review – Fitness is Sweet A college student explores the world through health and fitness Thu, 28 Feb 2019 04:05:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sun Cups Fri, 20 Dec 2013 03:27:12 +0000 Read More]]> Let me just preface this by saying that I’ve never done a product review on Fitness is Sweet, because I really believe in only talking about things for a reason. When Sun Cups reached out to me, I immediately agreed to do a review. Why? Because like so many others out there, I can’t eat nuts, and sunflower seed butter saved me. 

A little over a year ago, my skin inexplicably began breaking out terribly. I could not figure out what was happening, as my skin had always been clear. Fast forward about 6 months-I knew nuts were for some reason causing my skin to go crazy, but I was so addicted to peanut butter that my skin suffered. A few months later, I discovered sunflower seed butter, and it saved my skin. While I’m lucky not to have a dangerous reaction to nuts, my response to them are getting worse, and many are much worse off. I want to share Sun Cups with you all because they are such a great option for those who cannot have nuts-but for those that can, they are delicious and definitely worth having over a Reese’s. 


Sun Cups sent me these samples to review a few weeks ago, and they were a big hit in my house!


Lilly especially loved the box they came in! 

I was expecting the Sun Cups to be good, but what really blew me away was the quality of the chocolate. It was amazingly rich and creamy, and so, so smooth. 


We tasted milk sunflower butter, dark sunflower butter, dark mint, and milk caramel. Despite being a family of dark chocolate lovers, the milk sunflower butter stole our hearts. The milk chocolate complimented the sunflower seed butter so perfectly.



We were also impressed by how fresh the mint cup tasted. 

Just in general, everything tasted so fresh. Let’s just say these didn’t last long.



Besides the taste, one of the best things about these guys is the ingredient list.


No high fructose corn syrup, and no weird artificial sweeteners. Let’s compare to a Reese’s: one Reese’s cup has 10 grams of sugar, while one sunflower butter cup only has 7. That’s almost a teaspoon of a difference, in one candy!

I would definitely recommend Sun Cups-I haven’t seen these in stores much but you can order them on their website here. This would be the perfect gift for someone with a nut allergy, or even someone wanting a healthier treat. 

*Full disclosure-Sun Cups sent me samples to review, but all opinions are my own.

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