce, an egg, vanilla, and a pinch of baking powder. I’ll have to try these again at home sometime! (Or sneak my batter into the dining hall…hmm).

I roasted some blueberries in the microwave for topping, plus some whipped butter.


Because sometimes you just want pancakes for dinner! I also bet these would have been even better with maple syrup-the butter kind of got to me for some reason! Mmmm or nut butter…moral of the story-microwave pancakes are hard to do!

Last night, I ended up going to the gym pretty late-as in, 10:30pm. I did an hour long spin workout-instead of a set playlist, I plugged in an hour long race playlist and just rode whatever felt right. As a spinner, I think these types of rides are especially important-figuring out what works with what, and just enjoying riding on my own an kicking my own butt. The only late night workouts I’ve done have been spin, and I actually really like it-I feel like I get extra adrenaline!


This morning, I was up bright and early to train quidditch. I always forget how much I enjoy it! And torturing them. We did a new conditioning today-and when I was explaining it, someone remarked “If she’s this happy, this can’t be good!” It was great-we really took it to the next level today with a tabata of thrusters and push ups. It’s amazing how fast these exercises get difficult when doing tabatas! My sister’s boyfriend was evening failing on the push ups by the end-and he regularly does push ups with her sitting on his back! Major success in my book 🙂 I think I’m going to do their leg workout myself this weekend. I haven’t actually done the full sequence, and I’m craving more intense workouts right now.


This pretty much sums up my morning-coffee and chemistry.


Lots of yogurt. Lots of sunflower seed butter. Lots of berries. Perfection.


Semi-homemade guacamole with carrots and the following crackers. For the guac, I just mashed an avocado with some fresh salsa.


Dinner after Crossfit tonight was a different one. We finally put some of our Whole Foods goods to use.

Roasted carrots.


And the crowning achievement-sushi bowls! My roommate suggested we try making sushi, and I suggested we just be lazy and throw it all into a bowl.


We threw some short grain brown rice in the rice cooker, and then mixed it with some rice vinegar for that sushi rice flavor. Plus some Nori (seaweed), toasted sesame seeds, steamed kale, avocado, cabbage, coconut amines, and tuna. The tuna was really good-we got some in a jar marinated with herbs and olive oil. I’m no usually a tuna person (I’ve lived with cats way too long to not associate it with cat food) but this was flavorful in all the right ways! Major win in my books! Plus-leftovers!

Also-I’m starting to really fall in love with running. Which is fabulous. My race was great. Aside from the result, it actually was fairly enjoyable. I didn’t feel like I was going to throw up until the last .5 miles, which was a huge improvement from my previous 5k where I felt really sick pretty much as soon as I took off…

But the biggest reason? I’m starting to feel fast again. I’m starting to feel like myself again. I’m freaking excited for tomorrow morning’s tempo run. I’m doing hill sprints later in the afternoon-can’t wait for those. I want to do sprints. I want to be fast.

These last few months of running (aka my whole “official” running career) have been sort of tough-I’ve improved so much, and definitely done distance I never imagined before, but the few extra pounds from my freshman year put a HUGE dent on my speed. Plus, my feet kind of hated me. To be honest, I credit my project for helping me find my love of running again-due to some miracle, my feet are cooperating and I cannot wait for my next long run. And to be honest, losing some weight is definitely helping. Heck, maybe that’s even why my feet are improving. But I have the desire to run-as an athlete, as a racer. I also think that with these continued diet changes, I could make leaps and bounds with my speed, which is exciting. Post-project, I’m not really sure what is going to happen. But for now, I’m going to roll with it.


(I really like this picture but I couldn’t come up with an excuse to include it…so here?)

What is your favorite pancake topping?


MIMM-Guacamole Sunday

Happy Monday! Today I will be linking up with the fabulous Katie for MIMM!



Today’s post will focus on all things guacamole-including my race!

I’ll back up to Saturday night-I went to a hall dinner for my dorm, and we went to a fabulous (and very dark) Mediterranean type of place. So here are so really poor quality pictures of my chicken shish kabob plate. But everything was delicious!


I went to bed an early as I could given it was a Saturday night and I live on a college campus. In the morning, I quickly scarfed down breakfast-a homemade granola bar.


Oats, banana, chia seeds, cocoa powder, coconut flour. For some reason this was less bland than when I made it last time!

This morning was one of the first times all winter that it rained. We’re in a drought-so who would have thought a race day would have gotten poured on? I was suited up in my best attempt at an intimidation outfit-all black. I was there to race! When we arrived, I picked up my bib and promptly headed into a coffeeshop to stay warm until the start. It was a really small race, so there was no issue arriving at the start at the last minute.


We used the coffeeshop as an opportunity for a dry photo opp. Because it’s not a race unless there are tons of pictures to prove it.


Then, I bundled back up to go to the starting line. I clearly chose the best day for shorts. But if I’m getting wet anyways, what does it matter?

My mom always likes to take awkward pictures of me stretching:


Also, I’m pretty sure I’m the least attractive person ever running. 


I decided to go out not stupidly on this race. My goal was to hit an 8:00 pace for the first 2 miles, and then turn it up as much as possible at the end, which would give me a PR. I hit the first mile around that, but as soon as I reached the turnaround point, I realized this was definitely not going to be a PR race-the rain and wind had picked up quite a bit, and I was running into a really strong headwind. I felt like I was pushing, but not really going anywhere. So I shifted my goals from PRing to racing. I felt really good for two miles, and not too badly like death at the end. I finished in 25:32, which was I think 4 seconds faster than my 5k in December. But I consider that a major win, given the weather conditions today. 

Even more marvelous? It really was a win! I got first place in my age group! There was supposed to be a fancy ceremony with a band and everything, but the weather did not permit that. Instead, I had to tough out the weather for about half an hour extra, but I couldn’t care less! I got my winner’s cup!


And then we rushed inside for some warm food and a change of clothes. Yay for a free race shirt! Bonus: it says “I earned my guacamole” on the back.


At Panera, my mom and I shared the tomato and feta soufflé (I just ate the insides out).


And I had turkey chili.


As for the Super Bowl, I watched the first half but to be honest, I wasn’t into it. I was rooting for the Broncos just because I don’t like the Seahawks, but I’m not really a fan of Payton Manning, so definitely not my favorite match up. I didn’t eat anything during the game, but here are the before and after snacks. 


We got goat gouda at Whole Foods the other day, and it’s so delicious! And bonus-I found crackers (Mary’s) that basically just have seeds and brown rice-score!

For after the game (or after I gave up watching), I had to have my guacamole-I earned it! I just mashed an avocado with some fresh salsa.


And ate it with some more crackers and carrots. 

Overall, a pretty darn good day! Sadly though, my Chemistry is most certainly not studied for Tuesday’s midterm….at all. I’m off to the library now-have a Marvelous day!

Favorite Super Bowl commercial?