snack – Fitness is Sweet A college student explores the world through health and fitness Thu, 28 Feb 2019 04:05:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 It’s Another Edition Of…. Fri, 28 Feb 2014 06:15:31 +0000 Read More]]> Heyy! Happy Thursday/Friday/weekend depending on when you’re reading this! I really love Thursday evenings. It’s basically Friday for me so I had a really low key afternoon. ANYWAYS, that means it’s time for another edition of BLOGGING FROM THE LAUNDRY ROOM. Which really isn’t different from normal blogging so we’re gonna go with it.

Notable about Wednesday is that I ran in the rain. And I ate this little creation:


Under all that deliciousness is cottage cheese. Kind of a random combo, but easy to throw together! Also notable was my evening workout-I normally never go to the gym late at night, but I’ve gone a few times in the past couple of weeks. I’m proud of myself for actually sticking to it and going! I had wanted to go to Crossfit, but the workout was either movements I don’t like, or movements that might irritate my shoulder. It feels fine, but I did heavy lifts using it the day before and I didn’t want to push it! Instead, I did my own little workout. I worked on pull ups and the following:

30 sit ups, 21 kb swings and box jumps

30 sit ups, 18 kb swings and box jumps

etc. 15, 12, 9, 6, 3

I REALLY like this one! I actually did it once before, right when I was recovering from mono! Yeah, a little bit easier this time through! My abs are feeling it today too!

Last night I finished my Nutrition paper, and despite numerous distractions, I got a reasonable amount of sleep. I also got a reasonable amount of sugar in the form of doughnuts at our hall meeting, so I woke up drenched in sweat (TMI?) and very sluggish. Spin definitely perked me up!

Plus coffee and a delicious breakfast of egg and pesto gouda, plus a grapefruit.


(Here’s my beautiful title page. I blurred out the title because if I ever write a book, I’m totally using this! Kind of kidding…)


And yes, I did put chemical structures on there. 

Lunch was kind of random. I have some butternut squash soup, and I spruced it up a bit by adding a sundried tomato chicken sausage and creme fraiche. To be honest, the flavors didn’t meld but it was still tasty! Maybe if I cooked the sausage in with the soup.

Also-I’m officially done with Chem lab! Like, forever! Today was my last lab section, and we even got out a bit early. I hightailed it to the campus market to try and use up some meal plan dollars and got some awesome things! I’ve been wanting cereal to spice up my morning yogurt, and I found some that is puffed grain, with no sugar or weird ingredients! Plus some 85% chocolate, and lots of plasticware. Whatever meal plan dollars I have at the end of the quarter are going towards plasticware. In bulk.

I spent a little time decompressing from a crazy week with Netflix, and some new purchases. Grape kombucha and white cheddar black truffle popcorn.


Then I proceeded to begin the process of the grand room cleaning. So far I’m through my desk and am currently working on laundry. Hence why you will notice my dinner was eaten on a paper towel-I didn’t want to get food on my newly cleaned surface!

I was planning on going to a yoga class today, but apparently it was cancelled. I decided to not let that deter me-I need to be ready for race day on Saturday! So I grabbed my mat and headed outside in the dark. And don’t worry-I was just outside my window in our courtyard!


It. Was. Awesome. It hasn’t rained all day, and it’s been fairly warm lately. It was a bit windy, and very peaceful. I turned on my “Quick Yoga” playlist, and when that ran out, I turned on the “relaxing” Pandora station. I loved having my own practice. I felt strong and could do whatever I wanted! I actually made some decent progress on crow and didn’t fall flat on my face, thank goodness! I left feeling grounded and loose. When the weather warms up, this may need to be a nightly thing. Spring here is so nice, and a little nightly yoga sounds heavenly. 

Since I was expecting my yoga class to end after the dining halls closed, I had already bought myself a Mexican salad for dinner. This had some sparse beans and rice, and a cilantro dressing.


And more popcorn!

In other food news, I’m attempting to plan my meals for next week so I can go grocery shopping tomorrow. I’m thinking of something similar to my California Chop Salad, partly because I already have olives! I don’t think I’m getting enough veggies in the early parts of the day, so I’m planning on making a whole bunch of the salad minus dressing and pack it into ziplock bags for the week. Then, I can pour it into a bowl. Because my salads will not fit in tupperware!

While writing my paper on how sugar is toxic and eating doughnuts last night, I realized I’m totally addicted to sugar. I started tracking my adding sugar, and it’s a bit frightening. (Speaking of which-has anyone seen the proposed new Nutrition labels? I’m a fan! It’s time they added added sugar!) I think instead of going cold turkey, I’m going to try to schedule a bit into my day, likely in the form of a mid afternoon snack, since that’s when I always seem to want it! Thanks to herring about them on the blog world, I really want to try the new KIND grain bars! I love how KIND bars are low sugar, but thanks to my nut allergy, I can’t eat any of the normal bars! The new grain bars look delicious, and 4/5 of the flavors are nut free! Plus, they all have less than 10g of sugar, which is my general criteria for a bar. Now I just need to get my hands on some

What’s your favorite type of granola/protein bar?

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