mystery illness – Fitness is Sweet A college student explores the world through health and fitness Thu, 28 Feb 2019 04:05:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Over the Hump on Hump Day Thu, 16 Apr 2015 05:56:21 +0000 Read More]]> I finally have some positive news to share! I think my new medicine is working because I am FINALLY feeling much better! After still feeling bad Monday, I was really concerned about teaching spin on Tuesday. It was my first day of the class that is now my very own (aka I teach every week now!). My entire day was scheduled around trying to feel good. I went to AM Crossfit because strangely enough that settles my stomach…

We did 2 rounds, with a 5 minute rest in between, of:

250m row

15 kb swings (heavier than normal)

25 burpees

15 kb swings

250m row

I refueled from that with hard boiled eggs and mango. I felt good all morning, but the thing about my mystery illness is it can go from 0 to 60 pretty fast. I was wrapped up working on a homework problem, and suddenly I realized I was shaking and needed food IMMEDIATELY. So basically I always keep snacks on me now. The good news is I think I found a fairly safe lunch:


Butter lettuce (less intense than romaine)+grilled chicken a la Trader Joe’s+ vinaigrette+ a fruit bar with chia and flax seeds. And sometimes with some edamame crackers.

I left for spin pretty early to beat traffic and did some work in the car. After 1.5 luna bars, I was fueled up and ready to teach. I’m not kidding when I say Luna bars make up a significant part of my diet right now. Like 2 a day. But hey, if my body cooperates and they don’t fit my 5000 food restrictions, I’ll go for it!

Spin went really well! It was a small class, but a fun one. I took it a little easy on the bike, but for the most part my body cooperated and I was so, so grateful.

I really wanted sushi, so I popped in at Trader Joe’s for some quinoa and mushroom teriyaki sushi. It had a tiny bit of wheat, but technically I should be adding things back in slowly so I went for it.


At Trader Joe’s one of the only desserts I could find that fit my current eating style was brown rice crispy treats. Hey-I’ll take it! Dried persimmons are another favorite-YUM!

I think this illness has really been a wake up call that I need to start taking better care of myself. At this point, I think it’s really likely it was caused by overconsumption of Advil damaging my stomach. Hopefully the medicine continues to help, but in the meantime all I can do is continue to put quality foods in my body and hope it heals! But MAN I feel much better than this past weekend (knock on wood!)


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What’s Going On With Me Fri, 20 Feb 2015 22:02:23 +0000 Read More]]> First off, I’m currently suffering from major DC nostalgia. I looked through my pictures and I miss it so much! My friends and I are hoping to take a trip out there at some point!

Second-so what’s going on with me? Well, I seem to be feeling better. So far today, I haven’t really been nauseous, and I only really had one instance yesterday.

First off-I figured out exercise helps. A lot. Yesterday morning, I did my 6×600 track workout, and surprised myself by killing my paces! Uhm, what??

I rewarded myself with the best pancakes on campus.


Lunch after class:


Salad, flatbread rice.


Lemon coconut macaroon bars.

Not sure what was going on but I felt like death after lunch. Which was probably an appropriate time to go see the doctor right? One of the weird things about when I feel sick is that my heart rate is elevated-I think it measured a 100 bpm at the appointment, which isn’t super high in the scheme of things, but it’s normally much lower! The other thing? When I feel sick I can get kind of dizzy and shaky. I was really nervous because I had to get blood drawn, and I was by myself. Which was an issue because I’ve had some traumatic blood drawing experiences (not finding veins plus taking 16 vials instead of 3, getting blood dripped everywhere and a massive bruise from the ER when I had mono, getting stabbed in one arm, the other, and back to the first because they couldn’t find the vein), and I’ve developed a bit of a physical reaction to start shaking. For better or for worse, I was a little out of it. The guy drawing my blood was fantastic. One prick in, and I didn’t even feel it. I felt kind of weird when the blood was coming out just because I was light headed to start with, but then it was over and I was fine, and after sitting in the car for a bit I felt fine again.

The verdict? Blood tests were normal so the doctor thinks it is likely not an ulcer but the acid condition that causes an ulcer, I just don’t have a hole in the lining of my stomach. I have something to take that will hopefully help this. In the meantime, I have to avoid acidic foods and foods that tend to produce acid. I don’t know-maybe I can see a pattern with acid causing foods and the times I felt sick-maybe?

Looking back on it-I can see why this may have happened. Remember the first time I felt sick-from my coffee overdose? Up until that point, I had been drinking coffee almost everyday for 3 weeks, which is extremely high for me. On top of that, for a long time I was taking a lot of Advil to try to aggressively heal my foot. Guess what 2 common causes are of this? Yeah…I stopped both because I was worried I might be doing damage but I guess it was a little bit too late! Also, the irony that we are learning about the gastrointestinal system and ulcers in my physiology class right now is not lost on me…

So other food?

Dinner last night. I was worried I would feel sick after feeling bad that afternoon, but I actually spent the evening very hungry. Weird.


Curry chicken and naan, salad, barley.

This morning, I went to Crossfit. I waited until this morning to make the call because I wasn’t sure how I’d feel, but I woke up feeling ok and went for it. It was tough.

First: 10-1 deadlifts and pushups with a 10 minute cutoff. At 10 minutes: start Helen. Which is 3 rounds of 400m run, 21 kb swings, and 12 pull ups. The push ups were killer. This was a little rough for me because I was feeling a little light headed, so I took it a little slow and rested as necessary. I felt kind of gross afterwards, but by the time I got back, I was starving and craving eggs, which I took as a good sign given I’ve been doing a lot of bland carbs in the mornings for a while now!


This hit the spot, but I was basically hungry again before my first (and only) class. I made it through class before eating lunch at 11am. Judge me.


I played it safe with a frozen meal because I have a sorority thing tonight I need to be functional for. I also had a homemade granola bar. I recently found out that these deliciously amazing bars I’ve found at whole foods have essentially 3 ingredients: Earth Balance, brown rice syrup, and oats. Guess what 3 ingredients I happen to have on hand? So yeah, that definitely happened. Yum.

Also I had a piece of dark chocolate which is currently making my heart race a little. I guess I’ve gotten really sensitive to it since giving up caffeine-which is just as well sine chocolate isn’t supposed to be good for my stomach anyways! (According to the oh-so-credible Dr. Google.)

What is your favorite homemade granola or protein bar?

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Relief Thu, 19 Feb 2015 04:43:55 +0000 Read More]]> Whew guys. This past week has been absolutely crazy, and I’m enjoying a break from the storm, albeit brief. Right now, I’m just physically and emotionally exhausted. Between school stress, not feeling well, and stress over not feeling well, I’m mentally done. I spent all day Sunday, all day Monday, all day Tuesday, and all day today doing problem sets, studying, and prepping for a presentation. And I mean all. day.

I have a midterm next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, but for tonight, I am just going to relax. I’m getting increasingly frustrated with my mystery illness, but I’m glad I’m going to the doctor tomorrow. It’s especially frustrating because I have no idea what brings on the feelings of sickness. I went for a 3 mile run this morning. I wasn’t sure what effect it would have-I felt a little bad before the run, worse briefly, and then much, much better the rest of the run and the rest of the morning. I don’t get it.

One thing I am learning though is exactly how much my body needs to function. If I get hungry, I feel worse so I have emergency crackers and granola bars on hand at all times. That being said, if I eat too much, I also seem to feel worse…

On that depressing note, let’s talk about food. Food is nice.


I really wanted a whole wheat english muffin, but the dining hall was out so I went with 1.5 pieces of toast. 1 piece with earth balance, the other with sunflower seed butter and jelly.


Lunch was thrown together quickly-quinoa, spinach, mushrooms, nutritional yeast, and sunflower seeds.


A bar. It was pretty good, and I feel like there aren’t a lot of strawberry bars out there? Maybe it’s just me!


Dinner (with a side of studying). Salad, tilapia, dill carrots, and a spinach pastry. I also had a bowl of cereal for dessert.

So that’s my day. I promise to do a day in the life at some point soon, but I need to wait until things are a little less insane!

What did you eat today?

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