
WIAW-Meal Prep Edition

Happy WIAW! As always, a giant thanks to Jenn for hosting this weekly party!


Since starting 12 Days of Christmas, I haven’t gotten to talk about my day to day eats in a while, so let’s dive in, shall we?

The most exciting thing I did before returning to college? Meal prep! I wanted something veggie packed and easy to grab and go, so I made a TON of egg cups-they’re filled with egg, chopped kale or spinach, and cheese-some gouda, some parmesan. 




Post oven.

I also made one with cranberry sauce and turkey, if you’re wondering. 

I wanted quick grab and go sweet breakfasts as well, so I made mini versions with egg and blueberries, plus a little cinnamon. The most genius thing I did though was mix up some of my pumpkin starter with egg, and top with cinnamon cream cheese. YUM.


I also made a few with fig balsamic and goat cheese (the bottom ones).

I made an extra batch to freeze as well, since everything was already out! I used the pumpkin starter again but added blueberries.


I’ve also been eating a lot of leftover butternut squash soup, from Thanksgiving. SO GOOD. I top it with cranberry relish and creme fraiche.


Another use of leftovers? On my last night home, we used turkey to make quesadillas with jack cheese, spinach, and mushrooms.


My roommate is seriously the best. She brought back an entire crate of fruit from her trees at home, and it’s like 3 layers deep in persimmons. 


Obviously, those have been kind of a staple in my diet lately.


Additionally, the giant plate of asparagus at lunch has returned-I topped them with a fresh herb seasoning mixture, and then nutritional yeast. Plus my turkey egg cup.


And because I have to show you our holiday decorations:




This candy was outside our door, but it’s currently all gone!

And because I already miss him:


Have a great day!

Favorite holiday food?

Big Game

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a terrific weekend! I was busy, busy! 

Sunday morning, I went to Crossfit. The WOD was rough-it took me 46 minutes and involved lots of push ups, pull ups, and double unders. I actually did all 100 double unders! It was hard. And I have a bruised pinkie to show for it!

Immediately after Crossfit, I headed out to Big Game-the football game against our rivals. Image

It must have been my lucky day-I caught a free water bottle AND a free t-shirt!


Things started well when we scored a touchdown in the first 30 seconds or so. 


I ended up leaving at halftime-we won 63-13! It was great. I actually ran into some of my high school friends who now go to my rival school while I was biking around after the game-how crazy is that? It was great to catch up-it had been way too long!

Then, it was time for a mass packing and room cleaning. I had to take home an insane amount of stuff, especially given I’ll only be back for a week! Since finals are coming up, I had to take every single textbook. The number of shoes I brought back is embarassing as well-like 7 or 8 pairs, and I am almost positive I’ll wear them all. When you have Spin shoes, Crossfit shoes, workout shoes, running shoes, old running shoes for if it rains…etc. It adds up quickly. Getting everything to my car was an adventure to say the least. 

For my first meal home, we brought back food from a local restaurant, and I had huevos rancheros and a salad.


As well as a delicious pumpkin cookie with sticky toffee icing from my grandma.


The best part? I was reunited with this guy:


He sheds like crazy. I’m pretty much a ball of fur at this point. My dad picked up my turkey trot shirt from the expo, and it got all furry just from ME. Well worth it though. Want to know a lesser known about Aurora fact? I’m actually allergic to cats. I just put up with it because they are 100% worth it-but it’s amazing how fast allergies come back-it’s not something that ever even crosses my mind at school!

This morning I went to my home gym to go to one of my favorite spin classes. I did a bit of erging and ab work beforehand. The class was amazing. It’s so nice to have good bikes-it’s a completely different experience. I left the class feeling exhilarated. I have a new appreciation for spin classes now that I’ve been making my own!

After spin I spent way too long in Whole Foods, mostly buying granola bars and THIS. I could not resist.


Almond milk eggnog. Guys, this was seriously amazing. And so much less sugar than regular egg nog, but the flavor was still spot on. 

I also picked up lunch-an Asian chicken salad wrap and Thai carrot ginger soup for my mom and me.


Then, we did a little shopping-some Christmas decorations, some workout clothes, and some real people clothes-so basically it was great. 


This is going on my dorm door. My roommate and I may or may not be going crazy with the Christmas decorating this year. 

The mall was so festive! Santa is ALREADY doing pictures with kids. It seems ridiculous that this all is happening before Christmas, but I guess Thanksgiving is really late this year. 


For dinner, I had a teriyaki chicken bowl. I can’t remember the last time I had one of these!


We also may a trip to Starbucks for some berry coffeecake and a peppermint brownie cake pop. They’re good. Get one. They are more or less moist brownies with peppermint bark on the outside. Yum. And so pretty!


The rest of the evening has been spent planning 12 Days of Christmas. And cranberry bread is currently in the oven-we’re going to Napa tomorrow per our usual Thanksgiving tradition, so we’re baking it to take along. 

Throwback to Napa trip 4 years ago!


And here’s a question: What do I wear for a rainy race??

Fitness Thoughts Monday

Is Fitness Thoughts Monday a thing? I guess it’s going to be because I have a lot of fitness thoughts. 

I thought I was a lot less sore this morning. But when you have to pump yourself up to walk halfway across the room, maybe that’s not the case. Well, either way, I started the morning off with a timed mile. My legs felt fresh and incredibly sore at the same time-is that possible? My time was 24 seconds faster than my last timed mile (soon after mono), but about 40 s from my PR, but I didn’t feel dead at the end at all, which I think means I could have gone a lot faster. Actually, to be honest, I think that actually might be an attainable 5k pace. Maybe. With lots of adrenaline and fresh legs? 

I think I need to get used to running fast again and pushing myself. It’s a totally different mental game, and practice makes perfect! I think next time I would run without my Garmin, and just a stopwatch. Knowing my pace has the tendency to make me a little too complacent-I was already planning on running the race sans Garmin; knowing the pace shouldn’t help me-if I’m not dying I should be going faster! It’s as fast as I can go and that’s that. 

After my timed mile, I ran to total an hour of running. My feet started hurting a bit so I found a field and did some barefoot running. It was nice and wet-yuck! Anyways, after half a lap, my foot pain faded away. I ran for about 10 minutes shoeless, and my feet felt awesome. Even when I put my shoes back on, my feet felt better and I was going faster. I might start some runs without shoes just to get feel for proper running form-it’s definitely something I need to work on!

Some more fitness thoughts-I was starting to wonder if I’m lifting too much and it’s hindering my running. And then I realized that last Thursday I was thinking I was not lifting enough. Ohh what soreness will do to you. 

Also-today I was really missing rowing. I was looking at some of my rowing friends’ facebook pictures and it made me really miss that time! I miss my team, I miss being in amazing shape, I miss the water. Image

(I’m in the blue.)

I also miss my rowing body! To be fair though, I actually lost quite a bit of muscle in my legs because I didn’t lift much last fall. 

At the same time, today in Physics, I was sitting near one of my former teammates. I had slept a lot in the past few days, and was well rested and alert. She was nodding off the whole class. So there are definitely some parts I don’t miss!

I really do want to gain some of the rowing fitness I had last fall-I think it really did help my running, even if it was only because it increased my pain threshold. The most painful workout I’ve ever done is by far a 6k test. Yes, worse than hitting the wall in a half. A 6k test was an all out sprint on the erg…for about 24 minutes. I want to get serious about working more erging into my routine-it just hasn’t happened so far!

On another note, I actually finished my Crossfit workout in the fastest time all day. How did that happen?? To be fair-I can’t do real pull ups so I did them banded, and I can’t do handstand push ups so I did them off a box. But I did do the front squats at full weight! Image

(Old pic-I definitely did not do the WOD this heavy!)

One thing that is super frustrating to me right now is my weight. I’m very fit, but I know that the few extra pounds from where I want to be are preventing me from reaching some fitness goals. If I was where I want to be, I’m pretty sure I could do a pull up because I’m getting really close! And my running would be a lot faster too! And I’m a little worried about the upcoming holidays, to be perfectly honest. This all is part of why I made a meal plan for myself-I want to increase my fitness and strength while dropping some body fat. Which means fueling smart-the right things at the right times. For example, after my squat workout on Saturday, I didn’t refuel until at least 2 hours later, and I’m pretty sure that’s part of why I’ve been insanely sore. I stuck pretty closely to my plan today-with a few exceptions:


My roommate is the best. She went home over the weekend and brought these back from her trees. SO good.


I was 3 persimmons and half a Thinkthin bar off today’s plan, which I consider to be pretty good! I just regret the bar and persimmon #2 because they were a little close to Crossfit and gave me a little bit of a stomachache. My food isn’t terribly interesting right now-if I’m not a fan of dining hall food (it just is really boring), I might as well try to eat really clean for performance. But here are a few things of interest!


I’m not sure what I think of this. I guess I’m not a fan-it didn’t taste that spicy but just kind of made my throat burn! And while I do like Kevita, it has Stevia which I really don’t like, and leaves a weird aftertaste.

And my post-workout dinner: sundried tomato chicken sausage, green beans, and brown rice. 


Overall, I felt really good today about my food intake. It’s good to eat something besides dates! (I’m only sort of kidding about this. Plus I’m out of dates…)

You know what is interesting though? When I have my favorite dried fruits on hand (mango and dates), I’m not tempted at all by other sweets! And dried fruit doesn’t cause the same cravings that table sugar does, which is awesome. 

And yayy we’re only two weeks away from Thanksgiving! I can’t wait for the time off, plus kitty time!


Do you have any Thanksgiving plans?

My family always goes to Napa fro Thanksgiving, but this year we’re going the few days before so I can do a Turkey Trot! 

So…That Just Happened

What just happened? THIS.

(NOTE-that wasn’t my pace-it was displaying the fastest pace.)


I’ve been hinting to you guys that I wanted to get one last long run in before 5k training starts, but I purposely didn’t say the amount because I wasn’t sure how it would go, and I didn’t want to push through if something felt off. But let’s back up a tiny bit. 


Pre-run breakfast-eg, banana, cocoa powder. I couldn’t find my normal cocoa powder so I used the dark chocolate, which worked just fine. 

Then, I laid out my fueling-so much different than just my one packet of goo for a normal long run!


I wore my water belt, but I also carried a plastic pouch of water because I knew that wouldn’t be enough, and I didn’t think I’d have anywhere to fill it (although I did end up seeing a water fountain and public bathroom at mile 7.5-good to know!) I had so much to carry though!


I also brought my phone on this in case something went horribly wrong-it was a loop, so if I got hurt or anything, I would be far, far away from where I needed to be. 

I was planning on listening to my audiobook, but I decided to listen to just one song to get me started. But I was really enjoying the whole running to music thing, so I kind of cheated and just turned on my #werunsf race day playlist. Hey, I’m not going to be running a half for a very long time anyways! Since my route was a lot more interesting than the out and backs I do at the bay trail, the music served as the perfect amount of distraction. Plus, I was running near cars a lot, which makes my audiobook difficult to hear. 

The weather was perfect. The run route was really awesome too-I’ve biked this loop before so I knew what to expect. It took me past a pumpkin patch, many horse farms, a vineyard, a farm. There were also a ton of beautiful fall trees. 

This route definitely wasn’t flat though. There weren’t mountains, but I checked the elevation, and I think there were around 400 feet of gains. For the record-I would much rather run up these hills than bike them! The first 6 miles were uphill-slightly uphill, but fairly constant. I wasn’t worrying about pace at all, but my pace was concerning me a little in this part, just because if I kept that pace the whole way, it would take FOREVER. There was a trail/path off the road, but it had a TON of rolling hills because it followed the natural terrain and was much lower than the road, but every quarter mile or so would come back up to meet the road. I ended up running on the street quite a bit (FACING traffic-don’t worry!).

I really, really enjoyed it. I passed a million bikers, which was pretty cool. I think I had the dorkiest smile on my face. Especially around Mile 11-but that may have had something to do with the fact that it was pretty much downhill from there.


Check out this view at mile 11!

And what I just came down from. 


I loved this route because it was so varied, and I never got bored. 

But enough about the scenery. How did it feel?

My feet weren’t a non-issue. And this run really was a test for them to see if they would handle marathon training. I was able to manage them by focusing on running on a very particular part of my foot. And since I wasn’t trying to break any speed record, I’d stop as necessary to shake them out, which helped a ton. I also stretched as needed, which definitely helped. My left toe stopped hurting at the end, but I’m pretty sure that’s just because my legs starting getting super tired and I just lost track of my foot pain, because it really hurt after my run was finished. 

I realized around mile 1 that I didn’t even think about replenishing electrolytes. Whoops. None of my runs in the past were really long enough for this to be an issue, so I didn’t even think about it. During a long hill climb around mile 11, my hamstring started acting up a little (cramping), but I was able to stretch it out and carry on, although it’s a little sore today.

My biggest issue with this run? The distances didn’t quite work out, so I ended up running around my dorm area for the last mile/half mile or so. Which is the. worst. thing. ever. You can see the finish line, and you’re there, but you’re not there. Which stinks when your legs are DONE. 

As far as fueling goes, I tried the raspberry Cliff goo for the first time. I bought it when I wasn’t sure if I’d find chocolate for my race. First of all, I love Cliff goos for the ingredient list. It doesn’t have weird chemicals, so they goo just tastes like syrup, not like chemicals (like the one other brand I tried. Ick!) The raspberry was a little thinner, and maybe a little sweeter. Which normally wouldn’t be an issue, but I had a cold a week ago, and have a tiny bit of a lingering cough, especially when I eat sweet things. Add that to 10 miles of running, and you get a coughing fit while trying to eat a goo. I think the bikers thought I was crazy. It’s casual. 

I also understand why fruit is handed out on the marathon course. I would have killed for watermelon at mile 13.1 when I had to eat my bar. Next time! 

As soon as I finished, I threw on my compression socks. My calves were already getting sore!


At that point, I also would have killed for a smoothie. So I snuck into the dining hall as it was closing, and had an awesome post run breakfast. 


My legs actually did not feel bad after this. I’m a little sore today, but nothing crazy. It’s amazing how things have changed since I first started training for a half. After my first 10 miler, I could not walk. At all. Yesterday, I was fine. Although stairs still seemed a little intimidating. 

Also, while I wasn’t worrying about pace, I just stuck to what felt comfortable, I was still only a few seconds off the pace for my first ever 12 miler, which was waaaaay flatter than this hilly run. In this run, on flats, I often found myself in the 9:00s, 10, 12 miles into the run. Mile 15 was probably near a 10:00 pace, which used to be a huge push for me. 

So….my conclusion from this run? Could I run 10 more? I don’t know. Maybe with training. But I’m not going to be running a marathon in the near future. For one thing, it doesn’t really fit into my race schedule. I’m working on shorter distances until my warm up half marathon in April. I’m going to try to PR the Giant’s half marathon in the summer, since it’s a relatively flat course (for SF).


The timing would set me up pretty perfectly for a fall marathon. 

So we shall see!

For now though, I’m excited to focus on shorter distances and speed. I really, really need to do a timed mile, but I’m kind of dreading it because those are painful. I want to try to do some fast 5ks in January and February as well, you know, before I move into a faster age division! 

After my run, I had a retreat for my sorority. The best part? The girl whose house it was at had 3 cats. Heaven. 


For dinner, we ordered Thai food, which was really good! And after 16 miles…I may or may not have been a bottomless pit. 


I didn’t spend the night because I’m sleep deprived and drowning in work, so I ended up getting a solid 9.5 hours of sleep last night. Oh daylight savings time, you could not have come at a better time. 

Also, congrats to Meghan for finishing a full IRONMAN. That’s insane! I was definitely thinking about her on my run yesterday!

Should I run a marathon? Am I crazy? What’s your favorite post workout food?

Biscuits were salty and amazing yesterday. OMG.

Currently Pumped

Hey guys! Audrey tagged me in this survey and I thought it would tie nicely in to this weekend’s big event! My race!

First a couple of things-for some reason my Internet has been down off and on at home so if I don’t reply to your comments right away, that’s why! 

Also, I messed around with the look of my blog and in the end decided on a new header. Thoughts?


Current Book:


This is super interesting. It has random facts (some surprising) about exercise. It talks about HIIT training. While I’ve heard of HIIT, this goes in to some of the studies that prove that it works. It discusses one study: mice are made to swim for 3 hours straight. Then they rest for 45 minutes before swimming for another 3 hours. The scientists measure the changes in muscle fibers as a result of this endurance training. Another group of mice is made to swim for 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 14 times, with a weighted vest. This is a total of 4.5 minutes of work (vs. 6 hours). The muscles of both groups of mice showed the same changes, despite one group exercising for a fraction of the time. Crazy!

And can we take a second to appreciate a) a mouse’s ability to swim. 3 hours straight?? I couldn’t do that! and b) how cute a little weighted mouse vest would be.

Current music

Here’s a sneak peek of my race day playlist! It’s funny. I’m not a huge fan of pop in general, but I do like working out to it. I tried picking the most upbeat songs…ever. It’s going to be a long race!Image

Also, I’m slightly obsessed with Spanish music. Any time a Spanish song comes on anywhere, I know it. Spanish pop=awesome. 

Current Guilty Pleasure

Naps. Specifically naps with my cat. Since it’s summer and my schedule is pretty flexible, there’s absolutely no reason to be sleep deprived, even if I’m waking up super early for spin. Post-spin nap? Best thing ever. Image

Current nail color

None. For some reason it drives me crazy to have my finger nails painted. Toe nails are a different story, but I haven’t painted them since spring break…whoops. 

Current drink:

Water at the moment (I seriously can’t go 15 minutes without it…) but this morning a chocolate banana protein smoothie. Image1 banana, 1/2 cup almond milk, pinch of xantham gum, a little spinach, cocoa powder, chocolate protein powder, and LOTS of ice. Perfection. 

Current food

I have to admit, I’ve been slightly obsessed with Laughing Cow lately. It’s awesome in eggs, polenta, and my new favorite, with carrots. I can’t wait to try Audrey‘s idea-in a turkey burger!Image

Current TV show

My family and I don’t watch anything except Giant’s games on TV, but we have a ton of DVDs of TV shows. Our current obsession is Veronica Mars (which is a few years old). Something about a detective show mixed with high school drama is so addictive. This is also why I may have slacked on the blogging front lately…

Current wish list

Chobani’s new flavors! Specifically coconut! It’s so depressing. 

Also, a black kitten (like this guy I fell in love with yesterday).

ImageI was raised having only black cats, and I really miss them!

ImageThey have so much…personality. 


Current needs

See above?


Hmm I probably need some back to school clothes. Nothing I need that is too pressing at the moment. 

Current Indulgence

I’m going to go with a) mango logs-seriously SO good.

and b) dark chocolate.
I wouldn’t consider this in and of itself an indulgence, but it high quantities, then yes it is. High enough quantities to keep me up all night? Oops…It’s surprisingly high in caffeine….

Current blessing

That my calf is feeling pretty good for this weekend!

Current excitement

This weekend’s race! SO PUMPED. I get to go to the expo tomorrow to pick up my race packet! People keep telling me that the race will go by quickly, it’ll be over before I know it. Hah. I don’t believe that for one second. 13.1 miles is a lottt. But I guess for rowing, everyone said a 6k would be over fast, and it really was. Of course, that’s only like 25 minutes…

For this race, I had a goal pace in mind-I know I shouldn’t have since this is my first half but whatever. I trained with that pace in mind, and given how my last few long runs went, I probably would have made it. However, given the state of my calf, I need to back off the pace and go slowww. So goodbye pace goal, hello hope of walking within a few weeks of the race. Haha. I mean hey, I have another half in October, I can run fast then!

And with that, have a great Friday and weekend folks!

Have you ever run a half? Any last minute tips?