Comments on: My Life as a Non-Athlete A college student explores the world through health and fitness Fri, 15 Feb 2019 12:28:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: astottler Mon, 16 Mar 2015 03:46:07 +0000 I agree-I recognize that I am an athlete, but there’ still some sort of mental block I have really connecting that! And I’ll definitely looking into your suggestions!

By: astottler Mon, 16 Mar 2015 03:45:02 +0000 I miss them too! And you are definitely right-when I was first considering stopping rowing, one of the biggest things that prevented me from leaving the team was the fact that I’d lose that “athlete” status. Then, I realized that was definitely not enough of a reason to commit myself to something so fully.

By: astottler Mon, 16 Mar 2015 03:43:03 +0000 You definitely are!

By: Rina Fri, 13 Mar 2015 02:45:59 +0000 You are still considered an athlete by pretty much any standard. You have goals to race and compete, and you train for them. As for dealing with being a non-athlete, being an athlete is more about mindset and behavior, not the fact that you belong to a certain team or row for a certain sport. Like I said, you have the mindset and training regimen of an athlete; hence you are an athlete.

I understand what you mean about the community of a team. It’s not the same practicing a sport on your own. Have you thought about looking up groups on I’ve found quite a few running groups that give me the same camaraderie of a team. Maybe you could find a rowing/running/CrossFitting group too.

By: Matt Thu, 12 Mar 2015 00:22:36 +0000 I was an athlete in high school too! I run lots of races, so I still consider myself in the game 🙂

By: Ashley @MilesonOats Wed, 11 Mar 2015 17:31:54 +0000 Isn’t reflection the best? I look back on my years of being a cheerleader in high school and college and feel like I didn’t even live that life. Strange right? I mentally feel like an athlete because of how hard I train in the gym and running, but without the title. It’s all about perspective, but I know what you mean about not having the official title or routine. Memories can beautiful and sad all at the same time. Great post lovely. Miss our chats.
