holiday sanity check – Fitness is Sweet A college student explores the world through health and fitness Thu, 28 Feb 2019 04:05:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Blogmas Day 11: Halfway Through the Holidays Sanity Check Sun, 11 Dec 2016 18:02:01 +0000 Read More]]> It’s December 11.

Take a deep breath.

We’re 2 weeks from Christmas. About halfway through the holiday season. Let’s check in.


This is a mental as well as a physical check in. Before Thanksgiving, I shared some ideas for feeling good through the holidays.

I want you to take a moment to check in with yourself. How do you feel? How are you doing? Be honest.

Is there anything you can change to be happier over the course of the next 2 weeks? Can you change your mindset if you’re not happy? It’s really easy to get caught up with stress and drama this time of year, but it’s also important to remember how magical this time of year can be as well. If you’re struggling, try to think about a few things you love this time of year. Even the grinch-iest of us must love something!

In the past, I’ve felt a lot of physical stress this time of year. Sometimes all the holiday food made me crazy, and left me feeling less than fabulous. First things first, it’s only a few weeks out of the year. In the scheme of things, that really doesn’t affect that much. Be kind to yourself.

If you can make a small adjustment to feel better, do it, but I really don’t recommend missing out on the best the season has to offer.


I <3 red champagne, and my dad’s photobombing. 

The week after Thanksgiving, I felt myself start to feel that stress again a little bit. I didn’t feel great, and I felt like I was wasting about time, causing further stress. In the past, I would often get antsy like this over winter break, but this year, I’m not going back to school, and back to my routine after December. I’m living at home for the long haul, so I knew I couldn’t just wait it out (especially because I hate feeling like I’m just waiting for the holidays to be over and not enjoying them). I knew I had to make a change then and there, or December turns into January turns into spring, and I’d still be unhappy.

I made a routine for myself. i started on some organizational projects around my room and the house that needed to be done. I definitely feel better when surrounded by a clean space. (More on those topics in a future Blogmas post.) I scheduled a set period of time to work on my online class. I started going to the library and packing a lunch. I’ve felt much better physically and mentally with that change, because I’ve gotten so much done in the past week while doing that, and what I have to take on feels a lot more manageable. I also made some social commitments. It’s easy to put yourself in a bubble, but at least for me, getting out and feeling social helps a lot.


In terms of consumption, I had been drinking a glass of something every night, plus desserts. That’s not something I normally do, and it’s not something that makes me feel good. I personally would rather save alcohol consumption for weekends or special occasions (sometimes you have reason to celebrate and a champagne toast is necessary) because I tend to feel puffy and sluggish the next day. That’s one adjustment I was able to make, and felt better as a result.

Now that I have a better routine, I’m not wishing away the days. During this potentially stressful period, I think it helps a lot to get organized (lists are fantastic) and to maintain some type of routine. Most humans don’t love change.

Above all though, try to cut yourself some slack and enjoy this time of year. I promise there’s still magic if you’re looking for it.

