Cancer – Fitness is Sweet A college student explores the world through health and fitness Thu, 28 Feb 2019 04:05:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Crush Cancer 2014 Sun, 19 Oct 2014 17:05:03 +0000 Read More]]> Saturday morning, I participated in an amazing fundraiser, and my first Crossfit competition-Crush Cancer! This event was held at Crossfits throughout the world to benefit Stand Up to Cancer, an my home box was hosting. (For more info, check out this post.)

So, Saturday morning I ate breakfast and drove up there.


It was so great to see so many people out there to support a great cause!


I was in the first heat, which I was really happy about. I was a little nervous, and I didn’t want to have to wait around to go!

Of course, it wouldn’t be an event if my mom didn’t take an awkward picture of me stretching…


The workout was 3 five minute chunks, with a minute in between each. Each round consisted of:

1 minute power cleans (65#)

1 minute shoulder to overhead (65#)

1 minute double unders

1 minute kb swings (16kg)

1 minute burpees


(The pictures of me warming up are less blurry.)

Here’s the breakdown for me-the power cleans were super light. The shoulder to over head would be a bit heavier especially after cleans. I had no idea how double unders would go because they are super hit or miss for me. KB swings would sort of be a rest because 16 has felt pretty light lately and they were just Russian swings (not overhead). Burpees would be….burpees. Blech.

Here’s how it went:


I ended up muscle cleaning the power cleans because it was light, which means I didn’t really jump it up. The first round, I started WAYYY too fast-I think I got 20 reps in the first 30 seconds and then realized I needed to slow the heck down because it was starting to gas me. I did push press for shoulder to overhead, and it definitely wasn’t light after the cleans.


Then it was on to jumprope, which I was grateful for because my shoulders were shot. To my surprise, the jump roping went really well. My double udders were cooperating and it turned out to be a non issue. Note-jump roping with rubber arms is a weird experience.



The kettle bell swings were pretty uneventful.


And the burpees were surprisingly good. Because the kettle bell swings were fairly light and I muscle cleaned in the first minute, my legs were actually pretty fresh so these actually felt good. Weird…


Round 2 was definitely the hardest round for me. I slowed it back quite a bit in an effort to not die. Rounds 2 and 3 were when I started having the problem that my grip was failing on the barbell movements and kettle bell swings.


And as I write this, I’m realizing how sore my forearms are now….lots and lots of cleans will do that! Plus kettle bell swings-those can be hard on grip too!

I think the last round felt better than the second, maybe because I was almost done! Grip was definitely worse though! It was awesome to have so many people cheering me on through the last round.

But man, I was happy to be done!


^Pure relief.

That was HARD. Definitely the hardest workout I’ve done in a LONG time. Competition push and normal push in workouts are 2 different things! WHEW. I finished with 336 reps!

After watching another wave compete, I headed home for lunch, homework help, and kitties.

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Lunch was pretty basic-taco salad with ground turkey and cheese.


Plus some fancy cheese and crackers on the side.

Then, I spent the entire afternoon working on CS homework. On the plus side, I’m really close I think!


I also did a little experimental baking-recipe to come soon!

I stayed for dinner before heading back to school-we ordered takeout from a fancy burger place. I got a wild salmon burger with sweet potato fries.


And I’ll leave you with some last cat pictures:





^He makes sure all my clothes come back to school furry.

And here I am! I stayed out too late coding (until I realized I couldn’t think straight and it was time for bed). I was planning on running this morning but brunch is about to open so that can wait!

What did you do this weekend?

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Crush Cancer Thu, 04 Sep 2014 20:14:10 +0000 Read More]]> Hey guys! I want to talk about something a little bit different today. My Crossfit box is putting on an amazing event called Crush Cancer.

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This event utilizes the great community of Crossfit to raise funds for an amazing cause. Cancer affects so many people’s lives. According to the American Cancer Society, over one million people in the United States alone get cancer every year. (Source.) Crush Cancer is a fundraiser in its 4th year that brings Crossfitters together to raise funds through a friendly competition. All funds raised go directly to Stand Up to Cancer, a charity that funds cancer research.

Crush Cancer was started by DogTown Crossfit 4 years ago, and this year gyms all around the world are participating. The WOD for the event offers scaled divisions as well as Rx (advanced) so everyone can participate. It is as follows:

3 rounds of 1 minute each exercise, with one minute rest between rounds of:


Shoulder to Overhead (65/95#)

Power Cleans

Kettlebell Swings (16/24#)

Double Unders

The event takes place in October, and if anyone is interesting in getting their gym involved, check out this page here.

If you are interesting in donating to an important cause, you can find my fundraising page here:

Remember, every little bit helps to fight this terrible disease!

Thank you!

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[Guest Post] Cancer and Fitness: Working it Out Sat, 04 May 2013 08:09:26 +0000 Read More]]> Hey guys! While I am in Yosemite, Melanie is going to take over! She reached out to me about the possibility of doing a guest post, and I jumped at the idea! So many people worldwide suffer from cancer, and anything that can help alleviate the suffering is worth paying attention to! It also speaks to the amazing benefits of exercise. Enjoy!

By Melanie Bowen

If you are a cancer patient, being as fit as possible is ideal. This is true even if
you feel you lack the energy to begin. In fact, exercise is particularly helpful for
cancer patients experiencing fatigue because it increases energy levels.

One common misconception about fitness is that exercise is not an option for
cancer patients. Doctors often still recommend that their patients do nothing but
get plenty of rest. This attitude has become deeply ingrained in the thinking
of most people. The reality is that exercise is very beneficial, even for cancer
patients. By following this outdated advice, those getting treatment for cancers
such as breast, colon and even rare forms of mesothelioma may be missing out
on some valuable benefits.

Where do I start?

It is imperative to gauge your current level of physical fitness. This also takes
into account where you stand in your cancer treatment. Talk to a physical
therapist at your hospital about your ideas. They are usually great at evaluating
your current physical condition and recommending something appropriate. You
should take an approach of moderate exercise because exercising too vigorously
can actually be counterproductive. Moderation ensures you get the benefits of
exercise without injuring yourself or hindering your recovery.

What are the benefits?

One benefit of exercise is that healthy body weight helps lower your risk of
developing infections, secondary cancers, and diabetes. You have all you can
handle right now with cancer. The last thing you need is to acquire an infection
because your immune system was weak from being sedentary.

Another great benefit of increased fitness is that you tend to be in a better
mood. This is because exercise increases brain chemicals called endorphins
that make you feel good. In turn, this will provide added motivation to continue
exercising. You will want to have that feeling again. Another great thing is that
this is a natural high — there is no risk of addiction as with prescription drugs and

Probably the biggest obstacle for most cancer patients sticking with exercise
is motivation. When you are sick, exercise is even harder to start than with a
healthy person. One way to motivate yourself is by listening to your favorite
music while exercising. Another is to find a friend or family member to exercise

with you. Whatever the case, be persistent and you will reap the many benefits of

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